SCOTT REAUME Greenhorn Posts:18 
23 Apr 2014 04:48 PM |
The Husker Claim is running however that usually doesn't last very long. By mid April It may be dry for the summer. The pan was out of 1/4 bucket I filled Saturday during Easter break.
James Peace Highbanker Posts:100 
24 Apr 2014 08:10 AM |
James Van Hout Greenhorn Posts: 
26 Apr 2014 07:56 PM |
Hopefully we get some good rain this week like they are calling for the the Husker could run til Memorial Day. See ya next Saturday Scott.
AARON DECKROW Greenhorn Posts: 
17 May 2014 01:53 PM |
Going To Be Up There In Early June, I Know Chances Of Running Water Is Slim, But Was Wondering If It Was Better To Work In The Creek Or In The High Flood Area On The Sides?
SCOTT REAUME Greenhorn Posts:18 
19 May 2014 07:17 AM |
I go into areas where the creek used to run and the over the years the build up changes it course. I do that with the rivers and creeks. Everyone digging in the bank or creek I'm usually following where the old flow was. People have been working the very top of the ridge on the Husker, don't know their results. The trade off was I got in a area where poison ivy is just covering everything (there's a lot out there) and end result was a week of no prospecting. Good luck
CHRIS SPENCER Greenhorn Posts:8 
19 May 2014 12:20 PM |
Banks were still frozen when I was there April 1, did get about 24 small flakes, yours looks a whole lot better than my take was. Old timer there warned me of the poison ivy and had a good tip for all, wash your tools and buckets or you could get the poison ivy when you get home.
AARON DECKROW Greenhorn Posts: 
25 May 2014 07:14 AM |
Thanks For The Info, Looking Forward To Trying Out The Area
MARK DAVIS Greenhorn Posts:1 
06 Jun 2014 08:55 AM |
Just returned from the Husker and the water is running well and gold is being found. At the Migg, Rainbow and MaryAnn the water is to high and running to fast for any type of prospecting. For my first time prospecting and first time at these claims, everyone I meet were awesome! Very warm welcomes and willing to help a newbie. I learned so much great experience information from the people I meet and has set a positive attitude for me above just "finding the gold".
Andrew Kamin Greenhorn Posts:1 
11 Jun 2014 12:38 PM |
its good to hear that the water is still running. im planning on making my way out to SD from chicago on Saturday. I hope there is still running water to be had when I get there.
AARON DECKROW Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Jun 2014 04:00 PM |
Had A Great Tine At Husker Last Week, Want To Say Thanks To The Guys There For There Advice, Its Allot Different Then what I'm Use To Here In Tn , Plus Because We Can't in TN Wasn't Use To Digging In The Bank, I Think Did Decent Considering First time There. Water Was Good While I Was there, I'll Try post Pic Soon.
Duwayne Halvorson Greenhorn Posts:2 
20 Jun 2014 04:53 AM |
Water was running good when I was there last week June 12-13. Found a few flakes but nothing else, probably due to the fact this is my 4th time out. We had a lot of fun there none the less. We found a spot that I thought would've had some gold in it but after many hours of digging, panning and sluicing just a few flakes. It's not so much about the gold but the time spent with my family, the gold would be nice though.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
29 Jun 2014 05:35 PM |
Why not go in there and spray it with roundup, and then next year it wont be so bad....
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
29 Jun 2014 08:54 PM |
Leo get caught and see what it costs you.Then tell us why you do not do such things .
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
29 Jun 2014 10:03 PM |
You mean someone there is gonna cry because ya eliminate a invasive nuisance weed?
ZACHARY THURLBY Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Jul 2014 06:10 PM |
I was there for a few days last week and did pretty decent thanks to a couple of guys there showing me around. I got to run my sluice for a day only, due to a thunderstorm the first night but the crick is dried up now with only a few small pools when I left. Pretty good spot though. I'll be back!
James Van Hout Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Jul 2014 07:42 PM |
Hi all, My name is Jim Van Hout and I am the president of the Northern Hills Prospectors, Deadwood GPAA chapter. In reading your post here about the Husker I am glad to hear you are all having a posative experiance here in South Dakota. Some of the folks you are meeting are our members and some from out of state. I am glad to hear that where ever they are from they are all helpful and freindly. The Husker has been a good producer this year. July 6th the water quit running. That is the latest I have ever seen it flow. It is usually dry by the end of May. Last year it never did flow. I was up there with our club a couple of times and once helping a family from Chicago and once just for me. Met some wonderful folks and found some good gold. Hope you will all come see us again sometime. Jim
CHRIS SPENCER Greenhorn Posts:8 
14 Jul 2014 11:30 PM |
I was back over the 4th. Hit a good spot and ended up with 1.2 grams through a modified rocker box. I finally did not follow my own advise and am currently covered with poison ivy blisters. watch out for the roots of the plants. I either got it off them or when I was cleaning up fallen trees and branches. Hopefully will be healed enough by this weekend for an outing to Zortman Montana with the Sheridan Wy GPAA folks.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
18 Jul 2014 10:17 AM |
s far as trying to spray any herbicide or insecticide on USFS or BLM ground DON'T. The feds won't appreciate it, way to many hoops to jump through, and they have to do an EA or EIS NEPA process to do it themselves. You will get a fine you won't believe in a heartbeat. Only so many things you can use near any kind of waterway and be legal, and the public doing it is NOT LEGAL.
Randy Noreen Greenhorn Posts:3 
08 Apr 2015 04:02 PM |
Going to husker on Friday. First time. Can I park my small rv on or by the claim? Thanks for any info., Randy
CHRIS SPENCER Greenhorn Posts:8 
08 Apr 2015 06:41 PM |
There is open camping area both sides of the road once you cross the creek. A few camping spots top of hill before the creek. We were just there fri and sat. There is no water running. There are a couple puddles that are great for panning. There were reports that all the snow pack is gone. A good rain may make it run for awhile. Last year we never had a problem crossing creek with a 20ft rv. Good luck.