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by FRANK NOVAK  09 Sep 2020 02:36 PM |
2 Replies and 2740 Views
Plumas county 2740 2
Started by billsshadow@comcast.net
Is anyone affiliated with or know of anyone that can give me a definitive answer as to whether or not I can detect lucky s mine in plumas county California. Looking for relics only
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2740 |
by bill hansen  01 Aug 2020 10:15 PM |
2 Replies and 6034 Views
Whites Electronics - Closed for Good or Still Life in the Company? 6034 2
Started by jerry.perez1969@gmail.com
With the closing of Whites Electronics in North America many are wondering what the future of WE will be like, what have you been hearing around the metal detecting industry So far this is what we know this far: * Mr White is at retirement age. * Componenent shortages have affected the business since the pandemic started. * Counterfeiters has taken a huge toll on WE and other Metal Detecting companies. * WE is still operating in The UK and outside of the USA. * WE st...
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6034 |
by ARTHUR WAUGH  10 Jul 2020 04:26 PM |
2 Replies and 3036 Views
Is there any place to nuggetshoot in Apple Valley or closeby it? 3036 2
Started by jerry.perez1969@gmail.com
I have been trying to break out of my Beach and park metal detecting routine for the past few years and can't seem to find any place to go metal detecting for gold nuggets and the Apple valley Lucerne area anybody know where we can go metal detecting looking for gold nuggets I have an mx7 by White's electronics that I have been itching to go looking for nuggets. Once I get enough money scraped up I'll buy the 24K which seems to have a lot of advanced features and improved features at that.
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3036 |
by JERRY PEREZ  27 May 2020 12:51 PM |
5 Replies and 3430 Views
Headphones 3430 5
Started by geroldpersonett@gmail.com
The last few days I've beed looking back over all the old forms and no one has talked about DetectorPro Nugget Buster headphones. Is anyone else using them I've been using them for about 4 years now with my Goldbug 2 and wouldn't use anything else now. The set I have cost about $135.00 but now I know there worth it. I know the tools we use are only as good as the person using them but these headphone did help me out, maybe it was just luck but I wasn't finding any gold until I started using the...
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3430 |
by MICHAEL LLOYD  15 May 2020 04:56 PM |
0 Replies and 2075 Views
Half Ounce day 2075 0
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/o21Iz7Oftc8 Tim from Blue Lead Gold Productions and Gary ( Two Toe's ) got to do some Metal Detecting and Boulder rolling Look at the Gold Nuggets they Found !!!!!!! I'd say it was a Great Day !!!!!!!! TM 010
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2075 |
22 Apr 2020 10:57 AM |
2 Replies and 2787 Views
Abracadabra claims ??????? 2787 2
Started by gdmich@cableone.net
Does the Abracadabra claim 19, and 20 still belong to the GPAA
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2787 |
by Gary Michael  08 Apr 2020 06:25 PM |
0 Replies and 3222 Views
Model 3222 0
Started by lang1963@outlook.com
Looking to Visit the Black Hills South Dakota this summer. Need some help in recommending a detector. Have all coins shooters are Mine lab . Want to stay with them . What model would work the best there . I am buying 2 detectors dedicated Gold. Lang1963outlook.com Ron (Will be hunting on gold claims)
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3222 |
22 Feb 2020 09:42 PM |
3 Replies and 3415 Views
Detecting for nuggets 3415 3
Started by bigdogpc@gmail.com
Headed to AZ in March. Will be camping, moving around the state and hopefully get some detecting done. It is tough to plan all this from Florida and I certainly don't want to break any laws or claim jump. I am hoping a local can point me in the right direction. I will be armed with AT Pro and snakeboots. High hopes to find a nugget but mostly looking forward to at least being in an area where they CAN be found. Thanks in advance!
