Last Post 21 Oct 2015 11:33 AM by  BRAD JONES
Will our Government Confiscate our Gold, Again?
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Benjamin Crain
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17 Oct 2015 02:11 PM

    I doubt many of us were alive back in the Roaring 20's and the Great Depression but I am concerned history is repeating itself with our current market situation and our countries overall debt. I am typing this not to be political in the least but to remind people what happened in our past and can happen again.

    Here is a quote from a article that is worth reading;

    "No American president has rivaled Roosevelt in his denunciation of what he called “economic royalists.” He sought to “master” the “forces of selfishness” by making government master of every person’s private financial destiny. Like today, the citizen who wanted to retain control over his own life was selfish, while the bureaucrat who wanted to seize power over the citizen was automatically presumed benevolent."

    Currently our nation has a Fiat Currency based on nothing more than "Confidence" and it is the reserve currency on the planet even though we constantly manipulate it without anything to secure it. Currently China is attempting to have their Renminbi added to the IMF as a new Reserve Currency and it is backed by Gold and Silver. The IMF(International Monetary Fund) will make their announcement on Oct 20th, 2015.  

    If you were a global investor which one would you prefer to use? Our current President said when he was first elected that FDR was his role model, will he and or his successor repeat what FDR did to the American people? Republican or Democrat?

    I don't know, food for thought though and something we all should be paying attention to. Please feel free to give feedback.


    Leo Lorenz
    Basic Member
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    17 Oct 2015 04:01 PM
    Yes and that probably explains why they have been buying up lots of silver and gold in the open markets over the past few years, with the money we pay them in interest on the money we borrowed from them.........
    William Hall

    19 Oct 2015 03:43 PM
    Gold ?

    What gold ?
    Leo Lorenz
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    19 Oct 2015 06:28 PM
    They will never find my gold. I hid it really good at N38.39'59.53  W119.07'01.17
    Jim Locke
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    20 Oct 2015 03:01 PM
    Oh Jeeze!
    Now I am going to need to keep track of where the gold AND the guns get stashed!

    Benjamin.... Good point to make folks think a little. Not too far out of the realm of possibilities.
    As always, Just my opinion.
    Brad Lamb
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    21 Oct 2015 06:22 AM
    A quote from Charlton Heston comes to mind.
    Tim Leibel

    21 Oct 2015 06:59 AM
    I change that quote just a bit, over their cold ..... You know the rest.

    21 Oct 2015 11:33 AM
    There are many, many books, TV documentaries, online videos and articles that deal with the gold standard and the gold reserves at Fort Know and the U.S. Treasury. The whole subject is cloaked in secrecy and shrouded in mystery. Has Germany or France got their gold back, yet? This is something we should follow up on.
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