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3 Replies and 7622 Views Roaring Camp CA  7622  3 Started by My brother and I will be spending 4 days at Roaring Camp in early September and will not be purchasing a pile of dirt. Anyone have any prospecting tips/suggestions that would help us maximize our chances of success there We'll have gold pans, a few crevacing and digging tools and an Angus M sluice. Traveling from Ohio, I'm just excited to have a real chance to find anything but specks and flakes!
3 7622
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
04 Sep 2015 02:45 PM
2 Replies and 8675 Views Tulare County Prospecting  8675  2 Started by Hello. I'm new. Are there any places to prospect in Tulare County I live in Exeter, CA. Any assistance will be appreciated.
2 8675
by  Gabriel PerezJump to last post
03 Sep 2015 06:53 PM
18 Replies and 20125 Views Western Colorado Rookie  20125  18 Started by Hi Everyone,  I have recently picked up panning and prospecting. I have been in it for a couple months now and am learning most from the web and a few shows on the outdoor channel. My biggest problem is actually pinpointing the gold. I have gone to a couple places where gold mines are in teh area. But alas, I caome up with nothing. I live in Mesa county (Grand Junction) Colorado. Any advise or even specific areas where people have had luck would be helpfull.
18 20125
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
09 Aug 2015 10:49 AM
2 Replies and 9852 Views feather river (need info)  9852  2 Started by looking for info on the feather river..any tips tricks
2 9852
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
17 Jul 2015 12:02 PM
9 Replies and 12531 Views Pump power supply  12531  9 Started by I'm thinking about buying a 12 volt pump that draws 1.8 amps for use at home to do a little garage prospecting. Rather than get a battery for it I have a Radio Shack unregulated 12 volt 1.75 amp power supply. Would that work in place of a battery
9 12531
by  Scott LeidenbergerJump to last post
30 Jun 2015 05:37 PM
3 Replies and 9217 Views panning  9217  3 Started by  DAVE STROM have trouble with finger and hand fatigue while panning try this,go to hardware store and buy a smooth cupboard handle and mount it on outside of goldpan where it is comfortable to grip with your fingers. this greatly reduces finger and hand fatigue while panning.a handle comes with mounting screws at a cost of about 2 bucks,and helps tremendously try it as soon as you get used to it you'll be greatful for the idea may your pan turn yellow and enjoyment of panning increase.good luck to all
3 9217
by  DON TAYONJump to last post
11 Jun 2015 02:45 AM
44 Replies and 28915 Views Rattlesnakes  28915  44 Started by
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
We encountered a Black Southern Pacific Rattlesnake on the trail at Bautista Placer, as we headed back to our vehicle yesterday 4-15, we weren't wearing snake chaps but will be wearing them next time. Walk with caution and wear your chaps!
44 28915
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
07 Jun 2015 11:01 PM
4 Replies and 8823 Views Sun Shade  8823  4 Started by The wife and I are planning an adventure in prospecting in New Mexico this month.  We have been searching for a canopy of some kind to take along as we are both aged and will need some shade.  I cannot understand why a canopy costs more than a good tent.  It makes no sense.  I had a brain fart this morning.  4 ten foot lengths of pvc pipe, a cheap tarp, cheap tent stakes and paracord. Has anyone tried this method
4 8823
by  Don McElyeaJump to last post
17 May 2015 08:12 AM
2 Replies and 10382 Views Dry Washer Operation  10382  2 Started by I have a Keene 140 (old style).  I have been searching for a video showing the does and don'ts on how to operate this equipment.   I would like to see what the riffle board looks like when the machine is running properly.  I know all material is different and the machine should be adjusted to accommodate these differences.  I would like to know the basics on what to look for when it is running correctly and some of the things that would indicate it needs adjust...
2 10382
by  Frank LillyJump to last post
29 Apr 2015 06:02 PM
10 Replies and 8874 Views equipment  8874  10 Started by I just joined the GPAA and want some advise on the equipment I plan on bringing with me on my first outing. I have a generator, pump, garden hoses, extension cords, gold pan. That's it. Can anyone help me out and advise me on any thing else I should bring with me. I don't have a lot of money so please be gentle. Any help would be gratefully appreciated. Also when would the best time be to start prospecting
10 8874
by  Alex SantosJump to last post
27 Apr 2015 01:46 PM
1 Replies and 7460 Views Reporting suspected Claim Jumpers?  7460  1 Started by I am on a GPAA claim with my wife and we are just unloading and two vehicles pull up on a run off trench and 4 men jump out of their vehicles and start digging into the hillside and clarifying dirt as fast as possible. They fill up about 8 buckets of dirt throw them into the back of their truck and vanish. They acted like poachers do, hit the site quick, load up, and hit the road. So when you see people behaving in this manner what is the best way of handling this, call the BLM, police, etc......
