27 Aug 2015 02:31 AM |
I live in the Natomas area of Sacramento, and I'm looking for some prospecting buddies to go on a regular basis with. I've got equipment.
Patrick McMinn New Member Posts:29 
01 Sep 2015 08:48 AM |
Christopher, If you ever want to go up in the plumas area claims, shoot me a email. I live near Oroville Rick
DARRYLL VANDORN Greenhorn Posts: 
12 Aug 2018 05:22 PM |
Im intersted in talking about a trip I live in the Yuba-sutter area and am new to the club. Darryll
Daniel Holt Greenhorn Posts:2 
08 Nov 2018 11:48 AM |
Just starting out i live in no.sac .Daniel
Daniel Cramton Greenhorn Posts: 
28 Nov 2018 06:23 PM |
I live west of Sacramento about an hour. I'm new to GPAA, have been sluicing and panning a couple summers. I have a Gold Bug 2 metal detector as well, just havent found anything with it yet.
STANLEY SHIELDS New Member Posts:64 
30 Dec 2018 08:13 PM |
Wish I lived closer than Ohio,lol
John Hoeft Greenhorn Posts:2 
03 Jan 2019 06:35 PM |
Live in citrus heights, I'm too afraid to drive the roads myself. Also wouldnt mind having buddies to go with. I have my own equipment and am willing to pitch in for gas.
Alexander Petzinger Greenhorn Posts:13 
08 Jan 2019 12:09 PM |
Hello John: I live in Yuba City. Besides the basic gear (pan, sluices, etc), I have sniping equipment and a complete hookah diving system (air compressor, hoses, thick wetsuit, the whole nine yards). When the rain subsides, I intend to do some winter prospecting (I also have a lot of camping gear for both summer and winter). Beside GPAA claims, I have access to other private claims in the Mother Lode. Don't hesitate to phone me when you get the chance. I'll be attending the Gold Hounds meeting this coming Friday for a meet and greet: Alex Petzinger 469-525-9474
Rick Everett Greenhorn Posts:1 
10 Mar 2019 07:55 PM |
Hey guys, i know this is an old post but wanted to say i live in antelope ca and have most everything equipment wise besides dredge, use gold hog mats in a keen A52 sluice. Goldmaster detector, all the usual pans and classifiers and tools. Grew up going up to all the foothill locations and prospecting with my dad. Ive recently got back into it and dont really have anyone else interested so if you want to hook up for a trip sometime hit me up! Thanks Rick
Eric Gleaves Greenhorn Posts:2 
20 Mar 2019 02:42 PM |
I'm another new guy here. I live in the foothills between Lincoln & Auburn. I'm still green, but I'm building my tool collection, studying hard, and looking to buy my first sluice soon. I joined GPAA hoping to meet some like-minded people and get out there to do some real prospecting. I'd be down for a group outing sometime.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
21 Mar 2019 06:42 PM |
Welcome Rck and Eric, Man you are right in your yard for mining in that area, many great spots Check out the Auburn State Rec area, be mindful of "their" rules, many areas above Lk Folsom to poke around So much mining history in your area Check out local chapters, its a little early yet, rivers/creeks runnin high and cold, but they have group outings Bill
Robert Edwards Greenhorn Posts:10 
02 Apr 2019 12:23 AM |
Also looking for prospecting comrades. Im about 1.5 hours from sacramento, im into detecting, crevicing, sluicing, etc, still an amateur though. We should all get a group going, cell texting is easiest for me (I dont have facebook). I will be posting my when I go out on here, most likely not until the water is lower. I Have checked out a couple gpaa claims around the area... so far just finding flour... much to learn I have
Robert Edwards Greenhorn Posts:10 
16 Apr 2019 07:21 PM |
Going out this week/weekend, most likely thursday friday saturday, half of sunday.... April 18,19,20,21. If anyone is interested in going out for a day or 2, or more, let me know. I dont know of any specific claim, I would be going to, but im thinking around edwards crossing @ south yuba, or maybe a little north near Downieville but im open to whatever. email or text, calling works too i guess, or 925 three 3 9 - 2 three 55
Robert Edwards Greenhorn Posts:10 
17 Apr 2019 02:32 AM |
Just a little head up on a small get together... Im goin to try to make it, I havnt personally met any of these people but i hear good things. details in the video description, ill paste it here too... "be held this May 11th & 12th 2019 . At the SOUTH YUBA CAMPGROUND Off north Bloomfield rd. Blue tent , California Just passed Edward's crossing . We will meet at 7am sharp Saturday morning there is the option to camp overnight you must provide your own camping equipment and food. There is also a $10 camp permit paid to the state onsite to camp overnight. If you decide to stay we will be prospecting Sunday until 2pm . Please be prepared for a 40min to 1.5 hour hike to prospecting grounds. There is also a heavy presence of bears in the areas so be prepared for that also. Bring non motorized equipment to comply with regulations. Please leave a comment after the video to let us know you will be coming! " looks like a fun time.
Eric Gleaves Greenhorn Posts:2 
17 Apr 2019 01:29 PM |
Interesting....this doesn't look like a GPAA event, do you have to be part of their group to attend? I can't find anything about them other than their YouTube channel. Edit: I figured it out....Adam is a local prospector with a YouTube channel. There is no formal group, just a bunch of guys who hunt gold together. I might try to join them on this outing.
TAD VAN ALLEN Greenhorn Posts:17 
18 Apr 2019 06:34 PM |
I am going up to Grass Valley, Cali... for a couple music festivals coming up in May and June.(Fathersday weekend's Grass Valley Bluegrass festival !! and Strawberry Music festival...) would be cool to meet some Gold Searching Musicians.. or meet up to do some prospecting.. was planning to check out the open public waters on the Yuba.. and maybe some GPAA spots as well... Tad
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
18 Apr 2019 07:05 PM |
MMmmmm Fathers day Bluegrass at Nevada county fairgrounds Great music Festival Bill
TAD VAN ALLEN Greenhorn Posts:17 
18 Apr 2019 08:58 PM |
Hi Bill... yeah, i play upright bass, love jammin Bluegrass n some country/folk . i drive up from SoCal. (San diego) theres alot of festivals somewhat close to some of the GPAA claims. (Actually quite a few!). main reason i joined GPAA. San Diego doesnt have the BIG WATERS, like NoCal.. i thought of starting a Musician Prospectors thread.. just to see how many prospectors are also musicians.. haha.. i kind of farmed the main topic of Sacramento tho! being from San Diego..
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
19 Apr 2019 06:33 PM |
A time long ago and far away, I once played keyboard Now days, just enjoy the music, the festival and surroundings About 15 miles west of Grass Valley on Hwy20, you cross over the Yuba River With a little research you can find the little slice of BLM land on the east side (I believe) in the Yuba gold fields Old bucket line dredge tailings for day, pay attention to claims, BLM should be open, research Yeah not much flowing water in the SD area right now NorCal has dare I say it, too much water that will be short lived Bill
Robert Edwards Greenhorn Posts:10 
19 Apr 2019 06:39 PM |
Not a player here, although I played viola (a slightly bigger violin) In highschool a bit. I here dredgeing is actually becoming legal soon, does any1 have details on that?