0 Replies and 2528 Views
River Detecting for Gold Nuggets 2528 0
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/qnhV_jK72AI Click and Paste to watch Gold Prospector's Jeff ( Smithsgold ) and Gary ( Two Toes ) Head to the Hills in search... of rare Gold Nuggets. Watch and see who gets the most Gold and the Biggest Nugget. SG 010 Thanks for watching Jef
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2528 |
10 Sep 2019 01:54 PM |
16 Replies and 6445 Views
Prospecting 6445 16
Started by donland1@aol.com
I'm looking for claim-friendly location(s) to test a new magnetometer system that I developed to map now-buried former stream courses by sensing and mapping... black magnetite sand deposits close to stream locations historically known to have produced significant gold. Help with digging these potentially rewarding locations also wanted. My involvement would be totally at my expense. (TopoMag project.
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6445 |
by DONALD LAND  06 Sep 2019 10:07 AM |
6 Replies and 4857 Views
Recovering Fine Gold with a Gold Pan 4857 6
Started by gmiller@goldprospectors.org
There are a lot of great clean up devices on the market that do an amazing job separating black sand from gold, but does anyone have any tips for recovering... fine gold with only a gold pa
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4857 |
by JEFF W HIGGERSON  03 Sep 2019 09:50 PM |
2 Replies and 7204 Views
Nuggets, Pickers and Flakes? 7204 2
Started by y.jaron@gmail.com
Hi there fellow prospectors, it’s always been an ongoing debate. Is it a Nugget, picker or a flake I wanted to know your insight on how different sizes... of gold is classified in your mind. I’m interested to hear everyone’s opinion, so let me know what you think
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7204 |
by William Hall  30 Aug 2019 06:45 PM |
3 Replies and 5007 Views
Cleaning gold! 5007 3
Started by y.jaron@gmail.com
Im looking for the safest but most effective way to clean iron/rust staining off gold without damaging the gold surface or any quartz attached Also if... it is worth doing so, or is it taking away too much of the natural look of the piece If anyone has any techniques or insight that they would be willing to share it would be greatly appreciated. Thank yo
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5007 |
by William Hall  30 Aug 2019 06:42 PM |
18 Replies and 7366 Views
Be Advised: USGOLDMAPS.COM 7366 18
Started by realbillmccoy@gmail.com
Just a friendly public service announcement regarding usgoldmaps.com They make claims maps for use with Google Earth. The product looks really nice... but upon receipt I discovered that their data is static and from 2013. I reached out to the Contact Us email and the response was basically, don't worry about it. Claim data doesn't change very often. Uh... I call BS Asking for a refund. Wish me luck and buyer beware
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7366 |
by Bill McCoy  20 Aug 2019 11:45 PM |
2 Replies and 2698 Views
Question about making a panning trough 2698 2
Started by red83hd@yahoo.com
Hi everyone I'm making a panning trough with a drain pipe & plug and was wondering if PVC Glue and primer would cause gold to float after it dries... or is there something else I should use to put it togethe
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2698 |
by Ron Raymer  27 Jul 2019 02:01 PM |
2 Replies and 2880 Views
Selling placer where ? 2880 2
Started by Dulinmt@yahoo.com
Where are places I can sell some placer fines and a few nuggets that are reliable sources Have just over 52 grams total If I could figure out how to... attach a picture I would Thanks in advanc
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2880 |
by ROBERT SOUZA  18 Jul 2019 07:33 PM |
1 Replies and 2812 Views
Duisenburg Camp 2812 1
Started by MvLlbus@use.startmail.com
Hey guys! How things SHAKING over there at LDMA Duisenburg Camp Heh.I always considered prospecting in a gold bearing area after a big quake. Hope things... are safe there.(I've been there for an outing
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2812 |
by robert murata  07 Jul 2019 10:06 PM |
1 Replies and 2623 Views
new here 2623 1
Started by Darrell Coker
where are there places to go panning/camping in wiscoson
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2623 |
by William Hall  02 Jul 2019 06:36 PM |
2 Replies and 6514 Views
Corn House Creek, Alabama Claim 6514 2
Started by eawebb1160@att.net
I have two questions about the corn house creek claim in Alabama. 1. Why is dredging not permitted as dredging is legal in Alabama
2. I have... a 4 x 4 truck and want to pull an 18ft bumper pull camper trailer with a generator to the claim with me and spend 3 or 4 days doing some hard prospecting to try this site out Is this property accessible with the camper trailer As long as I can get into the place, I can back the camper in the bushes to park it as long as there i..
