JOEBOB FECTEAU Greenhorn Posts:24 
13 Aug 2015 10:51 PM |
Hi all, just got back from the Yuba river above Downieville ca, from my first trip sluicing and panning. Went up with my 2 boys and fellow GPAA member Rivers La Barge and his family to a friends claim on the yuba. We had a blast playing in the river washing rocks, with 4 boys under 5 and 3 dogs there was a lot going on but, we managed plenty of time prospecting. One night we got woken up to lightning right above are head booming and cracking down the canyon. I spent the first 2 days digging a 55 gal size hole in the side of the river tell I needed scuba gear to reach the bottom. I got some specks out of it but not much at all so I decided to move on and try a few buckets from a steep embankment just out of the river. Being my first time prospecting and a total greenhorn I started to wonder if I was not seeing the gold after washing 40-50 buckets of material to 1/8th of a inch and tossing them back in the river( or on to the island I built) but, I kept on washing. I the second bucket from the new locating I saw a little something in my 1/4 inch classification screen.Low and be hold there was my very first nugget!! WooHoo!!!! I grabbed it stuck it between my teeth and rock hoped up to Rivers who was just up stream and gave him a big nugget smile. After checking it out for a few minuets with a refreshed out look we got back to washing. Being the last night and having to leave in the AM we went back down to wash more rocks by headlamps after the boys went to bed. We found no more nuggets that night but both of us brought a few buckets home of un-washed materiel, of witch I have 1 bucket let to wash??? I did how ever find a real nice crystal and a pinch of smalls so far. We had a great time on the Yuba and cant wait to go back. The nugget ended up weighing 3.4 grams and I am one supper happy prospector.
JOEBOB FECTEAU Greenhorn Posts:24 
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
13 Aug 2015 10:59 PM |
Congrats, my wife found her first nugget a few weeks back, we actually almost tossed it out. It wasn't 3.4 grams but it is a nice piece of gold for where she was digging. Don't lose track of that small stuff, it adds up quicker than you think. I save my materials to pan in the off season a second time to see what I missed the first time, I have been surprised at times by what I have missed. Once again Congrats, finding a nugget feels great.
Jim Locke Basic Member Posts:131 
14 Aug 2015 03:44 PM |
Congrats! Looks like you had a real good trip!
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
14 Aug 2015 03:44 PM |
joebob, VERY NICE nugget. Always good to see that kinda stuff still out there. Just keep in mind, not all trips will pay off like that, don't get discouraged when you don't find one of them on each trip. LOL It would be real nice if it did, but then you would have more friends than you thought. Bill
JOEBOB FECTEAU Greenhorn Posts:24 
14 Aug 2015 03:55 PM |
Thanks guys. Ya I got really lucky with that nugget, all my other gold I got maybe totals up to .008 of a gram lol. For me its all about the experience.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
14 Aug 2015 04:03 PM |
Let me ask you a question Joebob, What was different about the spot you found that nugget in compared to the place you were previously? Gold is where you find it, but in the river heavy gold tends to collect in the same area for the same reason, was it a bend, a nook, did you have to move rocks, on the end or beginning of a sand bar, etc? Whatever made you decide to pick that spot you might want to try again.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
14 Aug 2015 07:36 PM |
Very good .looking nugget there 1
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
15 Aug 2015 11:14 AM |
Yes it is a nice one! Just wondering though how far into the hillside did you have to dig? Was it mostly hillside sediments or hard packed overburden? Or was it close to bedrock? Was it located such that if a heavy floodwaters roared through, it would have eventually been exposed and dropped into the river?
JOEBOB FECTEAU Greenhorn Posts:24 
17 Aug 2015 11:46 PM |
Here's the info on where I was digging. First spot on the river was at the downriver side of a 50 foot long pool next to some granite shelf's that maid up the bed rock layers. i had to give up on my hole be for I hit the bottom BR because I had no scuba gear, I was about 4 ft from the granite face on the side of the river and made it down about 3-4 feet before I gave up on it. The nugget came out the middle bottom of a 10 foot embankment that was just above the high water marks in loose dirt\gravel ,I scraped away the leaves and little dirt and it was right there maybe a foot in, it was in the first two buckets out of that spot. I washed 12 buckets out of that spot for that crystle and a few specks still have two buckets to wash but I found more specks out of the river hole but I'm talking specks and just a few of them.