1 7460
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
27 Apr 2015 06:17 AM
0 Replies and 5775 Views Dry washers  5775  0 Started by I have a Keene 151 dry washer.  I've made a few modifications to make it easier to set up, and I changed out the honda, which didn't run unless the choke was half way engaged.  The hopper and riffle tray work very well.  I've panned the tailing and did not find any losses.  Any thought from other 151 owners
0 5775
08 Apr 2015 08:15 PM
2 Replies and 15386 Views The Colorado River is basically dead  15386  2 Started by All of the gold that washes out of the Colorado is trapped by a dam a few miles East of Grand Junction and unless you can dig some old clay banks from old floods you might as well as forget about prospecting there. I am sure the State makes a killing on the gold that is deposited at the base of the dam each year, but if you are an amateur prospector just forget about it. I spent the day yesterday teaching my wife the layers and how gold is deposited and the way they set up the dam not one flake ...
2 15386
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
26 Mar 2015 03:41 PM
8 Replies and 12347 Views desert clasifier  12347  8 Started by Here are few photos of a classifier I made for a friend. I have another one that I made before this but the parts I used for his are readily available at Home Depot. This really increased my production the last few times I went to SW Arizona. I used a wire drawer, a plastic tub. some 1/4' good quality plywood, some light angle-aluminum, and 1/4' hardware cloth. The drawer fits perfectly into the tub but is still easy to remove so you can dump the larger material. I used mine for about 10 days of...
8 12347
by  CHRIS HIRSCHJump to last post
23 Mar 2015 05:58 AM
5 Replies and 14010 Views Sampling Tips and Techniques to Find New Areas?  14010  5 Started by I have been using two sampling methods to find new areas to prospect.  First is either bring water or use available water to pan and finish pan samples on site. If there's the slightest bit of gold it will show up in the finish pan. I'll sample at different depths and locations at one site. The next way is to take samples from an area in quart ziplock bags or larger buckets, label the bags for location, then either pan and finish pan them at home or run them through my gold cube t...
5 14010
by  Don McElyeaJump to last post
17 Mar 2015 10:48 AM
1 Replies and 12547 Views DIY bucket classifier  12547  1 Started by Found a cool way to make your own bucket classifiers.  Maybe everyone already knows this but I thought I'd share since I'm geeked up on saving the money.  I googled how to do this and results came up on how to cut a bucket about 6 inches down, then cut the original bucket again about 4' down. Lay the screen of choice over the 2nd cut piece then wedge the two together. YEAH RIGHT! I spent and hr trying to do this, cutting myself on the trimmed mesh, NO WAY it was happening. At that po...
1 12547
by  John HilligossJump to last post
27 Feb 2015 02:49 PM
2 Replies and 10161 Views Don't overlook the quartz! Even in placer claims!  10161  2 Started by &60;&115;&116;&121;&108;&101;&32;&116;&121;&112;&101;&61;&34;&116;&101;&120;&116;&47;&99;&115;&115;&34;&62; p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120; } &60;&47;&115;&116;&121;&108;&101;&62; I recently sold a crusher to a geologist out of Las Vegas. He opted to make the short drive here instead of me shipping it. Glad he did! What a great guy! He even brought me 8 dvd's jam packed with over 2,000 files. (Video, Doc, PDF, etc) with tons of stuff on gold, pr...
2 10161
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
12 Feb 2015 05:32 PM
3 Replies and 10007 Views Poison Oak  10007  3 Started by   Just because it is winter time, one is not safe from getting poison oak. In the fall, the leaves dry up and drop off the poison oak plant and the sap / oil gos down into the root system. All one has to do is dig into the roots and presto a rash can appear. So if you are one of the unlucky ones that can catch this crud, forget the ' Calamine Lotion '. The best product that will stop this crud dead in it's tracks from spreading, that I have found, is ' Tecnu '. Tecnu can be found at most st...
3 10007
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
31 Jan 2015 07:53 AM
0 Replies and 7673 Views Gold Screw Panner  7673  0 Started by I traded for a Gold Screw panning machine. The second day I went to use it the pulley came off the motor. After looking at it, it looks as though someone did some work on it that was sub standard. Basically I think I need a motor because I cannot get the pulley to re-mount. Is there anyone out there that can help I tried contacting Gold Screw direct, but they have not gotten back with me. I traded for this machine because I don't have the money to buy brand new. I live in AZ. My name is Pat 623...
0 7673
28 Jan 2015 09:23 AM
2 Replies and 13038 Views Dry Washing  13038  2 Started by Going to be in Wickenburg for two weeks. Would like to rent a dry washer, or buy one and bring it back to N.H. We have a 2' dredge, and have a friend with a 4' that we use in N.H. and Maine. I think we'll add a dry washer . We come out every year for two weeks and soon it will be for 5 or 6 weeks.   Thanks Peepaw
2 13038
by  Greg MillerJump to last post
23 Jan 2015 10:43 AM
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