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3415 |
by Gary Whited  20 Feb 2020 09:11 AM |
4 Replies and 4922 Views
Quartzsite, AZ Metal Detecting 4922 4
Started by whitedge@gmail.com
Any info on the best detector to use in the Quartzsite, AZ area
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4922 |
by Allen Jennings  03 Feb 2020 01:00 PM |
5 Replies and 3392 Views
Free metal detecting event in SoCal 3392 5
Started by stargift@hotmail.com
SPECIAL FREE Metal Detecting EVENT. November 9 Saturday 9 am in SoCal. There will be a 'Bucket List' Free Seeded Hunt. This will be the fourth seeded hunt put on by the Menifee Valley Metal Detectorists (not an official club, just four lunatics that enjoy metal detecting). It will be somewhere in the Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Perris, or Murrieta area. Bring the whole family it will be a lot of fun. If you are new to detecting come on out we will help you get started. It will be set up in a way tha...
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3392 |
by LARRY ENGLEHART  22 Oct 2019 06:22 PM |
1 Replies and 2491 Views
GPZ 7000 Gold 2491 1
Started by Theace115@gmail.com
Please check out the video! I know the audio is a little wonky in some places, I am purchasing an external mic soon. Thank you so much! subscribe for a chance to win a 3.6 Gram nugget!!! https://www.youtube.com/watchv=e0AsIFDEQbc&lc=z22xu5gyutvzyhrjl04t1aokg12aj0hoiqofnpjxjhuwrk0h00410
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by Allen Jennings  30 Sep 2019 09:23 AM |
1 Replies and 3436 Views
Gold Bug 2 - $550 3436 1
Started by Theace115@gmail.com
**I read the 'code of conduct' and it did not specify that I can OR can not sell equipment at a non commercial level, if This Posting Is Against the rules, Please Delete as I Have No Intention Of Violating Rules Of the GPAA**
I am selling a used Gold Bug 2. PM me for details
Comes with 2 with 2 Coils and skid Plate.
Great machine for beginners and pros alike. I will show you how to use it and show you how sensitive it can be If You Locally Pick It Up.&nbs...
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3436 |
by Alex Pratt  26 Sep 2019 01:10 PM |
1 Replies and 2585 Views
Started by fredm@innova.net
I want to hear some war stories about samples loosing energy after you detect them and dig them up. Always a bummer.
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2585 |
by KEVIN HOAGLAND  25 Sep 2019 01:16 PM |
3 Replies and 3850 Views
Minelab go find 66 3850 3
Started by 33oneworld@gmail.com
Wondering if the minelab go find 66 is a decent gift for an adult starting out or a child I was going to get the minelab 800 but wasnt sure if that was way to much to start. Advice or opinions plz. Thx
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3850 |
by Andrew Nartker  13 Sep 2019 01:14 AM |
57 Replies and 44981 Views
Questions about metal detecting.... 44981 57
Started by nuggetshooter@outlook.com
Hey if any members need some advise or have questions about metal detecting and how to do it successfully feel free to ask in this thread and I will do my best to help. It is what I do....
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44981 |
by Leo Lorenz  08 Sep 2019 10:12 AM |
4 Replies and 4140 Views
Fisher F70 4140 4
Started by moffman13@gmail.com
Is this a good detector for finding gold
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4140 |
by GARET EMMERSON  02 Sep 2019 12:44 AM |
3 Replies and 3314 Views
Metal detecting help 3314 3
Started by Madriver_6@hotmail.com
I'm just starting gold detecting and I have a gpx 4500 and I need some help finding locations to metal detect this week in Idaho any recommendations and or tips would be great!
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3314 |
by Matt Reynolds  21 Aug 2019 01:31 PM |
1 Replies and 2250 Views
San Bernardino County, CA - GPZ 7000 needs work! 2250 1
Started by ads4350@gmail.com
I have been using the Minelab 3030 for beach detecting for a few years. I just acquired a Minelab GPZ 7000. I am looking for fellow prospectors wanting to search areas in San Bernardino or other places. I reside in Long Beach but I have a place in Blue Jay (SB County). I need to put the 7000 to work! I can be reached via email at ads4350gmail.com.
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2250 |
by Robert Murata  07 Aug 2019 07:45 PM |
0 Replies and 2111 Views
Metal Detecting an Old Homestead 2111 0
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/Lmkfhgr9N00 Join Jeff as he Metal Detects an Old Homesite looking for hidden Treasures.
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10 May 2019 11:13 AM |