1 Replies and 5713 Views
Meteorite Hunting Locations 5713 1
Started by jerry.perez1969@gmail.com
Hello fellow prospectors, I'm a newbie when it comes to hunting for meteorites. I live in the Victorville Hesperia area in the Mojave desert, California. And have renewed interest in hunting for meteorites. I was wondering if anybody could give me some tips on where to hunt for meteorites, I understand that meteorites can land anywhere, but is there any one particular area that I can start out with in my local area where I would have really good chances of finding meteorites I would really app...
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5713 |
by Michael Padilla  25 Jul 2024 06:31 PM |
0 Replies and 2597 Views
Northern idaho 2597 0
Started by shawn31983@gmail.com
Hello, I'm new to gold panning and wanted to try the claim by French Mountain. Has anyone been there I have had trouble finding it. Thanks, shawn
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2597 |
08 Nov 2023 10:29 PM |
2 Replies and 11089 Views
What is it 11089 2
Started by sidriker4@gmail.com
Found a rock that looked like a dog turd with a piece of black shiny glass showing out of one end, cleaned off sand stone from around it,have taken it to all local jeweler no one can identify it,some one gave it to me years ago and I don’t know where it came from,where could I find out ,wish I could post pictures
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11089 |
by UWE KACKSTAETTER  22 Mar 2022 11:31 AM |
3 Replies and 3578 Views
Identification 3578 3
Started by prodrumernate@aol.com
i own property out in Tonopah, Az.these green rocks are all over my property.i habw more to identify but dont have pics yet. Does anyone know for sure what the rock ismany different shades of green.some very vibrant grassy green when wet.i have 2 the size of baseballs off my property and tons of smaller ones. also, any books specifically of AZ rock identificationthe book i have doesnt cover my area specifically. and another question.where around the Phoenix area can i fin...
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3578 |
by UWE KACKSTAETTER  22 Mar 2022 11:29 AM |
6 Replies and 4408 Views
Black rock with crystals 4408 6
Started by geraldsnwichita@gmail.com
In regards to a topic I was reading that I cannot seem to comment on of some black rocks some members are finding in the desert I have a black rock very solid hard and heavy full of crystals some Jewelers that I took it to cannot seem to tell me what it is the whole Rock does have clarity but it's not asidian it looks like a Black Rock full of crystals and it's very hard only when a piece is broken off and put over a bright light you can see the clarity it's almost like it's a black diamond
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4408 |
by UWE KACKSTAETTER  22 Mar 2022 11:21 AM |
8 Replies and 72412 Views
Rock Hound State Park Arizona 72412 8
Started by whitedge@gmail.com
Has anyone been to Rock Hound State Park near Deming Arizona
What is the best time of year to visit
Did you find anything
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72412 |
by Gary Whited  04 Jan 2022 12:09 AM |
3 Replies and 5295 Views
Forrest Fenn Treasure 5295 3
Started by pbhunter4@aol.com
. . . . so I have a book that will do just that. Save you a bunch of money to help you find the treasure Forrest Fenn Hid. Some are looking in Yellowstone, it's not there, but the book and find out why instead of throwing away thousands of dollars to find out why just that answer alone. There are many other good reasons to put out just a few tiny bucks to find treasure but it's also a good read I've been told. https://www.facebook.com/Rine-Enterprises-Patrick-Rine-335736903815029/
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5295 |
by David Hay  22 Sep 2021 11:17 PM |
2 Replies and 5071 Views
Metal detecting for meteorites 5071 2
Started by jd88047@gmail.com
I have a F75 and a Minelab Equinox. The Etrac is too heavy to swing all day but it is great at old campsites and dumps. I want to metal detect Meteorites and rock hunt. Its been suggested a national forest here in New Mexico. Does any one actually hunt National Forrest Also is there a reference within claim for meteorite hunting say in New Mexico and Arizona Last, what is the Equinox with a small coil able to actually find gold nugget wise
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5071 |
by Anthony Mann  28 Apr 2021 03:28 PM |
23 Replies and 53305 Views
Crater of Diamonds 53305 23
Started by sprague.scott.k@gmail.com
If you are passing through or planning a special trip, Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro, Arkansas is always fun. Whether you surface search or dig deep, the likelihood of finding a diamond is actually pretty good. Here are a few that I found.
I usually try to dig deep, wash a lot of gravel and take my concentrates home for further inspection.
