Christopher Garrison Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Sep 2015 09:27 AM |
I am in Columbia California and I was wondering if it was possible to find gold in Hydromined areas, I was doing some landscaping and got to what I think would be a great spot, however I wanted to know first if it is worth it and is still possible to uncover some gold there. Since most of the area is claimed off and there is only 1 GPAA claim near me, I have been looking for my own spots to prospect, some areas I went and farted around down in Jamestown I found some gold. This spot that I found was impossible to get to so I know it hasn't been messed with recently, as I had to cut, weedeat, and dig my way down to it. I think I have a good chance of finding gold there but I would like a second opinion, also some advice on where I should prospect down there, I was thinking by the exposed rock. Any Advice is helpful, thank you
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
18 Sep 2015 11:53 AM |
Heck yes!! In Columbia area quite likely. I learned to pin at the 49er RV park on Italian Bar Road and found gold in a handful of parking lot dirt. The old timers washed tons of material down and missed tons of gold.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
18 Sep 2015 03:36 PM |
As Tim said, Heck yes. With that being said, Caution, places like that are usually claimed and protected. Even though you may not see any evidence of people or work being done (weed eating, trailblazing). Do your due diligence in researching the properties for claims at the county recorders office, in the event they are not claimed, I would suggest doing so if not private properties. One can only have a claim on BLM or Forest Circus land, if its private property it will be a patented claim. Do yourself a big favor and learn what a claim allows you to do and not allowed to do before stomping around somewhere that you may encounter hot flying lead. Otherwise get out there. Bill
Christopher Garrison Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Sep 2015 05:09 PM |
ok thanks for the advice, this spot I was at I did end up trying out but there was nothin but red clay, no gravel or anything, so I decided to head to the gpaa claim called Rough Knight, I found the claim but couldnt find a way down and I was by myself so I decided to call it quites and head back down to the LDMA claim where I talked to a couple people and they advised me that next time I go up there I should bring a person with me
Stan Christen Greenhorn Posts: 
26 Oct 2015 12:29 PM |
Hey Christopher (Chris?)
I live in Colorado but visit San Jose on business often and head up to Columbia every chance I get when there. I've found very promising gold there but not enough water to process. All had to be carried over the limestone - dangerous. I'd like to get with you on my next trip if possible and I'll show you the place and some ideas I have to get the gold. I have a YouTube vid that shows the sampling I did: and this one:
I'm also a big time nugget shooter and have been to many spots in the area - pickers but no nuggets yet.
This is county land there are no claims to worry about.
Stan Christen Greenhorn Posts: 
26 Oct 2015 12:32 PM |
Oh, one more thing - Poison Oak and Rattlesnakes - as you probably already know. I've found the best relief from Poison Oak is HOT WATER - yes, it's that simple. Run very hot water over the area until it itches no more - relief lasts for hours. As for the rattlers ..... go early in the morning and they'll be cold... and keep yer eyes open!
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
26 Oct 2015 12:58 PM |
Very good advise. I use hot water on mosquito bites and works perfect. Hot water will neutralize the proteins and the histamine that causes the itch. Get a spoon and run it under hot tap water for about 10 seconds and apply it to the bite. It will be gone... No Itch.
Vince Emery New Member Posts:96 
28 Oct 2015 09:52 AM |
Morn'n Stan, I was wanting to see your YouTube video but I get a warning saying I need permission.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
28 Oct 2015 10:22 AM |
Yes same thing here too....
Stan Christen Greenhorn Posts: 
02 Nov 2015 01:49 PM |
Sorry guys, I made them "unlisted" and thought all you needed was the link. Guess not. So I made my Sonora area videos Public for a week or two. Just search for my username: stan christen and they should come up. I don't want them up all the time as I'm tired of the idiots making insulting comments.
Vince Emery New Member Posts:96 
04 Nov 2015 06:21 AM |
Hey Stan, thanks for making the videos available. I enjoyed watching them. Never been to that area of Calif. but I'll be seeing it when my wife and I retire. Been up in Butte and Trinity counties. I could spend days and days walking the shores of the lakes when they are really low. I've found all sorts of stuff that had fallen from boats. Walking around old homesteads that had been covered by 50' to 100' of water for over 50 years is most exciting. Would like to have known those folks. One time Lake Oroville gave me a few pickers from bedrock on McCabe Creek when the lake was way down low. Didn't have anything but a small pocket knife that I used to pop out lil pieces from cracks. Didn't have any time to spend there on that trip also. Would love to get back to that area but just too far from us right now. A few more years and we'll have all the time we want.
Stan Christen Greenhorn Posts: 
04 Nov 2015 08:27 AM |
I hear ya about 'a few more years...' I look forward to not being rushed in my quests. Most of my explorations are done in one day due to work/family. I'll have to check out the Butte County area. I hear there a huge nuggets there!
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
04 Nov 2015 10:17 AM |
Vince, what are the restrictions around the lake and the banks? Are we allowed to use MD at all?
Vince Emery New Member Posts:96 
04 Nov 2015 05:01 PM |
Hi Leo,
I don't know the regulations there. But being California I'll bet they aren't going to be friendly to md'ers.
I just lucked out on some exposed bedrock and knew that it was possible to find some gold in the cracks and started
looking and got lucky. If you, or any one wants to check it out the spot is on McCabe Creek. The best directions I can
give is go down Lumpkin Rd. and before you get to Enterprise bridge you'll cross McCabe Creek. Go down stream
about 3rd mile maybe a little more. Watch where you're walking in the area before you get out of the trees. There was
a vertical shaft up above the creek on a little flat. Once you're on the banks of the lake just watch for bedrock exposed. Then
start snipping. Luck
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
04 Nov 2015 06:14 PM |
Going to Reno on Monday but planning on trying to maybe hit Sawtooth during the week for a day. Then I saw your post and it seems interesting.
Probably would have to go get a permission slip signed in Diane Frankenstein's office before you can do anything, as well as bring your life history, and sign over the rights to your home.
If the weather is bad or for some reason could get to Sawtooth, I might think of this lake. Its probable the same distance as going past Rye Patch