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40 Replies and 43477 Views White's goldmaster 24k vs minelab's goldmonster 1000  43477  40 Started by
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I was thinking about buying the goldmonster 1000 and then I saw that White's has a new nugget shooter called the goldmaster 24K.  Looking for a recommendation as to which is a better detector for gold prospecting.  Thanks!
40 43477
by  Joe RollinsJump to last post
02 May 2019 04:51 PM
0 Replies and 1586 Views Goldbug 2  1586  0 Started by I know it's been said many times before, but I want to say it again, when MD'ing you really need to go slow and low. I was at the Vulture Bait claim last week, NW area, using a Goldbug 2 with a 6' coil and I was amazed on how much small and tiny trash targets I found (over 200). I saw a few folks out there using PI detectors (not sure how they were doing) I know they will go deeper than the GB2 and they will pick up the small gold too. But the amount of small trash targets I found I still believ...
0 1586
02 Apr 2019 05:51 PM
3 Replies and 3490 Views Bang for the buck, PI machines  3490  3 Started by Which PI machine, bang for the buck Ease of use, stable, working with hot rocks. Which one
3 3490
by  Will FaulknerJump to last post
02 Apr 2019 09:35 AM
3 Replies and 9169 Views anyone here swinging a deus xp?  9169  3 Started by I'm getting ready to start my 12 month vacation and finally do some prospecting starting in Arizona and winding up in Alaska, and just looking to get a jump on the learning curve. Thanks and Hello from Missouri
3 9169
by  CRAIG CAMPBELLJump to last post
03 Mar 2019 10:32 PM
6 Replies and 23557 Views Want to buy  23557  6 Started by Wanting a metal detector, I often hear Equinox 800 is best starter. My lifestyle and desired usage: *Travel the States fulltime in an rv. *Enjoy gold prospecting (pan, sluicing, etc.) *Would like to be able to search campgrounds, fields and beaches -- gold, coins, relics, etc. * Desert, fresh water, salt water, woodland all equally desirable search goals. Can one unit do it all What would you recommend (crossposted to multiple forums)
6 23557
by  Mark BerkeJump to last post
27 Feb 2019 02:47 PM
1 Replies and 2461 Views Lane Well Placers and Paradise Mountain Placers  2461  1 Started by Does anyone know where the Paradise Mountain Placers and the Lane Well Placers is located near Barstow, Ca I'm looking to nugget shoot in that area but don't know where it's at. If anyone has the coordinates please post it here, thanks!
1 2461
by  JIM MCCULLOCHJump to last post
25 Feb 2019 10:40 PM
0 Replies and 2637 Views Gold Ore Auction this Saturday Dec.15th @Ritchie Brothers in Riverside CA (bid online) RARE OPPORTUNITY  2637  0 Started by Gold Ore Auction this Saturday Dec.15th Ritchie Brothers in Riverside CA (bid online) RARE OPPORTUNITY   Bid online as early as Wednesday Dec 12th 2018 . Bidding ends Saturday December 15th. Assay reports available at contact Peter 909-536-4512 Link to bid online:
0 2637
10 Dec 2018 01:26 PM
5 Replies and 9096 Views Detecting Northern California  9096  5 Started by Hey all, I got me a gold bug 2 and thinking about going to some gpaa claims. Anyone interested in joining or have any advice
5 9096
by  robert edwardsJump to last post
09 Dec 2018 04:06 PM
0 Replies and 2723 Views HIGH GRADE Gold Ore Auction Dec. 14-15 in Riverside County CA  2723  0 Started by You are invited to a once in a lifetime opportunity to bid on exclusive HIGH GRADE gold ore from one of the richest gold mines in the United States this December 14th and 15th at Ritchie Brothers Auctioneers at 765 W. Rider St, Perris, CA 92571. Based on our own historical assay reports the ore consists of gold as high as 132 troy oz. per metric ton. Contact Jesse Peter for copies of the assay report at 909-536-4512 or Also you can set up a time to assay the ore yourself to t...
0 2723
30 Nov 2018 11:28 AM
11 Replies and 16817 Views Falcon MD20  16817  11 Started by   Does anyone here use a Falcon MD20 Im thinking about getting one to help locate gold, does it work like it claims Thanks for any input.
