Last Post 16 Oct 2015 04:08 PM by  ARTHUR WAUGH
Wanted: 2" Dredge, 2" Highbanker/Dredge Combo
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16 Oct 2015 01:14 PM

    My nephew is looking for an inexpensive 2" gold dredge and/or 2" Highbanker/Dredge combo unit to clean out his bosses pond of excessive silt/mud buildup to start with, then use for prospecting and mining when he is not working in the woods.

    Preferably one near Yreka, Siskiyou County, California (Klamath Mountain region), that he can inspect and pick up personally.


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    Advanced Member

    16 Oct 2015 04:08 PM

    Be aware that using in waterways and streams right now down in CA is banned (private pond cleaning would probably be OK, but not sure there if it has an outlet to fish bearing waters).  Oregon will have a 5 year moratorium starting Jan 2nd in all essential salmon habitat and Bull Trout waters, so most of OR will be off limits as well.


    Not wanting to put him off, but just trying to keep him from citations and $$$$ out of pocket.

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