Last Post 21 Jul 2015 10:37 AM by  Nicholas Lionberger
DIY Handheld Suction dredge Help
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30 Jun 2015 07:14 AM

    I have been toying with a homemade hand dredge, simalr to ones you can buy at the gold shows for about $100. I've seen lots of videos on you tube about how to make them and I have a pretty good one built. My problem, however, is that I am not getting the suction I need. I have tried using foam cut from pipe insulation and have even made my own leather cup seals. The leather cup seals have worked the best but it still isnt giving me good enough suction to use in the field. 


    I have a friend who purchased the gold n sand unit and it works extremely well. Thats the result I am looking for. I would love it if anyone has any suggestions.



    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    30 Jun 2015 12:04 PM
    Have you tried using a rubber ball compressed between a couple of washers and a wing nut to adjust tension and therefore the diameter?  Also goes without saying, make sure you don't have any air leaks in all the fittings.
    William Hall

    30 Jun 2015 04:02 PM

    Not knowing what part of the world you are, I would suggest your GOOD local hardware store.
    Find some rubber washers to fit the inside dia of the pipe your using with some large fender washers. I use three washers on my 2" and 4 washers on my 3", thinking of adding another.

    The trick is finding PVC pipe with smooth insides.
    As Arthur suggests, no air leaks 'below' the washers. The air or water needs out above the washers.
    Forget any check valves, Y fittings, just straight suck it in blow it into your bucket all in one motion.
    It takes practice, but works better than any other.

    Kenneth Swineford
    New Member
    New Member

    01 Jul 2015 05:10 AM
    In the same Isle you bought your PVC pipe there should be a mechanical plastic test plug that has a wing nut on top and a rubber gasket already installed around a plastic washer if you will, get one of these of the correct diameter, remove the hardware and reinstall your threaded rod down through the all ready drilled hole and tighten with a nut above and below the plug. You will have to remove the top plastic edge that's above the gasket with a few bumps to a belt sander so that it will fully insert into the pvc. You can then compress or loosen the two nuts you installed on the threaded rod to compress or decompress the gasket to obtain your desired results.
    Nicholas Lionberger

    21 Jul 2015 10:37 AM
    You can make a sure fire gasket from a tennis ball. Just cut it in half and trim down until it will slip into the tube. Sizing isn't super critical. The fuzzy side is installed facing the nozzle end. The downstroke is easy and it scrubs sand off of the walls. Upstroke flips the tennis ball half inside out sucking the rubber onto the walls. Works like a charm.
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