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1 Replies and 7914 Views Garret At Gold  7914  1 Started by My father in law purchased the family a Garret 400. It has been fun and EZ to use. I have since caught a bit if a bug and want to chase NUGGETS!! Can anyone tell me if this is a good unit for gold and if it has been successful.   Thank you
1 7914
by  ALBERT REITZJump to last post
05 Apr 2018 07:55 PM
3 Replies and 15200 Views Garrett ATX (Y or N)  15200  3 Started by for thinking about eventually getting the Garrett ATX Deepseeker Package...but id like to know your personal thoughts/thoughts/opinions.....leave a msg....tell me what ya think Thank you - Garrett Hook
3 15200
by  Dale FicquetteJump to last post
18 Mar 2018 12:13 PM
2 Replies and 4121 Views Tnx Walt.  4121  2 Started by Recently, I talked to Walt Eason about the inaccurate Lat/Lon at the ADK in the MG. I also found a claim jumper and family up there. Walt suggested I handle such encounters by allowing the jumper to look and if he likes what he finds, join the GPAA club. That is a genius stroke of salesmanship, Walt. That is how I will handle future meetings. Tnx.  ╦╦Ç
2 4121
by  Terrance CieszkiJump to last post
03 Mar 2018 12:31 PM
6 Replies and 6750 Views Stanton Area  6750  6 Started by Anyone hunting the Stanton area I will be moving back to Yarnell. I've hunted the area for years. I'd like to trade info and game plans.  ╦╦Ç
6 6750
by  Terrance CieszkiJump to last post
22 Feb 2018 10:04 AM
3 Replies and 7637 Views Going to Arizona  7637  3 Started by Heading to Arizona 2 March - 9 March. Looking for some good places to go to do some metal detecting. Any help would be appreciated. 
3 7637
by  Gary WhitedJump to last post
20 Feb 2018 05:28 PM
3 Replies and 3669 Views Quartz vein  3669  3 Started by I use a Goldbug2 with a 5' coil and I'm finding a lot of small pieces of wire about the size of course hair, sizes from 1/8' long up to an inch long. I've found them in AZ on the Vulture Bait claim and in CA on the ADK claim. At first I figured it was just old timer trash, but last week I was MD the Vulture Bait claim and found an area of exposed mineralized quartz and the vein seemed to be full of this wire. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or is it just old t...
3 3669
by  GEROLD PERSONETTJump to last post
20 Feb 2018 03:51 PM
0 Replies and 2602 Views Whites Goldmaster II  2602  0 Started by Does anyone still use this detector
0 2602
09 Feb 2018 08:18 PM
5 Replies and 28830 Views Gold Monster 1000  28830  5 Started by Anyone have any thoughts or time in on this detector. I just got one and have used it in my yard. It seems to do well.
5 28830
by  Tommy CartwrightJump to last post
25 Jan 2018 05:34 AM
2 Replies and 30395 Views ADK Claim 40 or 160 acres  30395  2 Started by I was metal detecting the ADK claim in S. CA. a few weeks ago (found my first desert gold, 3 small pieces) is this a 40 or 160 acre claim In the MG it says 40 acres but here in claim info. it states 160 acres, not sure if they have ADK and 6 Feet under claims acres mixed up. 6 Feet Under in the MG says it's a 160 acres. I'm planning on heading that way again in February and want to work both these claims but would like to know the size of them.
2 30395
by  GEROLD PERSONETTJump to last post
29 Nov 2017 09:54 AM
8 Replies and 37075 Views Gold Bug 2 vs Gold Bug Pro  37075  8 Started by Recent move to north Phoenix, Arizona, and new to desert mining. My Background is river sluicing, crevicing, sniping, and a little dredging. I recently tried sampling on a GPAA claim, and felt way out of my element/comfort zone. I found the dry dirt, dust, and dealing with clay a little challenging. However, I do love hiking, exploring and sampling, so I thought I'd give metal detecting a shot for small and shallow gold. ...
