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0 Replies and 7097 Views Metal detecting /Cache Hunting  7097  0 Started by Well, in the Mid Atlantic area, raw gold in the ground is slim pickings so we fill in with some cache hunting for 'refined' gold. I am presently looking for  a cache from a stage robbery.  I am working with a partner. He heard of an old robbery of a stage in the 1800's  from some people who had looked for it. Thru research we found the stage stop where it occurred. The old stage stop, that was a tavern still stands.  In the story, 2 guards on the stage heard that a robbery w...
0 7097
18 Jun 2014 04:14 PM
14 Replies and 11503 Views Coiltek Coil  11503  14 Started by I have a Xterra 705 and I am looking a purchasing a Coiltek 15' coil for it.  Is it worth the money  Which would be better, the 6 inch or the 15'
14 11503
by  FRANK NOVAKJump to last post
09 Jun 2014 05:03 PM
4 Replies and 8811 Views Educational Event Suggestions for the club  8811  4 Started by Hey guys,   Sounds like there are allot of questions about detectors and their settings. Does anyone have suggestions about outings we can set up with chapters/members/manufacturers to provide hands on instruction I know there are representatives from the detector manufacturers that would be interested in attending if we were to organize something. Any chapters already have events planned that might benefit if a manufacturer were willing to help organize and promote   Look forwar...
4 8811
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
09 Jun 2014 11:23 AM
3 Replies and 10182 Views MD and Panning  10182  3 Started by I was just wondering if anyone out there that goes nugget shooting has ever panned the ground that  the nugget was found in What was the result I always read about when running a dry washer or sluice run the MD over the tailings....but what about the opposite. i would think that the ground surrounding a nugget find may have a great chance of holding smaller gold that the MD can't pick up.
3 10182
by  FRANK NOVAKJump to last post
09 Jun 2014 09:23 AM
4 Replies and 9956 Views Back Yard Finds  9956  4 Started by Found this in my backyard this weekend.  I don't have a clue what this is, with the exception of the mercury dime.
4 9956
by  FRANK NOVAKJump to last post
07 Jun 2014 01:01 PM
19 Replies and 15723 Views What's that sound?  15723  19 Started by Hi All, Thanks for reading. I am curious about what sounds you listen for on your detector when you are searching for nuggets I use a Fisher Gold Bug pro myself, but I am still searching for that first nugget. I thought maybe if other people can explain what sounds they listen for while nugget shooting that it will help other people like myself who is still learning.
19 15723
by  FRANK NOVAKJump to last post
05 Jun 2014 02:07 PM
0 Replies and 6372 Views Detector Value per dollar.  6372  0 Started by   Let me start by saying I have been detecting since the '70s. I admit, I am mainly a cache hunter but I have prospected on GPAA claims across America and other sites. I am a GPAA gold life member. OK now to the nitty gritty. For prospecting, I use a Whites Surfmaster PI. I have been using this same detector for 14 years. I paid under $1k for the detector.  Now the question is, is it good enough to use for prospecting  Well, it has paid for itself many times over. I also use it...
0 6372
05 Jun 2014 09:59 AM
4 Replies and 10035 Views Garret AT Pro  10035  4 Started by Buying first detector, want to also use in rivers and lakes and have read Garret AT Pro can be submerged up to 10ft. can anyone give me some advice. Thanks, Jody
4 10035
by  Tim LeibelJump to last post
08 May 2014 06:41 PM
2 Replies and 9120 Views Question On An Old TR-Discriminator  9120  2 Started by I just picked up a Whites Metal Detector Looks new in the box with owners manual made for Sears. TR-Discriminator Model Patent 4,030,026 Model No. 321.59644. Is it so outdated not useful Does it have any value Anyone know more about these
2 9120
by  DAVID WRIGHTJump to last post
16 Mar 2014 01:04 PM
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