Robert Scarborough New Member Posts:71 
07 Jan 2016 02:25 PM |
How about a modified 7-day event. Divide it up into a 3-4 day section for some who can't make the full 7 day run. Then add an optional 4-3 day add on to make a full 7 day run. Sort of like the old "3 day, 5 day" event? Or how about a 10 day extravaganza ? How much dirt is too much for the hi bankers? I don't think I could make it through 10 days of non-stop fun? I also think my wife might forget what I look like after 10 days. P O R - Press On Regardless
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
07 Jan 2016 03:49 PM |
How about a 20 day "blue light" special, split into 10 days each, with a gold split on every other 4 days? 
07 Jan 2016 06:30 PM |
I'm kinda excited about the new format. It is going to take a little bit to work out all the details but it sounds like fun. It seems to me (my opinion only) that this format gets us back to the Buzzards original idea of getting together with other like minded individuals for camaraderie, fun, education, and of course a little gold. Yes it will be harder to get from Scott River to Burnt River but it doable. It does make travel from a distance a little harder to take the time off of work but you would have 1-2 days on the weekend. The kitchen crews are already planning on how to accommodate participants at expanded outings and I know they have some yummy meals planned! Where else can you go camping that you don't have to cook most of you meals and then have to wash the dishes? Leo I like your idea of a "Blue light special" . Maybe that could be something a camp could do on their own in place of the second outing a year at a camp. Maybe it could also incorporate a couple of half days to upgrade the facilities at some of the camps. I know at least one that needs a fresh coat of paint. There is no reason that camps cannot have their own events -- like Stanton at New Years. Keep the ideas coming. . .
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
07 Jan 2016 08:13 PM |
I am really looking forward to it. Can't wait to make some new friends and see the old ones. Also planning a few practical jokes 😚
RICHARD MOEBIUS Greenhorn Posts:4 
08 Jan 2016 01:29 PM |
Thanks Jere, good amplifying info! As I had mentioned, I have been reading the P & S articles, however knowing how articles for the rags are normally written, there generally is a "story behind the story" that doesn't come out in the articles! That was the gist of my comment to Dominic for maybe some "further" discussion at our gatherings. If there is no other story to tell or pertinent amplifications, then that's OK too.
Will be looking forward to something good coming from the 20 Jan court date! Will also check out the recommended web sites!
Thanks Again,
RICHARD MOEBIUS Greenhorn Posts:4 
08 Jan 2016 01:40 PM |
As I mentioned in my initial note, I DO READ the P & S. My though was that in printed stories there usually is either a "story behind the story" or additional amplifying information that doesn't make the press, but lends insight to understanding both sides of the issue. In this case, didn't know if there was any such things that could/might be passed on to member at the outings. If the P & S articles are complete and there is nothing more to offer, then OK but that was my though to the initial comment to you.
Let's hope the 20 Jan court date goes well!
See ya in Sept at Loud Mine...already signed up for me, Cous' Al and my wife Nina,
OBTW, membership package just arrived yesterday with the X-Terra 705 Gold Pack. Thank You! On my first outing in the yard I found 2 nails, a spent 22 lead bullet, another piece of trash, AND one of my property markers I have been looking for! 
CLAYTON MITCHELL Greenhorn Posts: 
09 Jan 2016 12:32 PM |
Will there be any outings during the summer June/July? This would be easier for families to try and make it when school is out. Couldn't find on site if so. Thanks!
Paul Louly New Member Posts:81 
11 Jan 2016 05:18 PM |
You can find updated information on all the upcoming LDMA Outings on the Official Facebook page -
You don't have to have a Facebook account to see the info, only one to comment and say you are going or interested in going.
Call 951-375-3320 for more information and to register for any of the events.
Happy prospecting!
Susan Mac Gregor Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Jan 2016 10:03 AM |
What is the feasibility of staying in a Baker City hotel for the Burnt River event?
Obviously it would be a total city slicker move but it's only about a half hour from Durkee.
I have a car guy buddy in Nampa and he says perfect timing for weather and bugs...etc, etc!! Phil
Dominic Ricci Basic Member Posts:185 
13 Jan 2016 10:28 AM |
YES! Phil and Susan you most definatly can stay in a motel/hotel in Baker City. It's about a 25 to 30 min drive and there always seems to be a few people that do that at each outing. You are required to stop at the Safeway Grocery store and bring me a Starbucks each morning.
Susan Mac Gregor Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Jan 2016 10:34 AM |
10-4 and thank you for the quick response...I'll make reservations.
An LDMA membership is on the to do list...maybe a motorhome too
Still in the Garloc area and planning a stop by the Duisenburg Camp today.
E. JIM/PAM HANEY Highbanker Posts:107 
13 Jan 2016 11:15 AM |
Due to the gravel road it's actually a 50 min drive to get to Baker City. We have a few who stay in town every outing. Keep in mind that there is an 8am mandatory meeting every morning. Hope to see you in May!
Jim & Pam Haney
Burnt River Camp
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
13 Jan 2016 01:23 PM |
I will have a coffee pot going all day Dominic. And I am sure the club house has one going too. Just tell me your favorite brand and I make sure to get some going for you. I intend to puck your brains this trip and give Kevin a break.
Clifton Butler Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Jan 2016 03:15 PM |
Are these outings kid friendly?
Dominic Ricci Basic Member Posts:185 
13 Jan 2016 03:26 PM |
Great Question Clifton . . . Are the 7-Day Outings Kid Friendly? Most Outings have kids there, BUT please understand that the Outing Participants must be 16 years of age or older to be around and run the equipment. If we know in advance that there will be a group of kids then the caretakers try to organize kid friendly activities as well. Hope this helps. If you have more questions or want specifics, please call in to the office.
Jeff Martin New Member Posts:37 
15 Jan 2016 05:42 PM |
I feel outing are very kid friendly. The piles you have are a great way for kids to spend time. (see me if they need a pile, I will have 2 or more for kids use, no cost). Prospecting on the claims are super fun and many at the camp (including the Martins) are more than happy to include the kids on our prospecting trips. The kids are our future. Educating them should be a high priority on what we do, our rights and the right way to mine and prospect.
Onward Dominic onward,.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
15 Jan 2016 09:26 PM |
It has been my experience that the outings are very kid friendly. Almost all of us have kids of our own, grand kids, nephews, nieces etc. and with this bunch of people they could not be safer.
Jonathan Stansberry New Member Posts:38 
15 Jan 2016 09:45 PM |
Jonathan Stansberry New Member Posts:38 
16 Jan 2016 03:31 AM |
i see this is like most emails. i did not comment on this but here i am.
Dominic Ricci Basic Member Posts:185 
16 Jan 2016 08:44 AM |
Great questions, ideas and comments all. I look to great outing here in 2016, but can't do it without all the support members give to make them a success. I thank you all in advance. I must enjoy my honeymoon now, be back on the 27th or January. Aloha my friends