Last Post 19 Feb 2023 10:12 AM by  Benjamin Belfiglio
Nome Gold Beaches
 5 Replies
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Robert Gill

24 Jun 2015 09:34 PM
    Nome Gold Alaska Corporation a Russian company ....................... Suposedly has leased or Claimed all the (used to be) public beach.. ran every off all campers and beach prospectors BEACH IS CLOSED???????...

    What happened to " claim 60 feet of beach to prospect...     this is news to those of us who have dreamed of Gold Beaches Of NOME....Any info or court case info would help...

    Tim Leibel

    25 Jun 2015 06:49 AM
    I would think with the Alaska Gold Expedition getting started up there , that someone from GPAA would know something about this. Also, I can not see how they could do that. In most states
    from the high tide mark down is considered in the water and the states land.
    Greg Miller
    New Member
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    25 Jun 2015 03:04 PM
    Here is some info from the DNR website:

    State land begins at the mean high tide level. Since the average tide at Nome is 1.04 feet, this means that in order to be on state land the miner must effectively be in the water. All of the uplands at Nome are privately owned. Therefore, other recreational mining apparatus such as rocker box or high banker or sluice box or gold pan must be used in the surf below mean high tide, but not higher up on the beach. Miners using these other recreational mining apparatus in the surf zone are not required to file a permit application and receive a permit.
    Because the uplands are all privately owned, any miner mining or camping on the beach or tundra above the beach will be in trespass unless they have permission from the land owner. Trespass is not allowed, and is grounds for revocation of the miners' permit.

    In regards to Nome Alaska Gold Corporation and Mr. Gill's post, here is a link to an interview conducted by Nome's radio station KNOM -
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    25 Jun 2015 04:17 PM
    I would suspect the beach setion that is used for the AK Exped. is part of the property that  GPAA/LDMA own, so they don't have to worry about it or get involved.
    Vincent Smith

    16 Jan 2023 03:14 AM
    I have been looking up GPAA claims in Alaska, and didn’t find any in the area of Nome. If there is any new claims in Nome, please let me know, as I would love to go there this season coming up, I know GPAA used to have access to the Beaches of Nome, because I used to watch the show on PBS that featured George “Buzzard” Massey, founder of GPAA, in the late 80’s and early 90’s, and he used to talk about when he needed a new ‘Vette he would go to the beaches of Nome.
    Benjamin Belfiglio
    New Member
    New Member

    19 Feb 2023 10:12 AM
    You resurrected a 8 year old post. There are still public acces beach mining areas in Nome. A better option if visiting is the AKAU gold camp, really not badly priced for all that is included.
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