As a new GPPA member from ohio.. Mike Fulper
I called out to Casper Wyoming chapter... Rick Messina and asked him if I
came from Ohio to Wyoming could he take me out to the Big Horn Mts
and pan for gold....
He said no problem..... I got out there. called him and he and his buddy George
took me 80 miles back into the Mts. to a SECRET site and said ANYWHERE I DIG
He was right.. this is the TRUTH.. !!
I spent about 30 minutes picking and shoveling around at spots I thought might be good...
30 minutes..... and I got about ONE FULL 5 gallon bucket of dirt and stones..
We classified it down and used a High Banker sluice thing...? 
Im new you see...
and FINALLY... im ready to PAN some of this mud.....
and in my first SWISHING AROUND... a piece of gold jumped out !!
What Rick says would be a PICKER.... meaning we could actually PICK IT OUT. HA.
I got 2 PICKERS and lots of SMALL pcs of GOLD....!!!!!!!!!!
Now this was 30 minutes.... .one bucket of dirt...... and FIRST EVER PANNING
Even RICK AND GEORGE were impressed.. with what was found....
Rick panned out some smaller pcs also...
I felt bad as my pile of dirt and panning got more gold then him....
Great guys and they KNOW .. where the GOLD IS .. in Wyoming....
Hats off to Casper Wyoming Chapter.. Rick Messina....
I will be going back NEXT SUMMER ALSO.....
Really made our trip out west very exciting.......
Now to pan in OHIO......
Thanks, Mike Fulper