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50 Replies and 75853 Views New Items    75853  50 Started by
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Feel free to add any of your essential tool(s) list that you think we should carry in the store. We are looking to beef up our inventory and get everyone more of the tools and products they need to bring home the gold!
50 75853
by  donald glaszczakJump to last post
02 Dec 2024 10:15 PM
8 Replies and 6220 Views Let other members know when and where you're going prospecting.  6220  8 Started by Today I went out to the Maricopa group claims detecting. I ended up having a dead battery when I was getting ready to go. I was on the AzAu2 claim and barely any cell phone reception. I was able to call Bill Southern and he made sure that the right people knew my predicament. I started getting calls from other gpaa members asking where I was. I finally was able to get out of the claims with the help of Randy Brite. He knew exactly where I was and rescued me. I'm glad my wife and I joined such an...
8 6220
by  ROBERT MARTINEZJump to last post
08 Mar 2025 10:21 AM
25 Replies and 13745 Views GMT  13745  25 Started by
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I recently purchased a Whites GMT. It came with the 6'x9' Double D coil and a 8'x14' Sierra Gold Max coil. I took it out to the gpaa claims in the Morristown area. Towards the end of my testing and it was getting hot. I put the big coil on. I got up on this hill overlooking a wash and started detecting. I got this positive zip zip sound. I scraped the loose gravel with my boot and still got a good signal. I scraped down another 2-2 1/2' and found a .04 gram flake of lead. I wish now I had starte...
25 13745
by  ROBERT MARTINEZJump to last post
22 Feb 2025 09:42 PM
0 Replies and 97 Views Coil covers  97  0 Started by I have black tape helping keep out dirt between my coil cover and search coil on my Gold Bug Pro. I kept losing my threshold sound while my 1/4' jack was plugged in so I used a different set of headphones in the 1/8' jack and the same thing would happen. I thought it was because my cell phone was too close to the detector. I noticed that at a higher threshold setting the sound would always stay constant. It was almost like the headphone jack had a short in it. I was prepared to tear down my dete...
0 97
17 Feb 2025 10:56 AM
6 Replies and 424 Views Careful what clothes you wear to the claims  424  6 Started by I recently saw a young lady out at the claims wearing a very nice shirt and hat. It had bright pink and white colors scattered on the shoulders and the hat had the same style. She kept brushing aside a very curious bee that was drawn to the colors. So if you're allergic to bee stings, try not to wear bee attracting color patterns because bees are very hungry in the desert and cell phone coverage isn't very good in the claims of you need help. Hope this helps. Enjoy prospecting.
6 424
by  Ernie EspinozaJump to last post
16 Feb 2025 11:04 PM
5 Replies and 15558 Views Floating very fine gold Recovery  15558  5 Started by It's very hard to recover fine gold or flour gold maybe I can help with issue. Some times gold floats due to clays oils from vegetation. don't worry buy an inflatable kids pool and fill your bucket full of water and let the clays and dirty water wash your gold out of the bucket into the pool by swirling the matirieal around with your hand and tilt the bucket so that the gold washes out. then use my method in this link with a pump to recover it
5 15558
by  Billyray JonesJump to last post
08 Dec 2024 11:33 AM
6 Replies and 9229 Views Arizona desert prospecting  9229  6 Started by Anyone have any tips or tricks to find a little gold in the desert. I have been working the claims in the little San Diego area and haven’t found a thing. Was hoping to purchase a dry washer at some point but until I can find a little color I think I will hold off on that. Been working the smaller washes, sides of the washes, and in between the washes. I guess I don’t know we’re to look. Thanks for any tips Stan
6 9229
by  Earl ColvinJump to last post
30 Nov 2024 10:23 PM
3 Replies and 2443 Views Classifier for 2 gal buckets  2443  3 Started by Yes, we all have 5 gal buckets and a lot of classifiers in different mesh sizes that perfectly fit on said buckets. However, I quickly learned to stop filling the buckets with 5 gal of material if I have to lug it from the bench to the sluice in the river about 40' away, many times that day. So, we decided to only fill it 1/2 way, makes sense. Well, I already have several 2 gallon buckets that would be a lot easier to pack in to some of the claims as well as once it's full, that's enough mate...
3 2443
by  Dave BarenbruggeJump to last post
28 Sep 2024 11:13 AM
17 Replies and 4384 Views Prospecting in Maryland and Virginia  4384  17 Started by Hello everyone. I am new to the gold world. I got gold fever and bad, lol. I currently buy paydirt, but I want to get out in the field and get some gold myself. Im wondering if anyone knows any places in Maryland or Virginia I know the club shows 1 in MD, but does anyone know places besides that area Also, does anyone in Maryland want to go out and prospect together I would love to have a prospecting partner as I don't know anyone who does this. I would like to make new gold friends.
