TYLER MAYO Greenhorn Posts: 
05 Sep 2015 09:04 AM |
What type of matting, if any, should I run under the classifying screenin the hopper section?
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
05 Sep 2015 01:27 PM |
I run a piece of deep v matting in my punch plate.
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
16 Oct 2015 11:22 AM |
I recently put a piece of Keene Miracle mat and a small piece of miners moss over that, under the drop plate in my 2.5" keene combo unit. I will try it out next week at the Loud Mine Outing.
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
18 Feb 2016 07:34 AM |
This Combination worked very well. I ran about 2 tons of material, unclassified, through the highbanker and did not see any losses from the tailings. The recovered cons were about 1.5 qts. We caught gold all the way down to spec/flour sized. I also ran it without the moss over the deep V mat and noticed that the unit cleared much quicker. The results looked to be the same as far as cons and recovery goes. The moss is not going back in. I also added a long tom (another A52 sluice) to the end and it has only UR mats in this section. The upper section has a combo of GH mats placed as UR, Talon, UR, in that order, glued together and held in place with a simple backing of GORILLA TAPE (the best tape that I ever used in my 48 years). No riffles, no expanded metal, some moss at the beginning of the first section of sluice, near hopper, but, downstream from drop plate/boil box.
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
04 Mar 2016 05:19 AM |
I reconfigured the matting in the first section of the sluice, removing all moss. I placed a GH Talon under the punch plate and ran UR and razorback mats in both sluice sections. I will give this highbanker (keene 2.5 combo unit) a thorough testing at the end of the month. I anticipate catching every piece of treasure. Regards and Thanks for looking! Brad
Vince Emery New Member Posts:96 
04 Mar 2016 06:33 AM |
Morn'n Brad, Last fall I picked up a Keene 2.5" dredge/highbanker combo also. Haven't had a chance to get it wet yet. Got a hydro nozzle with it also. I've never used a highbanker before so any tips/tricks you can provide will be much appreciated. Do you have any pictures/video's? thanks Vince
Posted By Brad Lamb on 04 Mar 2016 05:19 AM
I reconfigured the matting in the first section of the sluice, removing all moss. I placed a GH Talon under the punch plate and ran UR and razorback mats in both sluice sections. I will give this highbanker (keene 2.5 combo unit) a thorough testing at the end of the month.
I anticipate catching every piece of treasure.
Regards and Thanks for looking!
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
04 Mar 2016 10:48 AM |
Vince, I plan to take some photos this weekend and will post them up. I have not used the combo as a dredge yet...but, it is a blast to run as a highbanker. I have been re-configuring the spray bars in order to reduce the splashing. I have not done an actual flow test, but, given that the engine/pump combo (honda wx15 and keene P90) puts out about 72GPM max. I prefer to run the engine at just a few notches above idle, getting 30-50gpm. This seems to create the right flow across the Gold Hog mats and drops almost all of the gold out in the first two GH mats (under the punch plate and just down stream, I run a talon under the punch plate and UR after that with razorback and more UR all the way to the end of the double A52 Sluice. Regards, Brad