11 16817
by  Michael FotakisJump to last post
24 Nov 2018 07:15 AM
1 Replies and 4691 Views My new metal detecor  4691  1 Started by
1 4691
by  Alex PrattJump to last post
19 Nov 2018 02:13 PM
54 Replies and 54537 Views Detecting In Arizona  54537  54 Started by
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Good afternoon from Arizona, I am a resident of Tucson and have been here my whole life.  I went down by Arivaca and got lucky and found about 9 grams in about 3 hours.  I have been on a dry streak and need to get wet again.  I want to try detecting in a more prosperous area.  Can anybody recommend some claims in Arizona preferably SOUTH of Flagstaff that have been know to produce detectable nuggets  I am brand new to GPAA and still learning the ropes and protocol and ...
54 54537
by  Alex PrattJump to last post
19 Nov 2018 02:11 PM
2 Replies and 8566 Views Gold Monster Questions?  8566  2 Started by I am here to help and this is one of a series of training on Minelab's Gold Monster 10000, Once you understand it you will have trouble putting it down... This is a YouTube link, copy and paste into your browser.
2 8566
by  WILLIAM SOUTHERNJump to last post
17 Oct 2018 08:10 AM
0 Replies and 3034 Views Detector coil test using gold bug pro and x terra 70  3034  0 Started by So I designed a test to see where under my coils I was actually detecting using bird shot as an example taped to a card with target lines. I made two videos of the test using two different styles of coils to help gpaa members and others with their detecting. I set up both detectors for general detecting. If I was going to be in one spot I would set up my detector hotter or more sensitive. Here are the links. Just copy and paste onto your search bar. https://yout...
0 3034
25 Aug 2018 02:10 PM
3 Replies and 23124 Views Burnt River, Oregon  23124  3 Started by I'm going to be heading to eastern Oregon in August to do some metal detecting. I have a 3 day pass for the LDMA Blue Bucket camp and I'm going to check out the 3 GPAA claims on Burnt river. I'll be using a Goldbug2 and I'll be looking for the real small gold. Has any one metal detected on the Blue Bucket camp or any of the GPAA claims on Burnt river. I've had a hard time finding any information or comments from people metal detecting these areas.
3 23124
by  GEROLD PERSONETTJump to last post
14 Aug 2018 08:44 AM
3 Replies and 18641 Views Search coils  18641  3 Started by Hey all Got a coil question for you guys. I've always done well in hard hit areas with a 8 inch coil. I generally use a 14 inch coiltek elite and switch to a 8 inch mono commander from mine lab.It really rocks in tight places and on small gold the bigger coils miss.When out last week I switched over to the 8 inch in an area that was really tight with rocks and brush and it freaked out on me. I put it off as interference or something inside the coil cover ( which has tape on the seam). I too...
3 18641
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
21 Jun 2018 07:11 AM
0 Replies and 3501 Views you tube channel for prospectors and kids  3501  0 Started by Greetings fellow GPAA members. I am a member from Montana. About twice a week Elmo and I go out Metal Detecting in the Mountains of Montana. We record our adventures and put them on YouTube. We will be doing some educational videos soon on how we process our samples from dirt in the ground to dirt in a glass vial...Currently we are hitting multiple sites to find one to focus on. We find old cabins from the 1800's on almost every trip. Elmo even found a 65 million year old sea shell on the contin...
0 3501
11 Jun 2018 04:29 PM
8 Replies and 20516 Views I am starting to get a fever again, GOLD FEVER that is...  20516  8 Started by So starting to think more and more of trying some nugget shooting again. I have been so focused on my usual relic hunting since my last nugget shooting adventure in the Arizona Gold Basin last November (2016) that I am thinking a break from it will be nice. Frankly, I haven't paid any attention to the GPAA since my last gold hunt that I am not sure what if any changes have taken place... Did we ever get an online Claims Guide Any changes to the Gold Basin Claims or any new claims in between Go...
8 20516
by  Michael SmartJump to last post
18 Apr 2018 05:19 PM
0 Replies and 2944 Views Texas Treasure Show  2944  0 Started by The Texas Association of Metal Detecting Clubs will be hosting the annual expo in Temple, TX, at the Mayborne Convention & Activity Center, 3303 North 3rd Street,  Full details available at Http://
0 2944
12 Apr 2018 12:26 PM
0 Replies and 2945 Views Texas Treasure Show  2945  0 Started by The Texas Association of Metal Detecting Clubs will be hosting the annual expo in Temple, TX, at the Mayborne Convention & Activity Center, 3303 North 3rd Street,  Full details available at Http://
0 2945
12 Apr 2018 12:26 PM
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