Hey GPAA Gold Prospectors...
Well, after some on-line effort and much waiting..... I simply couldn't recover my "old" Gold Adventures web site Forum on createforumhosting.com.
So, I have started up a brand new Gold Adventures Forum at a different hosting site and we'll just have to start over...
PLEASE join and/or rejoin my "new" Gold Adventures Forum:
Located here off my web site page: http://goldadventures.biz/new_forum
Or, directly to the Login page: http://c17a.forumotion.com/
With snow on the ground and single digit lows here in High Colorado, I'll have some time now on my hands to try a repopulate a lot of the Forum threads with some "starter" Trip Reports, ads, articles and comments.
So, I welcome any and all to come back to the Gold Adventures Forum!
Randy Witham "C-17A"