Last Post 24 Oct 2024 10:57 AM by  Scott Parker
Hello Prospectors and Miners
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20 Jan 2016 07:14 AM


I am very aware of the cash challenges or bounty's that have been placed on many of the companies producing LRL equipment.


Over the years I have met a number of exceptional Dowers (sticks and electronic) that have been successful with LRL. I am not one of them and I have no explanation for their success over mine other than the users true belief and tenacity.


I have also seen and worked with folks that could not or would not under any circumstance hear a target with a metal detector that I or others could hear even after making adjustments and so on for the users.


In talking to a great deal of these people the commonality was that they really didn't care about detecting. 


I am also pretty sure sure that those that are successful in LRL look at me they same way I look at someone that does not hear a signal that I hear with a detector. Including sometimes utter disbelief.

Your skepticism and question is appreciated, yet I have a belief that if a prospector can find what they are looking for with whatever means they choose then it is right for them.


Best regards,




If I'm wrong, perhaps you can educate me, but....I'm disturbed by the advertisements for the "Long Range Detectors" (Electroscopes) posted in GPAA publications. These 'detectors' have been examined by many and found to be akin to electronic divining rods. Having these ads next to proven equipment is embarrassing. What is your take on accepting these ads, and can we stop posting them?


25 Jan 2016 08:40 AM


Hello and good morning folks,


New to the Marietta Georgia area and looking to find a chapter and or friends to go prospecting/mining with.............. I have been a member since May 2014 and excited to get started, have the fever!!!!!!


Please let me know who and how I find a contact to join up!


Have a great day,


best regards


James K



Brad Lamb
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25 Jan 2016 09:23 AM
There are two GPAA Chapters in GA.

1. Buchanan area Chapter (see posts From Paul Straub), next meeting is in March, I believe

2. Augusta, GA Chapter, next meeting 2nd Thursday in February
Paul Straub
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26 Jan 2016 02:27 PM
Thanks for the mention Brad!

Hey James, welcome to the LDMA family. My name is Paul Straub, I live in East Point, GA in between downtown Atlanta and the airport, not too far from Marietta.

I'm the president of the NW GA Chapter of the GPAA also known as the SGMA (Southern Gold Miners Assoc.). We meet at the Farm Claim in Buchanan,GA on the second Sat of the month from Mar- Nov. Members get together about 8-9am, individual mining and fellowship during the day with a potluck dinner (club provides hot dogs and burgers) around 4pm followed by our chapter meeting and then a fund raising raffle. Come on and join us at our meetings, we have a lot of good folks in our group who are helpful and fun to be around.

Here's a link to our club/chapter's website:

My e-mail is: Keep in touch and let's get together soon.

Paul Straub

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27 Jan 2016 08:01 AM
There you go James right from the Chapter Pres himself. Thanks Paul for jumping in and getting James the information.
Welcome James to the Family enjoy Marietta Georgia.

28 Jan 2016 09:14 AM


Thanks Guys,


I am looking forward to joining a chapter here in Georgia and excited to attend the outing in March!!!!!!!



Have a great day!





05 Feb 2016 12:53 PM


Ive been trying to get out to one of our phx chapter meetings to meet some people and maybe wrestle someone out to a patented claim (I've been given free rain over) in the Ray/kearny area. someone with a little more tenure than myself.  My time is so limited with work. I was hoping you could point me to one of the guys in the phx group I could reach out to and introduce myself until I can get some time off to make one of the meetings. I was thinking It could be a good claim for the share program but I don't know? let me know and thanks for all you do.




03 Jun 2016 05:14 AM
Hey Kevin ... seems this sub-forum has hit the skids as the last post was back in February. So I have a general question for those who may like me have used both the GPX5000 and the GPZ7000 from time to time almost inter-changeably. I have found that I am finding as much with the 7000 as I do with the 5000 under certain circumstances and using specialty coils with the 5000. It seems to me that the addition of the new Nugget Finder 12" Evolution coil is the equalizer when used on the 5000. Just curious if you have tried both and what your experience might be since I know you prospect some of the same or similar grounds in the Northern Bradshaw areas. Thanks, Mike Furness
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19 Jul 2016 05:36 PM
Sorry for the delay in responding. I have not tried the Evolution coil at this time. Actually almost all of my time has been spent on the SDC-2300 with great results. My time on the 7000 though would cause me to take notice of the coil simply because I am having great results with the 7000 and to share that the coil is a equalizer is an intriguing statement. The 7000 has quite frankly worked much better in all of my patches than the 5000 with any of the additional coils I currently have.
Very interested in having a closer look at the 12" Evolution.
Brad Lamb
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Basic Member

21 Jul 2016 11:31 AM

Could you get another forum location started to keep those of us who do not use Facebook up to speed on Team Endeavor? I look forward to lending a hand in September at Oconee.


Scott Parker

24 Oct 2024 10:57 AM

I'm seeing more and more notices in the claims/properties section informing that claims
in the online mining guide are not actually accessible by GPAA members. It's distressing
that there hasn't been any kind of response to these notices. I understand that sometimes
it takes time to research something but some kind of acknowledgement by the groups
administration that it's being looked into would be reassuring...

Thank you,

Scott Parker
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