0 Replies and 429 Views
Kern county. 429 0
Started by liteoneup2003@yahoo.com
Hello,64 from Hanford area but feel like 54 🙂New member here looking for other members within Kern County or any other areas I have my equipment. For metal detecting and sluicing and in the process of looking to buy a dry washer. I'm eager to hunt plus can camp out also let's go Hunt for some Gold 😀
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429 |
26 Dec 2024 02:24 PM |
5 Replies and 6448 Views
mining partner 6448 5
Started by powermastersinc@gmail.com
I want to prospect up in georgia and north carolina at all the gpaa and ldma sites and explore other federal land ect.. I was planning a 3-4 day camping trip up to loud mine or Buchanan over Christmas weekend but my cat got sick and my wife needs to stay home.. I really don't feel like driving 8hrs by myself and camping and mining by myself, I know it's last minute but I figured I would ask, ya never know..lol. I have a 10' highbanker a separate 10'×36' sluice box all the little tools,buckets,...
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6448 |
by Douglas Warren  19 Oct 2024 08:24 AM |
1 Replies and 3453 Views
Detecting Exposed Bedrock the search for Placer Gold 3453 1
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/fMbdcLEZ4oA The Search for Placer Gold takes me and Robert RobertHolmes1 to a few new old area's Detecting exposed Bedrock cracks and crevices looking for those elusive Gold Nuggets !!!! With our Minelab SDC 2300's in hand we hope for a Golden surprise or many !!!!!! We head out into the Sierra's ( Northern Mother lode ) in Robert's Jeep Gladiator we should be able to get almost anywhere !!!! Detecting Exposed Bedrock the search for Placer Gold SG 077
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3453 |
by Jim Chesmore  29 Jun 2024 02:53 PM |
2 Replies and 1233 Views
Arizona Partner 1233 2
Started by rjhuddleston@hotmail.com
Been an off and on member for years and getting back into the hunt, would like to team up with a buddy while running through the desert. Have a Legend ready to go, live in the Carefree/N. Scottsdale area. Willing to travel. Drop me a note at rjhuddlestonhotmail.com if interested. Ron
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1233 |
by Ron Huddleston  29 May 2024 05:47 PM |
2 Replies and 3788 Views
Meteorite Hunting Locations 3788 2
Started by jerry.perez1969@gmail.com
Hello fellow prospectors, I'm a newbie when it comes to hunting for meteorites. I live in the Victorville Hesperia area in the Mojave desert, California. And have renewed interest in hunting for meteorites. I was wondering if anybody could give me some tips on where to hunt for meteorites, I understand that meteorites can land anywhere, but is there any one particular area that I can start out with in my local area where I would have really good chances of finding meteorites I would really app...
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3788 |
by Michael Horton  12 Feb 2024 01:55 AM |
6 Replies and 8283 Views
Metal Detecting Tours in Australia 8283 6
Started by fritzj8@yahoo.com
I would like to know if anyone has gone on a metal detecting tour in Australia. If yes, then what guide service did you use and why I am also interested in knowing whether or not you would use them again and if you found any gold during the trip. I an very interested in using a guide service for my trip, but I want to hear what others have to say first before I hire someone. Thanks in advance.
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8283 |
by Max Langeveld  23 Nov 2023 05:52 PM |
2 Replies and 5366 Views
The Nugget Hunters Ancient Placer Channel 5366 2
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/SwzsfYhM-pA The Race is on to Detect an Ancient Placer Channel before the Poison Oak completely over takes it for the Season. The Poison Oak is starting to pop so this might be our only shot at it this year. We found this spot during a scouting trip and Gary and, Todd ( Topcat )and, Bedrock Bennett detected it just a few days before we tried it out for ourselves. Gary got a nice piece so here we are back to get more Gold Nuggets !!!! We hope the Bomb Cyclone and Moth...
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5366 |
by JEFF SMITH  11 Jul 2023 12:25 PM |
0 Replies and 2378 Views
There’s Gold in them Gravels Sluicing the Yuba 2378 0
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
There’s Gold in them Gravels Sluicing the Yuba https://youtu.be/IVdzN2jTnr8 Metal Detecting and Sluicing the Yuba River with Gary TwoToes and Robert RobertHolmes1 during our spring of high water. We have the Minelab SDC 2300's fired up and ready to find those Placer Gold Nuggets the Yuba River is famous for !!! Gary pulls the Sluice box out of the Jeep Rubicon to test the gravels and see how much Gold they hold !!!! There's Gold in them Gravels Sluicing the Yuba River ...
