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1 Replies and 5860 Views Hi just a few questions  5860  1 Started by I'm a new member. I just have a few questions about everything. So as a GPAA member I can go on and prospect any of the properties listed correct Also what are the rules to using any of the properties. Can you use a highbanker on these properties
1 5860
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
12 Jan 2018 12:35 PM
2 Replies and 3646 Views Vulture Bait  3646  2 Started by Thank you for the info you posted on the Vulture Bait claim, very helpful. I'll be driving from Washington state in February 2018 and will be metal detecting Vulture Bait and camping on the claim. My question is; is the claim on BLM land or is it trust land or both 
2 3646
by  GEROLD PERSONETTJump to last post
11 Jan 2018 09:17 AM
1 Replies and 3636 Views LDMA sign up specials???  3636  1 Started by Hi Kevin, I received information about a special in the mail about getting a gold monster with 800 down towards a lifetime membership.  Does the LDMA offer any specials of the sort   Thanks, Mark from Maryland
1 3636
by  DOMINIC RICCIJump to last post
09 Nov 2017 04:03 PM
2 Replies and 8553 Views LDMA sign up specials???  8553  2 Started by Hi Kevin, I received information about a special in the mail about getting a gold monster with 800 down towards a lifetime membership.  Does the LDMA offer any specials of the sort   Thanks, Mark from Maryland
2 8553
by  DOMINIC RICCIJump to last post
09 Nov 2017 04:02 PM
2 Replies and 5977 Views Mining guide, inaccurate information  5977  2 Started by Where would I go to address and have corrected information in the mining guide
2 5977
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
04 Aug 2017 02:32 PM
6 Replies and 14826 Views for sale?  14826  6 Started by   Hello Kevin,   Is it possible to advertise for sale a lifetime membership in another Mining Association on the forum   George Kirby:
6 14826
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
17 Jul 2017 06:06 PM
21 Replies and 23416 Views 2017 outings  23416  21 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Why is it so damn hard to find a schedule for the outings at LDMA camps Even internet search brings up NOTHING.  Why have an outings page, or events page if the damn thing never gets posted. With all the GPAA and LDMA staff, things like this should get posted. NO EXCUSE.  Even on the LDMA facebook page, no mention of the outing. Nothing in the LDMA page on here. Really getting fed up. 
21 23416
by  DOMINIC RICCIJump to last post
13 Jun 2017 04:48 PM
6 Replies and 6818 Views hey Kevin, Hypothetically Speaking...what to look for in leasing.  6818  6 Started by Hey Kevin I got a few questions for you (or any Official GPAA source)  The east Coast has not seen any Claim addition Love in the 4 years I have been a member.  Last time I brought this to the attention to the powers that be I was talked into giving another year of membership because there were 'big changes' coming including a Claim Search and tool kits for US...the paying bring in more leased claims.   Whereas I really love the new Digital Claim listing/search...
6 6818
by  Roy GreenhalghJump to last post
03 May 2017 04:02 PM
0 Replies and 3183 Views Gold Monster 1000  3183  0 Started by Hi Kevin, I read your article about field testing the new Gold Monster. Great review. I have a couple of questions for you. 1.  You mentioned you didn't care for the headphone the come wit h the unit. What head phone would you recommend 2.  You also mentioned the Minelab Pro Sonic Wireless rig. At $269.00 that's a little steep. I did some looking and saw the Deteknix W3 Pro that has a 3.5 mm plug. At $150.00 that seems like a steal. Do you know if this unit would be compatible with ...
0 3183
29 Apr 2017 05:49 AM
2 Replies and 5750 Views Permit question  5750  2 Started by I am a returning member to GPAA after several year of being gone. I revived my GPAA mining guide last week and after reading a few pages I found I had 2 questions. 1) on page MG-3 it says I need to have with me A GPAA prospecting permit, mining guide book and GPAA membership card. I have the book and membership card. Where do I get the GPAA prospecting permit All I plan to do in CA is pan and metal detecting. 2) am I allowed to stay over night camping at the clam on the weekends. Frida...
2 5750
by  john healyJump to last post
19 Apr 2017 01:45 PM
4 Replies and 6390 Views rocker box in CA  6390  4 Started by i have been out of the mining and prospecting for a few years and i am getting back into it.  i know in CA dredging is not allowed. my question, is a rocker box with a water source feeding the top of the box allowed in CA if a rocker box is allowed in CA then what set-up bellow would be allowed. this would be set-up wit the output pouring back into the stream. (set-up 1) this would be set-up with the output pouring into a settling pond next to the stream. (set-up 2)  the rocker...
