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2 Replies and 10137 Views LDMA Athens Camp Dig & Open House  10137  2 Started by -      LDMA Athens Camp  - Athens, MI Dig & Open House Inviting LDMA & GPAA Members and the Neighbors of the Village of Athens   -      September 19 – 21, 2017 -   Come and learn from experienced Prospectors how to find Gold from old to modern techniques!   There will be a 2-two Day Common Dig (Gold Split on Sunday) and Daily Demonstrations Daily Demonstrations Include: Panning Techniques Highba...
2 10137
by  DOMINIC RICCIJump to last post
06 Sep 2017 12:05 PM
20 Replies and 41332 Views LDMA Blue Bucket 2017 National Outing  41332  20 Started by
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AUG18 The Official Summer Outing at Blue Bucket 2017 Public  · Hosted by Gold Prospectors Association of America and Lost Dutchman's Mining Association Aug 18 -22 This outing will be at the LDMA Blue Bucket Camp near Huntington Oregon. Pricing (per participant): LDMA members - $60, GPAA members - $100, non-members - $200 (includes 2 year membership in GPAA) Particiipants are encouraged to invite friends and family to join them at the outing...
20 41332
by  BILL BARTRAMJump to last post
07 Aug 2017 06:41 PM
3 Replies and 8695 Views LDMA Vein Mtn Camp- Dredge Camp!  8695  3 Started by Sept 13-17 The Official Dredgers Camp Hosted at Vein Mountain, NC Public  · Hosted by Lost Dutchman's Mining Association Dredging will take place off Camp Property at a 'Mystery' Location! Lost Dutchman’s Mining Association is hosting a Gold Prospectors Dredgers Camp. Be part of a very special elite group of prospectors. Revel in the intense hands on training, all while gaining knowledge and building memories that will last you a lifetime. You will Get Wet! ...
3 8695
by  E. JIM/PAM HANEYJump to last post
23 Jul 2017 02:11 PM
1 Replies and 6114 Views The Official Metal Detecting Training & Renegade Hunt - Hosted at LDMA Duisenburg Camp  6114  1 Started by   For more information and to register...... CALL 800-551-9707 September 30, 2017 (Saturday) Metal Detecting Training: Learn to …. Swing it & Find it! - Basic instructions on how and why YOUR detector works - Understanding the 4 basic functions for complete success (Threshold/sensitivity/ground balance/keeping your head in the hunt.  - How to super tune your detector matching your detector to the ground - Coil and detector management slow and s...
1 6114
by  DOMINIC RICCIJump to last post
12 Jul 2017 09:57 AM
4 Replies and 8004 Views NATIONAL OUTING - Vein Mountain, NC 2017  8004  4 Started by  Common Dig where all participants will walk away with GOLD! This outing will be hosted at the LDMA Vein Mountain Camp in Nebo, North Carolina. Pricing (per participant): LDMA members - $60, GPAA members - $100, non-members - $200 (includes 2 year membership in GPAA) Particiipants are encouraged to invite friends and family to join them at the outing; however, only paid participants can be a part of outing activities, i.e. classes, seminars, hands-on training, etc. For more info...
4 8004
by  DOMINIC RICCIJump to last post
12 Jul 2017 09:26 AM
0 Replies and 4348 Views NATIONAL OUTING - Duisenburg, CA 2017  4348  0 Started by  Common Dig where all participants will walk away with GOLD! This outing will be hosted at the LDMA Duisenburg Camp in Southern California. Pricing (per participant): LDMA members - $60, GPAA members - $100, non-members - $200 (includes 2 year membership in GPAA) Participants are encouraged to invite friends and family to join them at the outing; however, only paid participants can be a part of outing activities, i.e. classes, seminars, hands-on training, etc. For more informati...
0 4348
13 Jun 2017 04:46 PM
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