8 37075
by  Steve JacobsonJump to last post
07 Oct 2017 04:51 PM
2 Replies and 29257 Views Looking for a new set of headphones.  29257  2 Started by I am looking for a new set of headphones for my detector and my question is what headphones do you prefer and why is this set better than the others
2 29257
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
20 Aug 2017 02:28 PM
0 Replies and 3467 Views Metal detecting in San Gabriel mountains  3467  0 Started by Are you allowed to detect in that area or anywhere near it
0 3467
17 Aug 2017 11:38 PM
3 Replies and 20387 Views Minelab GPX-5000  20387  3 Started by Let's say I have up to $4000 to spend. I am wondering if there is any reason NOT to buy a GPX-5000. I understand that it would not have the ability of tiny size detection of the GB2, or the depth of the GPZ, but those obvious limitations aside, any thoughts I would be using it everywhere but in water. Thanks!
3 20387
by  CHRISTOPHER SATKOWSKIJump to last post
06 Jul 2017 10:42 AM
4 Replies and 10518 Views Minelab Eureka Gold  10518  4 Started by Just purchased a Minelab Eureka Gold this year. Absolutely love it. Very fast signal response and an excellent detector in even the trashiest of areas. It's discrimination is unsurpassable. Well worth the 800$. And then to boot the stock coils is a little champ getting into those cracks and crevices. Lots of gold to be found with this detector. Always buy a new detector from a certified dealer so you know your getting a quality machine. I purchased mine on eBay for 800$. Then I purchased a pair...
4 10518
by  Dustin OpenshawJump to last post
27 Jun 2017 10:46 PM
2 Replies and 9385 Views 'Noble' elk hunt, but did find many old mines!  9385  2 Started by Whilst chasing elk I have found and GPS'd many old tailings piles and cabins. Thought I would take the ebike and put together an adventure. I have never used a metal detector so looking for some suggestions. I am leaning toward a Garrett ATX. Is this light enough What size coil package Any other suggestions for metal detector I like to keep it simple if possible. I think most of my shooting will be in loose tailings. Thinking I might do some panning too. Might have to bring in a small plast...
2 9385
by  Chris WestJump to last post
22 Jun 2017 07:59 AM
2 Replies and 8970 Views Georgia Metal Detecting HELP  8970  2 Started by Hi, I recently bought a Metal Detector, Can somebody tell me some places where actually we could use the metal detector in Georgia. I live in the Dunwoody area.  I was some days ago in the GPAA Gold Mine located in dahlonega but I thinks that is just for panning and not for use the Metal Detector. I'm new to this hobbie but I wish to use my new toy I really appreciate any help. I'm interested in gold, silver and any antique hunt. Thanks, Isilio
2 8970
by  TIM LEIBELJump to last post
04 Jun 2017 07:30 AM
17 Replies and 12420 Views GOLD BASIN TRIP PLANNED FOR THANKSGIVING... Any Recent Nuggets found?  12420  17 Started by So I am planning my very first Nugget Shooting attempt. I will be taking my new Garrett AT Gold and Garrett ATX Deepseeker. I am very excited. I have all of the tools, a ton of 'research' knowledge but zero experience in Nugget Shooting and I have never been to the Gold Basin. I will be going alone, setting up my tent and camp area and begin shooting for some yellow stone... So there is the extent of my plan so far LOL... I have just over a month to have a much better plan. So I thought I would ...
17 12420
by  Berry PeeblesJump to last post
10 Apr 2017 03:47 PM
14 Replies and 14141 Views Best pinpointer?  14141  14 Started by Hello I have been looking at getting a pinpointer. I have a GB2, and need a pointer. I have been MD dredge tailings and also started doing underwater sniping and am going to need something waterproof. I have seen reviews on pointers but I want to know what pointers you guys like. I live and prospect in the CA-Auburn area.  Thank you! Clinton
14 14141
by  Brad LambJump to last post
07 Apr 2017 10:50 AM
1 Replies and 7887 Views the best find ever  7887  1 Started by I have wanted a detector for a long time but didn't think I could afford one so I settled for panning and sluicing when I can. hears for the find I was on my way to work last Thursday and there was a estate action at the house next door so I went over and man what did I find ( a brand new GTI 2500 pro never used still in the case ) I got it for $65.00 that is my find
1 7887
by  Alex PrattJump to last post
05 Apr 2017 11:37 AM
6 Replies and 8402 Views Saturday's short hunt...  8402  6 Started by   Got out for a little 2 hour hunt yesterday and found these two,  both were under about 7 inches of overburden in a flat spot in a wash wedged in bedrock..... Found with Minelab GPZ 7000.    
6 8402
by  Alex PrattJump to last post
05 Apr 2017 10:23 AM
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