Jeff Martin New Member Posts:37 
15 Jan 2016 06:25 PM |
I had a plate made that says (GoldMnr) for Arizona. 1 Plate state, so 1 on my truck for a license plate. 1 on front of my motorhome to display my passion. May work in other states.
Jeff Martin New Member Posts:37 
15 Jan 2016 06:26 PM |
it is a great idea, we tried the Dewalt vac and works great. More than enough run time, light weight. Thanks for the thought.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Feb 2016 08:27 PM |
An idea for the store is the J hook that's pictured in my Gold Mining Bucket thread. It can securely hook your Pan & Classifier on the outside of your bucket. It works great.
GARY SCHWALL Greenhorn Posts:20 
27 Feb 2016 10:06 PM |
How about bigger pay dirt bags with less dirt and more gold !! you only have one small bag give the GPAA members bigger nugget bag with a give a way or a nugget prize to boost sales and help with them gold fever blues on them rainy boring days gold gold gold fever!!!!
Brent Daugherty Greenhorn Posts:17 
12 Mar 2016 09:56 PM |
I was looking to buy another gpaa safari hat, but dont see them available any more. They were really good quality.
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
13 Apr 2016 07:38 PM |
The Hermit Pick....... Kicks Dirt and Digs GOLD
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
22 Apr 2016 07:18 AM |
LDMA Name Badges.... Are these still available? If so, please provide a link.
When my mining partner (spouse) and I joined up in June, we thought that a LDMA Name Badge would be easy to find and acquire.
Ronald Peterson New Member Posts:97 
22 Apr 2016 08:19 AM |
Brad, do you get the Pick & Shovel Gazette? If so look under Miners Marketplace. Or call Barry at 530-501-6009 or you can also try " " or e-mail " ". Ron
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
29 Apr 2016 06:43 AM |
Ron, THANK YOU!! and will do.
Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
06 Nov 2016 02:35 PM |
- I second the Hermit Picks! - A wide variety of CMS or K&J Rare Earth Neodymium Magnets (especially Countersunk for adding to Poles and Shafts) - Snake Guardz in different colors. - Estwing's Picks, Rocks Chisels, Rock and Crack Hammers, Pry Bars Etc. - A set of Small Stone Chisels - A set of 8" to 24" Heavy Duty Pry Bars - 3 to 5 feet long "Plumber Spade" Pry Bars which are great for Mining. (Anyone who caught an episode of Prospectors, would have seen these commonly used) - A MUST - This is the best, high quality rig, set-up for anyone who likes to keep their tools close or on them while Prospecting, Mining or Metal Detecting: The Camouflaged Mullet Buster Suspension Rig from Bucket Boss. Made of Mossy Oak rip stop 600D/poly fabric. - The Estwings Harness Belt and Bags (great for Rock Hounding and Prospecting) - A varity of Finds Bags, I have several different ones that I love. (Will return to list my favorites later) - A wide varity of crevicing tools (Will return to list later) - A good set of Tweezers and Surgical Picks designed for Gold Prospecting. (I can get the brands out there if needed) - Field Magnifying Lupes - Tool Bags heavy duty enough to carry everything to and from the field. (I have so many and sadly still haven't found anything I feel is perfect but I am currently using a Large Military Canvas Duffle Bag with Side Access Zippered) - A framed Back Pack for tools (will list best choices when I return) - Non-Metallic Tactical or Work Boots for Desert and Mountain Prospecting i.e. Bates makes some really good ones. - Wet Suits and Water Waiters - Many more Metal Detectors especially the most popular Nugget Shooting machines. (I will START with a Garrett ATX and add more later when I return.) ( I HAVE ALOT MORE BUT RAN OUT OF TIME - I WILL RETURN TO EDIT AND ADD)
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
08 Nov 2016 05:46 PM |
I add to the Hermit Pick. I use mine detecting and digging to get paydirt to sluice and at hone to weed the garden. They are great all around tools.
Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
11 Nov 2016 07:00 PM |
I was going to edit my post, add details but maybe it's so old that my suggestions wouldn't be read by the powers that be... Not sure. Am I too late to the party? LOL
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
23 Nov 2016 07:39 AM |
Posted By Shane Edwards on 11 Nov 2016 07:00 PM
I was going to edit my post, add details but maybe it's so old that my suggestions wouldn't be read by the powers that be... Not sure. Am I too late to the part Shane, this party never stops! It is never too late to add to the wish list. Paul and GPAA staff are always looking to improve our experience with the right tools for the job!
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
23 Nov 2016 11:39 AM |
I took a torsion bar from a Ford Ranger, cut in half. Put a chisel tip on the cut ends. Has the big hex head on the other ends. Used for breaking open cracks in bedrock in conjunction with a 4 lb hammer or bigger.
Something along those lines might be feasible.
Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
25 Nov 2016 12:56 PM |
Posted By <a href='' class='af-profile-link'>Brad Lamb</a> on 23 Nov 2016 07:39 AM Posted By <a href="" class="af-profile-link">Shane Edwards</a> on 11 Nov 2016 07:00 PM I was going to edit my post, add details but maybe it's so old that my suggestions wouldn't be read by the powers that be... Not sure. Am I too late to the part Shane, this party never stops! It is n<span style="font-size: 17.5px; font-style: italic;">ever too late to add to the wish list. Paul and GPAA staff are always looking to improve our experience with the right tools for the job!</span> Awesome... Then I will edit and add as the next best thing to the experience in hunting is the tools and gear I use in hunting... I am addicted and can't stop buying them LOL. I am new to Gold Prospecting but not shopping LOL
KENNY STITES Greenhorn Posts: 
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
22 Nov 2017 07:05 AM |
Gloves, but really good flexible so you can dig with your hands and will last more than a couple of hours. I chew up gloves , sometimes 2 pair a day.
Russell Wiley Greenhorn Posts: 
14 Dec 2017 01:46 AM |
I will third the plate. Good Idea Tim.
Garrett Hook Greenhorn Posts:10 
02 Mar 2018 07:55 AM |
Mmmmm gear!... My 2nd favorite topic....and i could go on and on about this subject lol... But i will keep it brief and tell you my main pieces of gear in a nutshell and not in any particular order ..... Good knee pads ...(cant stress those enough).....a well made backpack/rucksack (like mentioned above).....i wear a small single strap pack with Molle accross my chest to carry snacks a soda/water ..pen and paper...small tools....and a quick to reach small med supplies ...etc...(which also counter balances the weight distribution) .... These go over my tactical utility vest ..which provides a plethora of pockets from which are filled with ..well....a plethora of gear lol.....real good pair of boots.... weather appropriate clothing .....a Unted Cutlery M48 tactical shovel which connects to the utilty belt and a good prospectors pick with magnets ....crevice tools...toothbrush ....ok...gonna stop before i start naming everything lol....but most important are the gear that make me comfortable, safe, and get the "work" done.....everything else is for convience....and that is why i have so many pockets  Work smart not hard......well if anyone has any questions etc ...please feel free to drop me a line ............Happy prospecting!!! Garrett Hook V.P. Winnemucca Prospectors Winnemucca,Nv
Chris Terry Greenhorn Posts:12 
21 Sep 2018 11:09 AM |
bug spray... i went out tuesday after work and had to leave early because the mosquitoes were chewing me up