Steve Michael Greenhorn Posts:13 
04 Sep 2015 03:03 AM |
Hi I'm Hoot ( not my real name), people often ask me why I'm called Hoot ? I tell them that is because my better half is called Holler. I'm guessin you can figure that one out on yer own. Well times come for me and the wifey to retire and head west. figured we'd spend the winter gold prospecting. Got my GPAA membership after many years of dreaming of the time and freedom to allow me to follow my treasure hunting soul. Just thought I'd stop by and ask one simple question. We have a camper and we was wondering if the prospecting sites have campgrounds nearby or do people actually camp right on site ?
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
04 Sep 2015 06:36 AM |
Depends on the claim. Some have no access or spots to park a camper or trailer on, and some do. Some might have an established "dispersed camping" spot on them, with a fire ring out of rock or even metal in some cases.
Always be aware of fire restrictions in the area you are in, and that USFS and BLM have a 14 day limit on staying in one spot. Our golden rule is to leave an area better than when you got there, so picking up after idiots is always appreciated.
Depending on the area USFS and BLM may have campgrounds nearby, but a lot of those will close up for the winter in most areas, and can get expensive in a hurry at $8-10 per night and up.
If you get up here will be glad to show you the claims around the area and you are always welcome to our chapter meetings. I can always be PM'ed here and the chapter contact is listed in the magazine and Pick & Shovel.Welcome and good luck, lot of help and info in the chapters, so attend meetings in the area you are in, if able. You will find a lot of new friends you never knew you had.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
04 Sep 2015 01:58 PM |
First question I should ask is which states are you planning on heading to?
BLM and National Forest generally have a 14 day camping rule and you don't have to make any reservations or pay fees, some have campsites and some don't. If you wish to stay in a National Park expect to have to reserve a camp site and pay for it.
When I was younger I loved to just throw my pack and rifle on my back and head off into the mountains on foot, I slept where I wanted, made my own campsites, and made fire from the dead wood on the ground. Much of that has not changed out West but every state has a little bit different rules so it is always best to check in ahead of time and the BLM and or National Forest Department will probably send somebody out to check on you.
One of the big complaints I have heard from people here in Colorado is that many of the BLM campground sites are filled with homeless people because of the legal marijuana, but I have yet to see any sign of that on the Western Slope as of yet. Most of the BLM sites remain empty most of the time, a few campers, and a few tenters.
There are more BLM Campsites in Colorado then needed, most always they are empty, and much of those are BLM Claims as well that you can pan on, but some are private claims, camping is free and no permit is required. Make sure when you put a shovel or pan to the ground you know what claim you are digging on.
Congrats on your retirement, I hope you enjoy it out West, after having lived all over the Country I decided it's the only place I ever care to live again.
Steve Michael Greenhorn Posts:13 
04 Sep 2015 06:14 PM |
Thank you so very much Arthur. I hope to be up your way eventually. Gonna stay down Arizona area for the winter then heading north to Alaska in the spring and hoping to Stop in Oregon along the way.
Steve Michael Greenhorn Posts:13 
04 Sep 2015 06:19 PM |
Thanks Benjamin, that's great info about the BLM and National Forest sites. I just did a Google Search on them and am very exited. They even encourage Boondocking in acceptable areas which is a much better (more remote) than organized campsites !!!
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
05 Sep 2015 08:04 AM |
When you get out to the western states, stop in at any of the USFS on BLM offices in the area you are in. Most USFS National Forests have completed their travel management plans and have maps of the routes open to motorized use. They are called "Motorized Vehicle Use maps" or MVUM's. They are free at any ranger district office for the forest you are in. They will also give you the routes and distances on either side of the route you can get off for "dispersed camping". That can vary between 100 and 300 feet depending on the forest in question. They can also advise on conditions, or closures (like for fire,etc) in the area you want to visit.
BLM is a little different in that they have "open", "limited", or "closed". Open means that you are not required to stay on a road or trail, cross country travel is allowed/ Limited can mean certain designated roads and trails are open, or a season of use due to other factors such as big game winter range, weather conditions, etc. Closed means no motorized vehicle use allowed. A visit to the district office in question will get you the information on the area, as well as current condition or area closures due to things like fires, etc.
You can access all of the contact information nationwide for BLM and USFS by going to their websites and pulling up the states you want information on. Might be worthwhile to invest in some calls beforehand on the first areas you want to hit for their info before you hit the road.