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2378 |
23 May 2023 01:14 PM |
7 Replies and 17127 Views
What is the best pinpointer for gold prospecting? 17127 7
Started by fotakis1@yahoo.com
I have a Garrett carrot and a Falcon MD-20. I just bought a Nox 800 and I am looking for a pinpointer that is sensitive to small gold. My Garrett carrot is horrible for small gold and I don't want to bring my Falcon as it's not practicle as a mobile pinpointer. Are there other mobile pinpointers that are good for small gold
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17127 |
by BRYAN Robinson  12 May 2023 02:31 PM |
0 Replies and 2326 Views
White’s Soectra V3i 2326 0
Started by galefultonjr68@gmail.com
Selling my like new, excellent condition Whites Spectra V3i - 400.00. Text me at 702-275-7303
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2326 |
30 Apr 2023 12:57 PM |
0 Replies and 1838 Views
Gold Nugget Detecting Newly Exposed Bedrock 1838 0
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/7cuf12RijwM The weather wasn't the best as it rained off and on during our nugget hunt but a short thirty minute hike and we were back at Gary's Jeep warming up and eating lunch. Sometimes it pays off to hike a little further and check more areas to see if anythings changed with the river after it's hit it's highest water level and flow. This is one of those times !!!!!!!!! Nine Gold Nuggets found and more waiting !!!!!!! The Minelab SDC 2300 makes it nice Detecti...
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1838 |
18 Apr 2023 10:36 AM |
1 Replies and 5890 Views
Gold monster 1000 registers gold several passes 5890 1
Started by ace1mc@gmail.com
while I was out found a nice size rock 5' by 2.5-3' round. My gold monster 1000 registered it as gold every single time I swung it over it and it was several times from different directions. I have broken it up to be surprised i did not find gold it. But the mineral I did find was a silvery coloring. The question I am wondering if anybody has had any other minerals register as gold on the Gold Monster 1000. Like Silver, Platinum, or Pallidum if they have had there Monster register any of thes...
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5890 |
by Jon Bowerman  03 Jan 2023 05:03 PM |
1 Replies and 5835 Views
Detecting in Florida 5835 1
Started by jeremykinnunen@hotmail.com
Hello, I'm heading to Florida at the end of October. Orlando area. My son wants to go metal detecting for 'pirate treasure'. Lol. Anyone have any suggestions on where to go in Florida Any tips or tricks. This will be my first time detecting in Florida. Thanks.
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5835 |
by David McCoy  29 Sep 2022 04:24 PM |
11 Replies and 6161 Views
Gold Bug Pro 6161 11
Started by garykessell5@gmail.com
Heading to AZ next week with my Gold Bug Pro just purchased. Anyone have any insight on this model would be great!
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6161 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND  09 Aug 2022 11:59 AM |
19 Replies and 7191 Views
The Nugget Hunters 7191 19
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/t_H1SRuSaKQ Click and Paste to view Video Join the Nugget Hunters as we search for Gold Nuggets in the California Motherlode. We search for the Nuggets the 49ers didn't get. With Gary ( Two Toe's ), Prospector Jerry ( California Motherlode Prospectors ), Jeff ( Smithsgold ), Bedrock Bennett, and JC ( Minin Hawaiian )as they search for elusive Gold Nuggets.
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7191 |
by JIM BROTHERS  06 Aug 2022 05:12 PM |
0 Replies and 2937 Views
Holcomb Gold Big Bear Coordinates 2937 0
Started by jerry.perez1969@gmail.com
Hello all, Can anyone tell me all the coordinates for big bear Holcomb Gold We would need Ingress,Center ,S,E,W,N coordinates for boundaries as well. Apparently, the coordinates in the mining guide are incorrect and don't know if the website has updated them. Charles jojola added some in there awhile back but it would be nice to have admins confirm the coordinates as revised. Thanks guys, Jerry the mining Monkey
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2937 |
01 Jun 2022 12:26 PM |
11 Replies and 7632 Views
metal dectors 7632 11
Started by rocdoc888colorado@gmail.com
Looking for suggestions on the best metal (gold) detector under $1500 for a new prospector. Thanks for your responses.
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7632 |
by Daniel Friend  17 May 2022 06:29 PM |
2 Replies and 4024 Views
Waterproof Detector Advice 4024 2
Started by orankan@pm.me
Waterproof detectors are coming down in price. Are we there yet, so that working the stream banks is economically attractive
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4024 |
by Oran Kangas  22 Apr 2022 10:45 PM |
4 Replies and 3950 Views
Dale Mining district 3950 4
Started by jerry.perez1969@gmail.com
Hello fellow prospectors, I have never been to the Dale Mining district but I hear it produces really well with nuggets and gold not that much trash. Does anyone have any suggestions on which mine to go hunt at Coordinates would be even better thanks appreciate any feedback from anyone.
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3950 |
by JERRY PEREZ  25 Mar 2022 08:49 PM |
3 Replies and 5652 Views
Yuba River Crevice Detecting for Gold Nuggets 5652 3
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/5yDsNzUKJOU Yuba River Crevice Detecting for Gold Nuggets Me and Gary head back to Mother Yuba in search of Gold Nuggets and are joined by Tim from Blue lead Gold Productions. Let's Find some Gold on Mother Yuba !!! We are armed with the Minelab SDC 2300 and the White's Gold Master V-Sat that gives us both a Pulse Induction detector and a VLF detector. While me and Gary clear the boulders off Bedrock to detect Tim gets right to Sluicing with his Angus MacKirk Sl...
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5652 |
by Michael Kranz  17 Jan 2022 05:45 PM |