Last Post 30 Mar 2018 12:19 AM by  JEFF MCCLENDON
Makro Gold Racer
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Jim Locke
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12 Jan 2016 04:55 PM

    I was curious of any input on the new Makro brand Gold Racer. On paper it looks pretty good for a novice "nugget shooter".

    I have been trying to decide on a good vlf detector for nugget hunting. I have some (but NOT a lot of detecting) experience. I have looked at the Fisher Gold Bug 2 and the Whites GMT, now I run across this Makro brand ( European , I believe). Stats look good and what I have been able to find online review wise also looks promising.


    Thanks !


    Basic Member
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    13 Jan 2016 03:45 PM
    No answer to that question YET.
    I have been trying to get my hands on one to test in bad bad ground. I'll let you know. I have heard good and some not so good. I want to put my hands on one before really talking about the Racer. Sorry I am sure that is not what you were wanting to hear.
    At 56KhZ it's right up there with the GMT and close to the GBII so it should be able to pop really small gold but it is the ground that really will dictate the future of the detector.
    Jim Locke
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    13 Jan 2016 03:51 PM
    Thanks, once again Kevin!
    Well.... I may be able to put my two cents in soon. I ordered one and should have this weekend. We have a planned trip out to Quartzsite the beginning of Feb. Hope to have the chance to put some hours on it!
    I was basically looking for something that a novice may be able to keep balanced. I will share what I think as I spend some time with it.

    Thanks again for your time, Kevin

    Basic Member
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    24 Feb 2016 10:32 AM


    Any feedback on the Gold Racer?




    Thanks, once again Kevin!
    Well.... I may be able to put my two cents in soon. I ordered one and should have this weekend. We have a planned trip out to Quartzsite the beginning of Feb. Hope to have the chance to put some hours on it!
    I was basically looking for something that a novice may be able to keep balanced. I will share what I think as I spend some time with it.

    Thanks again for your time, Kevin


    Jim Locke
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    Basic Member

    24 Feb 2016 10:54 AM
    Howdy, Kevin -
    Put a few hours on it at the Flatfoot claim in Quartzsite earlier this month. So far so good, used mostly to track mineralization (have yet to find any nuggets in the field) but it DOES hit on some of my very small test pieces at good depth. Seems very beginner friendly , both to my wife and myself. Overall, very happy with the purchase.
    Been able to get your hands on one yet? Would be very interested in your opinion on it! By the way - your recommendation of that Keene 192 has been spot on! Though for a two person team it'll run you ragged! Lol. Absolutely awesome machine.....terrific recovery.
    Take care Kevin

    john McGrath

    09 Mar 2016 05:37 PM
    I have one that I have not got my hands on yet at home in Nevada. I am in Florida for another 3 weeks then I will have at it. Been sitting in my office for a few weeks so I am comping at the bit to take it out to one of my claims. I will post my thoughts on it but I have full confidence it will be a excellent performer but just like any machine you have to learn how to use it even if you are a seasoned detector guy like me.
    Jim Locke
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    10 Mar 2016 03:17 PM
    Thanks John,
    We are happy with ours, works well and does not seem overly complicated for someone "newer" to nugget shooting.
    I am not saying that we have played with all of the settings - by any stretch! But it works well for us, what I really need to do is get the darn thing in a good area and put some more time on it.
    The minimal testing that we did in Quartzsite last month was impressive to me (almost newbie). It sounded very well on one of my test pieces ( .171 gram ) down to a measured 5 1/4 inches. The piece is also rather flat - I was able to clearly hear on it's edge down to 3 3/4 inches. I am thinking that better results should be possible once the wife and I have used it more than a few hours and have played with the settings some.

    I look forward to hearing what you think of it, when you have the time!

    Take care,
    Jim Locke
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    08 Apr 2016 11:37 AM
    Howdy, John.
    Have you had any time to "mess" with the Gold Racer? I was just curious if you had any thoughts on it as of yet.

