I wouldn't waste your time in the Delores. Besides the Northern and Southern GPAA claims being Pan only very few people that I know of have had any luck in finding even one flake. The reason for this is because the gold is locked in the Upper Alluvial Placer and unless you have a claim that allows you to dig into rock walls way high up you too will not find anything.
I was told by the BLM Geologist that the lower section when you cross the Montrose County Line is closed and only the Northern remains opened. This is unfortunate because at mile marker 89 the Upper Alluvial Placer makes it's way down to the river and that is the only place I have seen anybody finding gold plus it is a private claim, but that too has been shut down.
The only thing I have found in the Delores is a lot of Garnets, there is no shortage of those on the Northern most Claim. You can see some Falcons soaring through the canyons on a breezy day, I think they are the reason the Biologist I ran into down there were closing section of the Canyon off. When you go a few miles further South you get into some serious Uranium deposits, some are even mined and left in holding bins for when the need for them improves, there are plenty of Radioactive Warning Signs. If you go to the East just South of where you cross over the Delores River I have found a few interesting places and a few Dry Wash Claims, but once again no materials, just plenty of red clay mud that will clog up even the best dredges. That red dirt makes panning incredibly difficult.
Pretty country, that canyon is amazing, but of all the claims I am sampled with in different rivers in Colorado the Delores is the only one I have come up empty on, that was after 5 separate times down there. One other word of advice, watch out for snakes. We drove down to another claim and drove through there about a month ago and we saw more Turkeys down there than I thought Colorado has, we must have counted 50 between Gateway and Uravan.