Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
08 Sep 2015 12:19 AM |
I received this info from AMRA over the weekend and found it to be quite something that all of us should be concerned of and be vocal about the issue:
Filing a complaint against Sierra
California small miners: After 6 years of an illegal moratorium pushed by, lobbied by, created by
and bought by Izzy Martin of Sierra Fund, it is time we use their own tactics
on them.Izzy Martin is one of the the reasons we founded AMRA and the reason many
other groups are fighting so hard, to fight illegal and unconstitutional
methods being used against the small miners to eliminate what we do. Sierra
Fund received millions of dollars in government grants to dredge, while real
suction dredgers are labeled as criminals and have their equipment
confiscated. Rural communities are suffering because of hypocritical people
like Ms. Martin. Sierra Fund is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and therefore, under the law,
cannot, by law, lobby for the passage of anti-mining laws. She has openly
bragged about how often she is in Sacramento meeting with lawmakers to shut
us down, all the while taking tax money to become the largest gold mining
company in the state. We ALL need to send these letters to the IRS for the illegal activity she
and Sierra Fund is engaged in and demand an investigation. Sierra Fund should
lose their 501(c)(3) status. We ALL also need to petition the Fair Political
Practices Commission for the same reasons. We are a nation of laws. If AMRA did something like this, we would
immediately be investigated, but it seems if you are politically aligned with
certain politicians, you get a free pass. The IRS and the FPPC needs to know
you will not tolerate this hypocrisy. We implore you to send these
letters to these two agencies today. If they hear from all of us, they
will investigate and we can hold these people accountable. Being silent
allows for this type of behavior to continue. By now, you should be fed
up with this kind of illegal activity. If you want to make a difference, here's your chance. We want to thank WMA (Western Mining Alliance) for providing these
Here is a sample letter to the IRS and below this one, a letter to the
FPPC. Send these in today.
Please copy this letter, fill in your comments and send it today
IRS EO Classification Request-AMRA.docx
Political Fair Practices Act Request-AMRA.docx
Martin Sohlberg Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Sep 2015 05:45 AM |
Those Liinks will not work directly - Go here then select the documents at the bottom: https://americanminingrights.com/miners-stand-up-and-fight-back-now/
Martin Sohlberg Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Sep 2015 06:17 AM |
Thanks Leo Done and Done
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
08 Sep 2015 09:05 AM |
Thanks Martin. I am not sure how many people here stay up with the news from AMRA. But I just wanted to spread the news, hopefully their website has direct updated information. I signed up for membership in their organization at the last Gold show in Vegas, they seem to have good claims and a worthy cause. I am not here to push their organization, but as a LDMA member I personally feel we are all interrelated and have a common purpose. Its always good to support anyone that is out fighting for the common good of us all.
Jim Locke Basic Member Posts:131 
08 Sep 2015 09:55 AM |
Thank you, Leo!
Jim Locke Basic Member Posts:131 
08 Sep 2015 01:27 PM |
Printed up, filled out and mailed today.
I WOULD ASK: Anyone that enjoys what rights they have left - please spend a few minutes of your time and mail these!
I hope Mrs Martin gets what she deserves.
Jim Locke Basic Member Posts:131 
19 Sep 2015 10:46 AM |
Hey, Leo and Martin....
Either of you get an email from an "upset" Fair Political Practices lady?
I guess they have received a few of the complaints in the mail.
Sure is a shame that she is actually going to need to get out and do something for her pay!!
I really felt like emailing her back and saying as much but decided to just keep my mouth shut. I guess I should have left my email address off of the complaint, kind of doubt she would have bothered to type and mail me a letter about how hard HER job is.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
19 Sep 2015 05:54 PM |
wow...no i did not ...yet..... She says her job is hard?!?! Setting there weighing in all the gold they are taking from their dredge's? What makes her job soooo hard is when she gets criticized from "us" outsiders, and she doesn't know what to do. In her world everyone is politically correct, and never says anything upsetting or contrary to their goals. It freaks her out when that happens.
