Last Post 08 May 2020 05:29 PM by  William Hall
 1 Replies
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Sean Flanagan

08 May 2020 04:14 PM
    N Au bie here. Looking forward to my membership. Might have to invest in a speed reading course to get through all the materials.

    Got my starter kit and was surprised to see Malakoff Diggins, a State Park on the list of properties listed (online but not in the printed guide) as a claim. I searched the forums using "Malakoff" as my search term but found nothing so: How is that possible? Do GPAA members have some exclusive rights that differ from the general public? Can you prospect using more the a hand and a pan (the normal limitations on state properties)? Didn't see any do's/don't's in prospecting section online either.

    Any direction here would be helpful as it shows as my nearest property. (There are closer properties in the guide but a forum topic i read suggested if it is not online , the claim has been released. True?) I was hoping membership would answer questions. Seems it creating more.

    Thank you for your time and the GPAA

    Lincoln, Ca
    William Hall

    08 May 2020 05:29 PM

    Malakoff Diggins is not listed as a claim, yes it's listed online
    Listed as a state park, a place of interest
    No you will not be allowed to prospect in the park, but I sure would love to swing a detector out there
    Claims come and go over time for various reasons, the best place to get up to date info on claims would be to call the office