17 4384
by  Vickie MooreJump to last post
03 Sep 2024 07:57 PM
6 Replies and 7792 Views Bad Prospecting Ethics  7792  6 Started by I was working the Placer Creek claim in New Mexico yesterday and came across this area where someone had dug along and beneath the Forest Service trail that accesses the claim from Hopewell Lake.  This is along Forest Road 356A.  Not only does this conflict with the standard guidelines of not digging into stream banks ~ one of the conditions the Forest Service is clear about when obtaining authorization to prospect on this claim ~ it's pretty stupid and disrespectful to cause damage to...
6 7792
by  Olli RitaJump to last post
16 Aug 2024 01:01 PM
4 Replies and 8458 Views Paydirt ?  8458  4 Started by Can anyone recommend a company where you get something smaller than dust for gold Of the companies, Alaska included nothing but gold so fine, impossible to capture, just either washes out or disappears. Help.
4 8458
by  Steven VictorJump to last post
22 Apr 2024 06:39 PM
8 Replies and 15664 Views CRAMPS - HOW TO ELIMINATE LEG CRAMPS  15664  8 Started by I am 53 years old and I dig harder than ever. After a day in the desert Drywashing a guy can get some really bad CRAMPS in the legs, arms, hands, back, and neck. Well I travel about 100 miles each way to my desert GPAA claims and when I drive home there is always some stop and go traffic and that can be a real pain in the butt having to be on the brake on again and off again getting through traffic. that's when the LEG CRAMPS and FOOT CRAMPS kick in BAD!!!! In many cases I have had to pull o...
8 15664
by  Craig CrockettJump to last post
13 Mar 2024 07:11 PM
8 Replies and 15032 Views Gold cube water recirculating set up  15032  8 Started by Looking for some ideas/ other peoples set up for the cube just got one this summer
8 15032
by  Sean BushJump to last post
24 Oct 2023 10:39 AM
5 Replies and 6103 Views Gold cube  6103  5 Started by I have been looking around for a while and I can't find a 110v option for a submersible for the gold cube. In theory I can just go to harbor freight or something and get an 1100 gph pump right Any tips would be appreciated. Jordan
5 6103
by  Kevin SingelJump to last post
25 Jul 2023 12:48 AM
20 Replies and 35464 Views Finding gold in a stream with balloons  35464  20 Started by
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Next time you're at Wally World add these items to your list.   Children's balloons, fishing line/string or twine & split shot lead sinkers. (Less than $5.00 total, and it will probably last you all season.) Find a spot in the creek where you want setup equipment then go up stream a bit. (Anywhere from 50' to a 50 yards depending on the stream.) Take about 3ft. of twine string fishing line. Stay away fro ribbon, it floats. (Actually you want about 1 1/2' longer than the stream is dee...
20 35464
by  Scott RandallJump to last post
13 Jul 2023 09:16 PM
0 Replies and 2828 Views HUSKER 1 Prospecting in SD  2828  0 Started by I've had some success in Gold prospecting in the Eastern States but very new to the West. I'm getting a chance to prospect Husker 1 property in SD. and would like some guidance if possible on finding good Gold. Thank you Jeff
0 2828
15 Jun 2023 09:37 PM
6 Replies and 10886 Views Fine stream gold extraction  10886  6 Started by I found a decent amount of fine gold caught up in sand in a stream. I just got a blue bowl but cannot get the gold to settle properly. It keeps going over the edge of the center hole. My partner made a jig out of pvc but still needs work on getting it to work good. What is the best way to refine the fine gold out of the river sand Help is appreciated....thank you much. Michael
6 10886
by  Mark BlinderJump to last post
09 Jun 2023 09:30 AM
0 Replies and 3725 Views Today in GOLD History 12/5/2022 - GOLD IN CA!!!  3725  0 Started by President James K. Polk, at the end of a year of fantastical rumors of riches in the Sierra Nevada, ignited the California Gold Rush with his State of the Union address on this day in history, Dec. 5, 1848. 'The accounts of abundance of gold are of such an extraordinary character as would scarcely command belief were they not corroborated by the authentic reports of officers in the public service,' Polk told both houses of Congress. 'The explorations already made warrant the beli...
0 3725
05 Dec 2022 06:50 PM
1 Replies and 8204 Views Holcomb Gold Coordinates Off in Mining Guide  8204  1 Started by Hello all, Can anyone tell me all the coordinates for big bear Holcomb Gold We would need Ingress,Center ,S,E,W,N coordinates for boundaries as well. Apparently, the coordinates in the mining guide are incorrect and don't know if the website has updated them. Charles jojola added some in there awhile back but it would be nice to have admins confirm the coordinates as revised. Thanks guys, Jerry the mining Monkey
1 8204
by  Susan BirrellJump to last post
10 Jun 2022 02:56 AM
34 Replies and 56693 Views Crushing Quartz  56693  34 Started by
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Saw an interesting Youtube video a bit ago. Guy took a lemon sized smooth quartz stone from a gold bearing river and crushed It using a steel mallet and t-shirt. As he broke it up, he checked for gold veins and found none, but panned out the crushed rock and found what appeared to be nearly 0.5 grams of nice gold flakes. Anyone else ever tried that with good results
34 56693
by  Douglas MewisJump to last post
04 Jan 2022 04:52 PM
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