Martin Sohlberg Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Sep 2015 07:12 PM |
Hi guys
I didn't provide an email address when submitting my letters and I haven't received anything in the form of a letter either. I'll keep my eyes open and advise.
Jim Locke Basic Member Posts:131 
22 Sep 2015 10:02 AM |
Hey, Leo; No, this was someone that was in the office that is receiving the complaints about the Sierra Fund. I wish I had saved the email (the more I saw it sitting there in the inbox, the more it pissed me off) I would have pasted it here for you to read. I decided to get rid of it before I made a rude comment to her, and then have her shove all of our complaints in the trash! Anyway, she sent an email to quite a few addresses (copied to alot of emails), complaining that we should have just sent one complaint and that having received many duplicate complaints would only slow down her investigation. Boo Hoo! Pencil Pusher....just do your job. Anyway, I was just curious if you guys had received the same mail....guess I was just lucky! Take Care All....Keep Pushing Back! Jim
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
22 Sep 2015 03:06 PM |
When it comes to California regs I have a torn heart. I look at the people elected by the people and know this is why these laws are being passed, so they deserve what they get. But at the same time I know that a great deal of people are being hurt by special interest groups and those rules in California are being pushed nationwide. I would bet money elected officials are getting kick backs, they may just come in the form of property rights to old business partners or family members. Politicians are really good at hiding kickbacks through telling somebody to buy up land just recently made available by new legislation they themselves passed.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
22 Sep 2015 03:26 PM |
Absolutely true...there are lots of backdoor deals going on that these people are too naïve to think about. Why else to politicians become one, they preposition themselves with investments through close associates who cannot be tracked easily.....then get a job with them afterwards.
Jim Locke Basic Member Posts:131 
22 Sep 2015 03:31 PM |
It is a little funny that there is such a thing as "Fair Political Practices Commission"........seems a little odd to me to even say the two words together - Fair and Political. HaHa
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
23 Sep 2015 07:36 AM |
Jim- Looks like we might have to get authorization from the owners of that poster to modify it for use in Oregon now............Have printed a couple of copies to take to the next meeting of the three clubs I belong to.
Jim Locke Basic Member Posts:131 
23 Sep 2015 08:47 AM |
Arthur, so I hear..... I am sorry! I will send you a PM when I get home from work.
Martin Sohlberg Greenhorn Posts: 
02 Oct 2015 01:12 PM |
Today I received a letter from Fair Political Practices Commission over the signature of Galena West, Chief, Investigation Division indicating that since my complaint is the subject of an existing investigation, no new complaint will be opened. It was a form letter (and a poor photo copy at that) making me suspicious that it will be filed in the "circular file" and not see the light of day. Keeping my ear to the ground!
Jim Locke Basic Member Posts:131 
02 Oct 2015 01:39 PM |
Martin, I received the same about a week ago. Addressed to me and 6 other people.....said the same thing. I had wanted to post a scan of it here but never got around to it. KEEP UP THE FIGHT Jim
JERE CLEMENTS Greenhorn Posts: 
07 Oct 2015 12:48 PM |
Hi guys, Thanks for your efforts in filing the complaint forms against the Sierra Fund. The more complaints they get the more they know we are serious and are not going away. I have seen a copy of the letter from Fair Political Practices Commission to the first complaint they received and it wasn't the form letter everyone else got. They have opened an investigation! Thanks again for all of your support. I all of the miners in this country followed your lead and do there small part we turn around all of these ridiculous regulations. Jere AMRA
Jim Locke Basic Member Posts:131 
07 Oct 2015 02:52 PM |
Jere, Thank you and AMRA for what you are trying to accomplish!
This is a scan of the letter I received - I have blocked out the addresses of the other people I assume received the same letter I did. Hopefully something will get done.
Take Care,
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
07 Oct 2015 05:31 PM |
Speaking of politicians and kick backs, isn't it funny ( in the ironic sort of way ) that once they get in office a lot of them become Millionaires. Especially U.S. Senators and Congressmen. Just my 2 cents! Paul "TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS" "OUTLAW LOBBYIST"