If you get through the west side of Oregon, I an located about halfway between Eugene and Salem and about 12 miles east of I-5. We currently have 3 GPAA claims about 25 miles from me, and a public area about 10 miles long, and 2 more about 30 miles east of Cottage Grove (20 miles south of Eugene). More GPAA claims further south that I have not been down to. I am available on w/e's , and our chapter meets on the first Sunday of the month at 1:30 in Brownsville (15 miles south of me), unless it is a holiday w/e such as 4th of July or Labor Day.
Steve Michael Greenhorn Posts:13 
05 Sep 2015 04:42 PM |
Thank you again for all the great information Arthur, I look forward to meeting you in the future !
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
05 Sep 2015 08:27 PM |
Steve, if you get a chance go to one of the LDMA group outings I would do that. You might find it interesting and fun. Most all the LDMA camps allow trailer camping and quite a few have full hook ups.
Steve Michael Greenhorn Posts:13 
08 Sep 2015 02:01 PM |
Do I need to be a member of the LDMA to attend one of them outins Tim ?
Jim Locke Basic Member Posts:131 
08 Sep 2015 02:32 PM |
Steve, Congrats! I got a LOONNNGG way to go but I cannot wait to do the same! Whereabouts in Arizona you going to winter? The reason I ask is that I am pretty familiar with the Quartzsite area. It's a great place to winter up and poke around. Lots of open dry camping and several parks I believe (the wife and I have never gone that route, however). We are usually only in the area for 10 days or so, so dry camping works well for us. Usually out there the beginning of February, if you should be out that way around them... let me know. Also, I am looking into joining the Quartzsite Metal Detecting club. They have alot of claimed property in the area. Of course GPAA has some in the area too. Take care and again Congratulations! Jim
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
08 Sep 2015 02:56 PM |
I believe GPAA members are allowed to sign up for 1 LDMA/GPAA outing every 12 months. I know I was A GPAA member only when I went to my first one. I am getting ready for my third now.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
08 Sep 2015 03:04 PM |
Check with the office, they can fill you in on the outings, both the 3 and 5 day'ers and when they are and locations and if they are full or not.
Steve Michael Greenhorn Posts:13 
08 Sep 2015 05:37 PM |
Hi Jim,
I just bought some land in the St Johns area. A place to put the RV on. Dry camping indeed. We figured to stay for this winter and then head up to Alaska the following spring. I haven't gotten around much in Arizona, so I don't even know if it is in the Quartzite area, lol. But I sure will try to remember to let you know where we are when February comes around . thank You for the Help !
Steve Michael Greenhorn Posts:13 
08 Sep 2015 05:44 PM |
I just got done looking at the membership deal for the LDMA and it sounds really good. But Gotta talk to the Boss to see what she thinks. She doesn't like taking on extra monthly payments at this stage of our lives. And I'm not flush enough to pay outright without even knowing if I'll like gold hunting. It will literally be our first time hunting after raising our four kids we finally have the time and freedom. So I think we'll probably try an outing first and then hit her up for a membership ! lol
Steve Michael Greenhorn Posts:13 
08 Sep 2015 05:47 PM |
Thanks Arthur, will do !
Jim Locke Basic Member Posts:131 
08 Sep 2015 05:51 PM |
Steve, I had to look up St Johns...... it's a ways East - for sure! Google maps says about 344 miles to Quartzsite. But hey! For sure - if you are out West that far in February , give a little notice and maybe we could meet up!? Take care, happy huntin' Jim
Steve Michael Greenhorn Posts:13 
08 Sep 2015 06:07 PM |
Good deal Jim, looking forward to meeting you, see you then !
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
08 Sep 2015 06:32 PM |
You can put in for the outing at stanton and come on over .We have a great time at the outing .The outing is over the New Year .Come and join the fun as we do have that .Full hookups will be available.I have been there the last 3 years as a helper .
Steve Michael Greenhorn Posts:13 
09 Sep 2015 04:58 AM |
Hi Joseph,
Working on our itinerary this weekend. Planning a trip along the east coast shoreline. My first love is Metal Detecting. So we are leaving in Oct or possibly as late as November from NY State. Heading south along the coast into SC. From there we'll be headed west. Don't know when we'll be reaching Arizona, and frankly for the first time in my life, don't care ! But rest assured if I'm anywhere even close by then I'll be joining in I can't wait to start meeting all of you. You seem like really great people who are like minded as my wife and I. So I'll be seeing you all sooner or later I'm sure !!!
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
09 Sep 2015 10:11 AM |
All, Sorry for a slow response, but yes GPAA members are welcome to 1 outing every 12 months and calling the office is the best way to register, I am getting ready for my 3rd outing with the LDAM in a year. I joined LDMA on my first. I will be traveling around Arizona in February and would love to meet you all, so I will post where I am at and maybe we can do some prospecting together.