My wife and I had planned to go to Alabama Gold Camp (AGC) this weekend but the weather looked a bit damp for the weekend so I placed an order from Constellation Mining so I could still get a bit of a gold fix this weekend. Yesterday, seven bags of paydirt were delivered by USPS Priority Mail. I ordered on 11/3 and it was delivered on 11/6!
I weighed the seven - 1 pound bags and the weight was 8 pounds 10.5 ounces. Nice to get more than you pay for!!
Here's what it looked like before I classified.

After classifying to a 1/8" screen here are the "bigs" that were left over. Of the total 8lb 10.5oz total, this was 2lb 9.5oz.

Below is what made it through the 1/8" screen.

I ran the sub 1/8" through my gold cube and sure enough - lots of flakes!!!

I picked up a few of the flakes and classified it down from 20 to 100 mesh and ran it through my Blue Bowl in steps by size.
This is from the 30 mesh run - lots of color.

Final weigh in was 1.19grams as weighed by my reloading scale! I'm super pleased!

Here's a link to the paydirt
Also in the package was a 10% off coupon just use the code "thankful"
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Off to go clean up from all my fun.
Nashville, TN