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4 Replies and 12378 Views Garbage on claims  12378  4 Started by Hello all, I was recently near one of our claims in Arizona and was a little taken back by the amount of trash that was around. I don't believe it was any of our members trash. I could have filled a garbage truck if I had one. It was sad to see that amount in a wilderness area. What surprised me the most wasn't just one area.  Anyone else encounter large amounts of garbage.  
4 12378
by  james pavliJump to last post
05 Dec 2018 04:12 PM
3 Replies and 26596 Views Mystery Creek Gold  26596  3 Started by Mystery Creek Gold Join Jeff as he goes on a hike to a small Creek to check and see if there's any Gold in it !! Thanks for watching,                        Jeff
3 26596
by  JEFF SMITHJump to last post
19 Aug 2018 09:59 AM
15 Replies and 28256 Views Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold ( Video )  28256  15 Started by Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold Take a trip with Jeff and Mike as they go on a trail ride up in the Sierra's  to look for some Gold trapped in Bedrock .    
15 28256
by  JEFF SMITHJump to last post
19 Aug 2018 09:58 AM
2 Replies and 3466 Views High Sierra Gold  3466  2 Started by High Sierra Gold Join Jeff and Mike as they look for Gold and Treasure in the High Sierra's , Watch as Jeff finds a  .45 Gram nugget.
2 3466
by  JEFF SMITHJump to last post
12 Aug 2018 09:27 AM
0 Replies and 2407 Views In Search of... Viking Gold  2407  0 Started by Hi All, I need to go to Sweden and Denmark for work, and thought I might drag along a small test pan and some other small tools to try and find some Viking Gold.  Anyone ever gone there and prospected/panned at all Interested in any tips someone can provide - am doing some basic websearch, too, but thought I would see what our members have experienced. To the extent I go and do anything there in this regard, I will post with pictures (if I can figure out how to add pics to a post) when ...
0 2407
20 Jul 2018 06:30 PM
0 Replies and 2623 Views Gold on the Feather  2623  0 Started by Gold on the Feather Watch Jeff as he takes you on a Prospecting trip to the Feather River in Northern California
0 2623
22 Jun 2018 11:58 AM
3 Replies and 10095 Views K River Campground Trip August 8th - August 16th  10095  3 Started by Ok I am taking a weeks vacation from work and going to K River Campground in Moyers, Oklahoma. My wife , and two kiddos love to find gold and cool rocks. plus we all love camping. we will be using a 3' dredge.  And a Golden Dream Sluice powered by Gold Hog Mats. and a mini sluice 'cleanup sluice' i just bought from GPAA.    We will be there from August 8th or 9th until August 16th  if you live around Moyers and want to prospect with us feel free to come on out and have a grea...
3 10095
by  Ty BlairJump to last post
22 Jun 2018 12:16 AM
3 Replies and 6515 Views Point bar colorado  6515  3 Started by Spent all day running dirt through sluices yesterday used a metal detector to find black sands got half a five gallon bucket of concetrates with lots of black sands test pan shows 5 small fines a 1 small placer hopefully when I pan it will have more back sure is hurting dried up Road is horrible getting in
3 6515
by  Samuel WilloughbyJump to last post
29 May 2018 05:24 AM
6 Replies and 96164 Views Some SC Gold  96164  6 Started by
6 96164
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
17 Nov 2017 03:19 PM
4 Replies and 82891 Views Arizona Gold  82891  4 Started by The big 1/4 OZ nugget was my first first first first ever nugget, and was found with a GPX 5000 in Arizona.  1 inch under the surface (good thing i spent the big bucks) The 2 other nuggets were found with the GPX in the same area,  (on the phone by the pop top thing) all found within an hour of each other.   A few weeks ago,  I pulled a 2.9 Grammer out of the ground near Greaterville, AZ.   Then the Pan of gold is just Misc Nuggets (includes the 4 nuggets found de...
4 82891
by  A. BRENT HARSHBARGERJump to last post
06 Jun 2017 01:05 PM
0 Replies and 5722 Views member photos  5722  0 Started by What happened to the two areas on the main page that had member photos Mine have been replaced with the nearest prospecting shop and claim. This all came about after I was looking around on the Community page.
