MARC ANDERSON Greenhorn Posts:12 
01 Oct 2015 06:50 AM |
Posted By LEO LORENZ on 30 Sep 2015 07:52 PM
I occasionally have issues with light headness, loss of appetite, vision issues, inability to concentrate, walking straight....but I attribute that more to a different type of bottled liquid, sometimes in metallic can also.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
01 Oct 2015 07:11 AM |
I would recommend trying a Gold Hog Multi Sluice or a Gold Cube. I have been getting 200s on my multi sluice. Don't buy anything until you try it, I am sure you will know someone with both. I also see some people using a miller table, I am just not sure if the really fine stuff isn't washing out with black sands on those.
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
01 Oct 2015 09:05 AM |
IMHO, if the gold is so small that it's hard to see without magnification, at that point save up your heavies and smelt them. Paul
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
01 Oct 2015 09:39 AM |
I have been reading on the smelting....but what is an effective method to do at home? What is considered a smelting method to do small scale?
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
01 Oct 2015 09:50 AM |
I've been checking this out, small, easy to use, only need 2 torches to use it, comes in different kits, with different molds and crucibles and things. http://www.goldrushtradin...ting_kit/31502/32426 Probably gonna get this from Santa for Christmas. Paul
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
01 Oct 2015 09:55 AM |
OOOPs! Sorry this is for gold only not black sands. Black sand smelting requires different fluxes, and a different process.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
01 Oct 2015 11:00 AM |
I dont think you will see much advertised, after reading the story of the poor girl that advertised the stuff on craigslist's after she cleaned out her dad's work shop, and the ensuing threats she had from big brother...word of mouth is the best way.....I am think that for any appreciable amount that you might possess you would have to have a permit from local authorities. Gee a person can get in more trouble possessing a quart sized jar of mercury than he would having a quart size bag of weed.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
01 Oct 2015 11:03 AM |
I was just gonna ask you about that....I was looking for the ways to smelt ground up ore.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
01 Oct 2015 11:46 AM |
I have had very poor results using amalgamite for fine recovery, so I would not bother to do that unless you have a long time to burn it all off to recover your gold. A member of our chapter noticed that when he would take his heavies and treat them with acid all of a sudden there was more gold in the material, he thinks some of the gold in the black sands is just covered with a oxidized material. An experiment he is trying now is to reduce the black sands with Muriatic Acid twice and then smelt the small remaining heavies. He also was looking at buying the twin torch setup for smelting.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
01 Oct 2015 12:02 PM |
Ben, does the muratic acid dissolve the gold at all, whereby the gold goes into the liquid? Or is it dissolving the solids in the black sands to leave the gold exposed....
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
01 Oct 2015 05:57 PM |
I have a Royal gold concentrating table that catches some really fine gold. I'm thinking it might be 600 mesh. I know I would miss this if I panned it.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
01 Oct 2015 08:54 PM |
Leo, No, Muriatic Acid alone should not dissolve gold, but it will dissolve the impurities in it, unless you have a mixture containing Nitric Acid as well and it will dissolve everything . I like to add my materials to acid and let them stop giving off gas and then dilute with water, I will be cleaning and melting up this years fines in the next month as the weather changes and let you know the exact outcome.
JIM SHANNON Highbanker Posts:105 
01 Dec 2015 07:43 PM |
I remember getting the jar of mercury out and playing with it too.
Between a gold cube and a martin water table, I can recover gold soooooo tiny...........
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
02 Jan 2016 09:16 AM |
How did you make out with this process? Everything work out well?
Mike Pung Greenhorn Posts:4 
02 Mar 2016 08:55 PM |
Hello Ben, I'm the bearded fella. My preferred method is the pan and the only way to get the small is to implement the golden rule. "if everything in your pan or machine is the same size, gold rules" The only way to do that is to classify. If you choose to get good with the pan or use a miller table, a blue bowl, or a spiral wheel, you will have greater success if you first classify, second remove the magnetics and third, be patient. Have a look at those videos again, watch the Fine gold recovery challenge. I pan down to minus 600 mesh with a pan but a machine with a water flow will not have a high return below 250 mesh because the human eye can't see it. I trust the pan and will always be thrilled to see a smiley face of smaller than 250 mesh gold. Enjoy, get good and teach what you learn. Mike Pung
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
05 Mar 2016 03:25 PM |
25.6 Grams total for the year 2015 and with no equipment other then a pan, bucket and shovel. Fried my electric kiln when a crucible tipped over when the borax must have bubbled, it short circuited it and melted right through the insulation. Note to self, buy the larger crucible with wide bottom next time. Trying to see if I can send it back to be repaired or if I have to replace the entire unit? I had no acid burns, no heat burns, and no injuries, but my wife fell in the river 5 times to include the deepest hole on the San Miguel River, and that water runs about 35 degrees F. You have no idea what a Cajun woman coming out of a frozen river acts like, I thought people were going to be running for their lives and calling the police for miles. The black sands we are pulling up in that river assay at 7oz per ton, which tells me it is worth hanging on to them until you have enough saved up to pay for the smelting. This past year was mainly about scouting and prospecting, hopefully 2016 will be all about producing. If the BLM would allow us to hit a site with a serious Backhoe Loader I know where to pay all their salaries for one year in a weeks time, the problem is the restrictions prevent that from ever happening. I hope we all have a good 2016 digging season.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
05 Mar 2016 03:37 PM |
Well it seems like you have a decent place to go back to then. I was wonder about the black sands...? You say 7oz per ton is the yield of black sand. But what or why would they be worth keeping?
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
05 Mar 2016 05:57 PM |
Hey Leo, If the black sands assay at 7 ozs per ton, it should produce approx 7 ozs of gold when smelted. With an assay like that it pays to save it up. Paul
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
05 Mar 2016 09:47 PM |
Well I was thinking of that but, I thought 7oz per ton?? Thats pretty rich......I mean like very then I thought maybe he is getting 7 oz of black sand per ton of material.
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
05 Mar 2016 11:50 PM |
I thought that too at first. Then I did the math, a ton is 32,000 ounces. 7 ounces is only .00022 percent of the total weight. It seems feasible to me. Paul