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53305 |
by ROBERT HOBDY  02 Mar 2021 08:25 PM |
0 Replies and 2037 Views
Bautista 1 and 2 2037 0
Started by davidaleessr@hotmail.com
had a great time exploring and rock hounding Bautista claim 1 and 2..found a variety of minerals ...including: white onyx.. red garnet cluster...lepidolite....i think...purple semi transparent stone...gem quality silica...small garnets in the wash were plentiful...i think i have one rock with gold in it but not sure i will have to test it...lotsa mica out there...the claim has changed a lot from the big flood from last winter there are plenty of big granite boulders right by the road now that...
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2037 |
13 Oct 2020 11:07 PM |
4 Replies and 80957 Views
So-Cal Gold and gems 80957 4
Started by lostrivergoldcons2013@yahoo.com
Just moved to the San Diego area and was hoping for some info reguarding locations to find gems, or even gold. all help is greatly appreciated.
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80957 |
by James Ehrhart  27 Jul 2020 01:30 AM |
3 Replies and 4905 Views
Youperlight rock found at GPAA claim 4905 3
Started by nutnhoneyfarm166@gmail.com
My grandson found a Youperlight rock specimen using a long-wave UV light this weekend. As far as I know this is the first discovery of this mineral combo rock outside of Michigan and Wisconsin. This palm sized rock has a fire orange streak on one side and the pinpoint blue 'stars' on the reverse. Not a bad start for a 9 year olds first prospecting trip with Grandpa. Richard 'B-man' Cordes Edit: this was found at the Swank west claim...BTW.
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4905 |
by Bennett Helgerson  10 Jun 2020 03:21 PM |
0 Replies and 2398 Views
Payson, Arizona 2398 0
Started by jennielovescars@gmail.com
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know, that I had a fellow rockhounder ask me a question on my Instagram about Payson, Arizona and if you can go rock-hounding there or if there's any legends. I took it upon myself to do some research about the area and wanted to share my findings with you all. I talk about the legends, history and geology of Payson, Arizona. Here is my podcast link if you want to check it out! :) Just copy and paste in your browser! https://open.spotify.com/episode...
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2398 |
17 Apr 2020 11:41 PM |
1 Replies and 3978 Views
Polishing rocks 3978 1
Started by civilian_again@yahoo.com
I have very limited knowledge of rocks. A friend asked about a tumbler. I see the barrel type but I was wondering. Will a tumbler for cleaning gun casings work I have a Lyman Pro Magnum 2500 Turbo style that has a tub on the top and vibrates vs a drum that rolls. What material do you use inside to polish the rock Is it different than what they use for Brass Thanks I do not know if you can attach pictures to posts
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3978 |
by Kenneth Swineford  17 Apr 2020 04:09 PM |
0 Replies and 2467 Views
Mineral jig recommendations? 2467 0
Started by jasewebb@me.com
I’m looking for a small, portable, 1 man mineral jig to use hunting sapphires... any recommendations on a company carrying something along those lines, or someone selling a used one Thank you!! Jase
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2467 |
11 Dec 2019 02:25 PM |
0 Replies and 4005 Views
HIGH GRADE Gold Ore Auction Dec. 14-15 in Riverside County CA 4005 0
Started by david@ucvcfunding.com
You are invited to a once in a lifetime opportunity to bid on exclusive HIGH GRADE gold ore from one of the richest gold mines in the United States this December 14th and 15th at Ritchie Brothers Auctioneers at 765 W. Rider St, Perris, CA 92571. Based on our own historical assay reports the ore consists of gold as high as 132 troy oz. per metric ton. Contact Jesse Peter for copies of the assay report at 909-536-4512 or mpbd0214gmail.com. Also you can set up a time to assay the ore you...
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4005 |
30 Nov 2018 11:02 AM |
2 Replies and 22372 Views
good book 22372 2
Started by jester64@aol.com
I am looking for a good book for beginners to help identify rocks and gems
suggestions please
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22372 |
by Chris Terry  28 Oct 2018 06:22 AM |
0 Replies and 3853 Views
rock hounding groups in arkansas 3853 0
Started by johnd_1953@centurylink.net
Looking for rockhounding groups around Clarksville arkansas.
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3853 |
11 Jan 2018 12:12 PM |
4 Replies and 67071 Views
Bautista Canyon Claims, Hemet, CA 67071 4
Started by eddy2u2@yahoo.com
I went out to Bautista Canyon to the claims and found these when sampling some areas.
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67071 |
by Chad Brace  06 Oct 2017 01:29 PM |
5 Replies and 16342 Views
Colorado Gem Prospecting questions 16342 5
Started by hooahextreme@gmail.com
I don't expect anyone to spill all their secrets. I'm just wanting a point in the right direction. I want my travels from South Dakota to be worth my while. I appreciate any info. I usually travel to the Front Range. Boulder to Colorado Springs area.
much thanks,
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16342 |
by TIM LEIBEL  30 Aug 2017 07:18 AM |