0 5722
08 Apr 2017 03:00 PM
5 Replies and 9068 Views Pierce ID  9068  5 Started by Anybody been to the claims up near Pierce Idaho, thinking about planning a trip for this summer. Was interested in the claims in clearwater county.
5 9068
by  Vince EmeryJump to last post
27 Mar 2017 12:59 PM
2 Replies and 7651 Views Ransburg Red Chispa Camp Out  7651  2 Started by Had a great time prospecting with the SFVPC and PCSC camp out that we do every month at the Taft camp. Lost Gold was found. Did some Dry Washing and even found gold sweeping the roads. Until next month.
2 7651
by  Erick JolleyJump to last post
14 Mar 2017 09:10 PM
10 Replies and 14759 Views San Gabriel Mtn's, east fork river Gold camping trip  14759  10 Started by   Hi everybody,     For Labor Day Weekend, we headed to the San Gabriel Mountains in the Southern California area. The east fork river has been a hot spot for Gold since mining was invented. This rich Gold area should be a monument to Gold Miners     Our trip was crazy, no parking, I couldn't go where I wanted to go. There were cars parked all the way down the road, so we ended up at 'nugget alley' if you're familiar with the area. There had to be 200 campers there, ...
10 14759
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
28 Jan 2017 09:46 AM
2 Replies and 7620 Views Whitestown, IN  7620  2 Started by I will be headed up to Whitestown Indiana this Sunday for work that week and will have some free time in the afternoons (after 5pm) and was hoping to be able to get into some creeks to do some sluicing /panning. If anyone is in the area or knows of the area and can point me in the right direction it would be great. Just wanting to do a little digging to relax from a busy day of work.
2 7620
by  RONALD PETERSONJump to last post
21 Oct 2016 02:24 PM
1 Replies and 8323 Views 9/17 Test trip  8323  1 Started by Ran with a buddy to test out my put together 2 1/2 inch dredge. it ran like a champ no real adjusting to do. The homemade flare box (yes with a traffic cone) and upper classifier section that I built worked great for its first outing. Hope you all like it. any comments or modification ideas welcome.        
1 8323
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
21 Sep 2016 09:49 AM
6 Replies and 12052 Views Stumbletown Gold camp at Italian Bar Ca.  12052  6 Started by    Hi everyone,      If you're looking for a fun Gold camping adventure in the Northern California Sonora & Columbia area, then Italian Bar is the spot. The public 'Stumbletown' camping area is only minutes from the LDMA camp. It was hot when we got there, 102* at 2:00 am. But the next day was 84*, really nice. We stayed a week, and found some good Gold, good BBQ, and just relaxed in the cool river. Here's a few pics...  
6 12052
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
13 Sep 2016 05:21 PM
3 Replies and 14424 Views Randy's YouTube Gold Prospecting Channel  14424  3 Started by Hey GPAA Gold Prospectors... If you didn't know it, I have a YouTube Channel dedicated to gold prospecting.  Probably a good 275 short videos to watch, date.  I have videos from all over the country......California, Georgia, Colorado, etc. I use all sorts of mining equipment too......suction dredge, Gold Cube, sluice, pan, metal detector, etc. Please check out and subscribe to my Gold Adventures YouTube Channel here:
3 14424
by  Sean WatsonJump to last post
09 Sep 2016 11:11 AM
0 Replies and 5960 Views Grand County Colorado, Kaufman Creek  5960  0 Started by I used my Bazooka Gold Trap in Kaufman Creek.  I dug one hole along the bank down to a blue clay layer.  I only ran about 6 quarter full buckets of unclassified material.  I got fine gold and a bunch of black sand.  It was a fair rate of recovery for only a short time in an area where I have never prospected and had very little knowledge.  It is a beautiful place too with some good dispersed camping.
0 5960
31 Jul 2016 12:17 PM
3 Replies and 9279 Views Western WA Gold  9279  3 Started by  JBONES39@YAHOO.COM This year has been the best year I've ever had on the Stillaguamish River. Three visits this years with like color in pan. Sluiced with A52, the result of about (2) 5 gallon buckets run, classified to 8.  
3 9279
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
20 Jul 2016 09:19 PM
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