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6514 |
by jeff landrum  02 Jul 2019 02:12 AM |
1 Replies and 3948 Views
Hog Canyon Sierra county (hog Canyon claim) 3948 1
Started by wiser002@aol.com
Hey members I was just wondering if anybody has any info on the hog canyon claim !! Just wondering if anybody was there and to share any experience thanks... all !! and an early Merry Xmas to all !!!
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3948 |
by Dennis Lynch  15 Jun 2019 11:07 AM |
0 Replies and 2024 Views
Dry Washer bellows attachment... 2024 0
Started by garcia92551@yahoo.com
Hi everyone. I have a basic dry washer that uses a leaf blower to make it operate. I want to take it to an area where motorized machines are not allowed.... I was wondering if there’s a way to add something like a bellows attachment that I can hand cran
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2024 |
13 Jun 2019 04:03 PM |
2 Replies and 4677 Views
Stanton AZ and nearby. 4677 2
Started by jvanely@aol.com
My buddy and I are heading to Stanton AZ . He will be coming from Ohio. Me from New Mexico(I'm a snowbird from Ohio). Will be there from Feb 23rd till... Feb. 28th. We are both in our 60's .WE ARE NUGGET STARVED :). Just want to find even small BB sized nuggets ,since all we ever find is placer gold. Just want someone to show us where best possibilities would be without giving up your secret spots, unless you want to help out couple of geezers find just a few nuggets. Or someone let us on their ..
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4677 |
by HAROLD NEWELL  03 Jun 2019 10:41 PM |
3 Replies and 21612 Views
Helpful Websites for old or new prospectors 21612 3
Started by brandon.n.barton92@gmail.com
Since I left the service in 2018 I have been getting back into prospecting pretty hard... ( dream job to be a gold miner lol) and i have been having a... hard time predicting the water levels, finding unclaimed areas, claim information to get in contact with the claim owner if I noticed something or wished to work the claim and split whatever is found. In any case i have slowly been finding websites to use to help with this and I have not been able to find any posts in the forum that has a good li..
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21612 |
by William Hall  24 May 2019 06:50 PM |
2 Replies and 6464 Views
MIchigan Gold 6464 2
Started by jbsmi525@hughes.net
I would like to know where on lake Superior you can prospect for beach gold..... I am a life member of the L.D.M.A and have been since 1995 and I live... in southeastern Indiana and not much gold here. Was wanting to take a trip up to Michigan and do some prospecting but don't know where to go. I have never been up there and want to start but a long trip and need some information. Sure hope someone there can give me some pointers, I would like to try the beaches of Lake Superior o..
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6464 |
by SHAWN WILLETT  09 May 2019 08:37 AM |
6 Replies and 5646 Views
notice of intent for using a highbanker ? Help 5646 6
Started by Dulinmt@yahoo.com
Anybody have experience with submitting a notice of intent to the Forest Service to use a High Banker Trying to get my summer plans lined up and just... verified with the Forest Service a Notice of intent is required for a High Banker wither one bucket or 100 is to be run through it Thanks in Advanc
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5646 |
by SCOTT HENDRICKSON  02 May 2019 04:03 PM |
11 Replies and 9722 Views
Gold Cube 9722 11
Started by bradhatt@hotmail.com
Has anyone used the Gold Cube in the desert If so was it worth it especially since after just a couple scoops the water is all clouded.
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9722 |
by WILLIAM HALL  22 Mar 2019 06:37 PM |
4 Replies and 5926 Views
GOLD FLTAZ 1 & 2 5926 4
Started by derekcking@hotmail.com
hello all, my wife just spent 2 days at gold flatz 1 & 2 claim between Wickenburg az and Tonopah az , we didn't find anything not even a speck,... we still had a great time just being out of the city and such , we were dry washing and using a metal detector. we found nothing , anyone else have that same thing happen to them.
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5926 |
by Howard Finch  22 Mar 2019 02:59 PM |
0 Replies and 2543 Views
We have concentrates. We just need someone who can extract the gold 2543 0
Started by david@ucvcfunding.com
My boss is part owner of a pretty famous gold mine and because of this we have about 50k tons of concentrate and hard rock ore left over from the exploration... stage of his project. This particular ore is known to have high concentrations of gold, silver and other PGM's, but one of the issues we're having is that normal fire assays are not picking up all the gold. Much of the gold is being washed away. We need a master assayer that can extract hard to get gold through a chemical or atomic procedur..
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2543 |
01 Feb 2019 05:46 PM |