There is gold in that canyon but not enough worth digging for, the true value of that canyon lies in it's uranium deposits. At mile marker 89 the upper alluvial placer deposit meets the river but currently that whole are is closed down and it was a private claim.
What you will find in the Delores is a lot of garnets attached to Chalcedony, a few chunks of rock you don't want to keep in your pocket, and a lot or red dirty sand. If you drive West of the Uravan mining company you will find fields of Uranium/Thorium/Iron/Yittrium waiting to be processed, commonly known as Samarskite.
Most of this stuff is harmless because it is a alpha particle, just make sure if you decide to work with this stuff you DO NOT inhale any of the dust or swallow it.
The one thing that canyon truly has in abundance that totally caught me off guard was wild turkeys, they are freaking everywhere. Spring should be interesting to say the least.