4 6390
by  john healyJump to last post
15 Apr 2017 10:08 AM
5 Replies and 6672 Views Possibilty of a MD/prospecting form  6672  5 Started by As per a thread in Relic Hunting, the subject of a form for property owners and users for permission.  Would have to include some kind of liability waiver for the owner, as well as giving permission to MD or prospect/sample.  Would not have to have GPAA/LDMA on it anywhere.  Just a thought to persue.
5 6672
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
03 Apr 2017 01:32 PM
4 Replies and 9095 Views Old Hydraulic Mines and Locations  9095  4 Started by I have had interest in trying my luck prospecting and sampling areas where old hydraulic operations worked.  What is the best way to find out or what resources are available to determine where these operations took place in certain states  I would hope to be able to stake my own claim at some point if I find promising results.  I know about the LR2000 but have not used it...would this program help me figure out where hydraulic mining was done  Thanks for any info!   &n...
4 9095
by  Mark RomanoJump to last post
26 Mar 2017 04:04 PM
2 Replies and 7725 Views Why does non of the camps come on here  7725  2 Started by I was just wonering why the camp managers do not come on here and tell what they have for there camps ,and activities they have going on .I here different stuff from people about gold nuggets being given away and other stuff ,and no one comes on here and tells us who do not use facebook .We as many are being left behind on many things .WHY.Some of us old timers want to know why.
2 7725
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
10 Mar 2017 05:44 PM
3 Replies and 6549 Views Solar panels to run a bilge pump for prospecting?  6549  3 Started by I am curious about using solar panel to run my 1500 GPH bilge pump for my recirc system. Any suggestions Batteries can be very heavy and cumbersome to trek into remote areas of Arizona. I am curious if you have any suggestions about the size/wattage for solar panels. It is a 12v 8 amp (12 amp internally fused) bilge pump.
3 6549
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
05 Mar 2017 07:53 AM
2 Replies and 6889 Views Getting maps of claims  6889  2 Started by So is there any where or way to get ahold of claim boundaries in areas where one would want to stake a claim. I've checked out the blm 2000 thing and can find the claims in the section and the corners of that section. So from there how does one know where the claims are so they don't stake on top or over lap another. Lots of places I've been I haven't seen or been able to find claim markers. Thanks Kris
2 6889
by  Kristophor TimmonsJump to last post
23 Jan 2017 06:46 PM
9 Replies and 9163 Views how do we get more proporties?  9163  9 Started by hey Kevin, I know new properties / claims  get introduced to the GPAA every so often, How do we get more in an area I live up in northern Nevada, famous rye patch area, home to large commercial gold mining companies, multiple gold bearing counties all crammed together.. how could we get the gpaa to seek more claims in the area   I know you have been in the area a few times out rye patch and the temple1 gpaa claim ( surprised the gpaa doesn't have a claim in...
9 9163
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
06 Jan 2017 12:19 PM
1 Replies and 6667 Views NPDES Public Meetings Concerning California Dredging Jan Feb 2017  6667  1 Started by The following letter was received within the last few days and addresses suction dredging in the state of California, It is time to 'go all in'! There are many sections to the included link and it is very important to read all of the 'HOT NEWS' sections including the FAQ pages. These are public meetings that we as prospectors need to attended and there is a date for written replies as well. Professionalism and respect should be maintained at all times in these meetings if you are attending ...
1 6667
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
11 Dec 2016 10:53 AM
2 Replies and 5670 Views startin a new chapter  5670  2 Started by I live in western NY Near Buffalo, there is no GPAA chapter near here yet I have found people who prospect and do not know what rights they have or what they are limited to. I personally have a hard time getting a consistent answer to what can and can not be done. I would like to have a representation for prospectors in my corner of New York. what can I do to get this all started with legal / state representation and a GPAA recognized group
2 5670
by  Robert DippoldJump to last post
25 Nov 2016 10:24 AM
3 Replies and 6770 Views no makers on ldma sites in nevada or co leadvill co  6770  3 Started by   and no online guide come on! and book 2 guides in 13 years .why not ever year on a sd card. as the books fall a part very fast.. sd card very low cost and as far as you show it sucks  
3 6770
by  STEVE STONEJump to last post
15 Nov 2016 05:54 PM
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