Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
28 Sep 2015 02:36 PM |
So I know there have been a few discussions about this. How bad is it really, is it you MIGHT get bit if you do not pay attention or you WILL be bit if you do not pay attention? I mean on claims in Arizona, Nevada, California in snake areas. Also are we allowed to carry a .22 with rat shot on GPAA or LDMA claims in states where open carry is allowed. i.e. Arizona?
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
28 Sep 2015 03:11 PM |
The only thing in Stanton they don't wont you carrying your gun around in camp .Every place else is ok .I stay there every year.Does that help.As far as CA you can carry on the claims .But not in any camps .
Don McElyea Basic Member Posts:131 
28 Sep 2015 04:50 PM |
I carry everywhere as it is my right. If Stanton has gun restrictions which is LDMA then the LDMA will not get my money or support. I am licensed to CC or Open Carry. I do not shop or spend money in any establishment that restricts my rights under the 2nd Amendment.
Don McElyea Basic Member Posts:131 
28 Sep 2015 04:52 PM |
GPAA claims are on BLM land, LDMA claims are private lands. I carry anywhere on BLM land. I was planning on joining the LDMA soon but now I am not so sure. I have heard there were a lot of politics going on in Stanton.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
28 Sep 2015 05:25 PM |
Don, I think they restrict it in camp. When in the field I think they don't have any restrictions, obviously we have children and pets in camp. And booze, firearms do not mix well in that combination. And yes you may be completely responsible but not all are. As far as "politics" every LDMA camp I have been on are drama free zones. Any large group will have friction, human nature but unless you participate it should not effect you. I have no regrets in joining the LDMA , I just wish I had taken this up 15 years ago. The lower stress levels I would have experienced would make me a much healthier person. I hope to run into you in a claim.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
28 Sep 2015 06:18 PM |
I can't believe this conversation even exists to this day. We have the right to arm ourselves, it is a Constitutional Right. If a establishment wishes to tell you to disarm you have the right to refuse business with those establishments, but you do not have the right to carry on private property once it has been declared. I carry a .44mag on the river, the first round is for snakes, the rest are for bigger critters. I saved my fathers life with a .38 Special when I was a kid, you can't talk me out of the reason for a side arm when out in the wild. Unfortunately too much of our society has become fearful of guns because Political Correct media has taught them that, but the majority of us would be willing to use that force to protect their life in a pinch and they would forever thank you for it. In the military we had a saying before a three day weekend, "Alcohol and Water does not mix". But the same slogan applies to firearms, "Firearms and Alcohol do not mix." If you have problem members in your group get rid of them, but don't restrict the rest of us from being lawful and protecting ourselves, and maybe even protecting you if the time comes. You get a drunk with a gun get rid of them, call the police and revoke their membership, clearly they are not a responsible gun owner nor human being. If people want to go out and shoot while drinking in the wild they need to be out by themselves. If responsible owners carry a side arm and just work the river and return to camp the gun is as useless as a tethered axe, but when it is needed it is a much more efficient tool. I am a responsible firearm owner, a US Veteran, and I will carry my arms. I am willing to bet most members carry at least one arm if not multiple, they just don't make it known, and sometimes that is the best choice to not alarm people not used to firearms.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
28 Sep 2015 06:49 PM |
All I was asking was how serious the snake issue actually is gang. And can I shoot them? Did not mean to get into gun rights.
MARC ANDERSON Greenhorn Posts:12 
29 Sep 2015 12:19 PM |
If you check out my profile pic, I stepped right over the top of this small Massasauga Rattlesnake in the Lynx Creek area Near Prescott, Arizona. Lucky for me it was cold and the snake didn't budge. This is a protected snake in AZ and I just left him be. It's better to leave a snake alone unless you're in a situation where you would have no choice but to kill it. If you do kill a rattlesnake, skin and eat it later on. Pretty good tasting roasted over a camp fire.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
29 Sep 2015 12:26 PM |
Generally, yes you can dispatch a rattler if necessary. If you are in a spot where you are blocked from getting away from one and you think you stand a chance of getting hit, then yep, got a trophy of rattles. Otherwise I back off and go around and let it go on its way. Might check with the caretakers on policy at each LDMA camp for what is allowed in the field away from the camping and general gathering areas. Up here, open season on them is whenever they are out, but I prefer to get out of their way if possible.
Depending on my mood and dress for the day, I always carry, either concealed or open on all mining trips up here. Just prudent in todays society and climate. I don't make it obvious, and nobody says anything. Like everything else, it is a tool, and darned nice to have when you need it..........
James Mcgrew New Member Posts:26 
29 Sep 2015 01:26 PM |
I've spent a lot of time in the woods here in northern california, have never been in a situation where I had to kill a snake always been able to go around. However I still pack heat when in the woods.(more for crackhead 2 legged critters). I'm a big 2a supporter but I also respect the rules of clubs.
Don McElyea Basic Member Posts:131 
29 Sep 2015 01:34 PM |
The wife and I both bought Chippewa kneehigh snake boots for just such an occasion. They are kind pricey but cheap compared to the thousands of dollars a rattlesnake bite could cost you.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
29 Sep 2015 07:27 PM |
Most of the time the snakes are our friends, just push them away with a walking stick or shovel and they will be on their way. Rattlesnakes are quite docile usually and just need a nudge to move away, though I can't say the same for Moccasins. Dusk and Dawn are the two worst times to go for a walk and just stick to the main trails, use a walking stick or your shovel and just probe the ground. Shake your boots out before putting them on and check your bed before climbing into it. I haven't even gone and bought gators because I am used to Rattlesnakes while hunting in West Texas, just remember to watch out for the Cinnamon Bun on the trail, that is usually a young snake with no rattle and extremely poisonous venom. The average person can walk through a pin of Rattlesnakes at the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup with nothing more than a walking stick, it's when you get caught off guard that they can be a problem. If you do manage to get bit make sure you kill the snake and bring it with you to the hospital (Just remember the head alone can still bite you for sometimes hours after it has been cut away from the body), they will need to properly identify it for treatment, but the odds are even in a snake rich environment you are not going to get bit unless you are just asking for it, unless you climb into a sleeping bag with one already in it. I am more concerned about bears, cougars, and crackheads, that is why I carry a large caliber side arm.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
29 Sep 2015 08:07 PM |
If you carry concealed then I see no problem .I carry in and out of camp as I said before .It is they don't want everyone carrying in camp .Yes I do not leave camp without my gun.And in fact they do have an area that you can shoot on Stanton across the road.It is more just common courtesy not to carry open..It is once you get outside the camp area it does not matter.Just in the camping area.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
29 Sep 2015 08:08 PM |
As far as snakes I have never shot one there .No need to.