    Hope all is well, take care.

    john McGrath

    10 May 2016 12:17 PM

    Okay I am going to give a short review of which I will be also doing on one of my upcoming episodes of Internet Gold Miner.  First I will say I have been metal detecting for something like 30 years and have had a bunch of metal detectors mainly big names Minelab, Whites, Garrett.  I decided to purchase this because of a couple good early product reviews I read.  Right out of the box at my mine claim I just put it together fired it up in all metal mode and away I went. The first thing I noticed was the threshold was all over the place. Thinking it was set to hot on stock settings and my ground was very mineralized, although the little meter was only on 1 bar I turned down the sensitivity to 63 but it made no difference. Then I hit a target and set the unit down next to me like I always have and in my head phones the threshold was up down up down and wouldn't stop. I thought to myself this isn't normal and how was I supposed to use this when I start digging for a target?  On top of that it would drive me crazy listening to that all day.  I dug a few targets all bullets and such and gave up.  Now I was not using the supplied little headphone set, I used my usual Koss UR20s I use all the time.  Needless to say I wasn't happy at that point.  Next time out I brought the supplied headset and it did the same thing right off the bat until I discovered if I had no headphones plugged in the machine became stable and totally usable.   So I detected the rest of the afternoon at a different claim without a headset. Also when I would dig a target the unit would act normal when I set it down just the normal threshold steady.  So I contacted Makro and they kindly send me out a replacement head unit which cured the problem.  Now, in testing the detector I noticed something else not right any kind of light touch on the 5 pin plug for the coil that goes in to the top plug would cause the threshold to greatly change and the ID to go wild also.  Again I shot off a email and was told from the Makro rep this was totally normal and will not effect operation.  I had to disagree, yes this is a hotter detector but so is the GMT and the GB2 and I don't recall these other detectors doing this.  So I tried to velcro the cable down like NASA was working on it and I got the same business.  A little wiggle in the air would also change the threshold also. So is this a design issue?  My opinion is yes it is. I might surmise the ground on the coil in not properly insulated from the other wires in the cable. Or perhaps the whole cable needs to be changed to something more robust?  In real world use could this be a problem? It might be and might not be.  Lets say your working a area and you bump the unit and it makes it warble at the same time you miss a good target. Just an example.  Or it might not bother a darn thing and you can just keep working your area as usual.  As far as the metal detector working besides my issues, it worked well.  I only logged a few hours in on it but I pulled some VERY VERY small pieces of metal digging. I mostly used all metal mode but did switch over to Disc 1 and Disc 2 a few times as they are a silent mode just to give my ears a break and it worked as it should. I do think the metal detector is as good as a GMT if not better not because of performance and depth but because of better ground tracking, weight and newer technology bells and whistles.  Short and simple can I recommend this as a gold metal detector compared to the others avail on the market today?  I will say yes with one caveat know this is a company based in Turkey and although they seem to have excellent customer service I still have to think that the same quality controls might not be as good as other big name companies.  I have also had contact with 2 other users that had the same problems I had and were taken care of with replacements from Makro pretty fast. I do not know if they are still happy and or have been in the field with these. I will defiantly do a longer term follow up review on this metal detector to see if the issues I have encountered hinder performance of which so far seem not to.


    Note: Headphone issues and my testing

    Factory Supplied headphones are Koss and are 32 Ohm

    My Koss UR 20  32 Ohm

    Senhieser Studio Headphones 32 Ohm

    Generic set of communication headphones 32 Ohm

    All headphones were tested for impedance in my electronic lab here. So I cannot say it was a impedance miss match as I first thought.  Had to be some sort of issue of bad component on the board or soldering issue.

     I did take a look at the 5 pin plug as I am very familiar with these in the communication industry. It had bunch of rubber insulation around all the solder points on the 5 pin. Also noticed a little fray on what looked to be the ground wire but the whole wire looked to be a little "thin". Just my observation.  Also my comparisons to the GMT are from my GMT and I can't make it act "normal" like the Gold Racer does unless I really slam it around which no one would ever do. 

    Jim Locke
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    10 May 2016 03:16 PM
    Thanks John,
    I appreciate you taking the time to post your findings , so far!
    Sorry to hear of the issues. I am thankful ( to this point anyway) that I have not had any of the problems you have mentioned - hopefully it stays that way!!
    I will say that most of the time I have spent with it until now has been working with my wife. Because of the need to communicate back and forth - the majority of my time has been spent without headphones. When I did use phones , I used a pair of Killer B Stingers that were a loan (will see if he gets them back!) from my father.

    Thanks again.....Hope to hear more from you in the future.
    Take care,
    john McGrath

    10 May 2016 05:52 PM
    Thanks Jim I will try to keep an update on things. I am working a hard rock mine out here so sometimes the metal detecting goes by the way side. You ever get up this way look me up here I will take you out to a couple claims I have here.
    Jim Locke
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    24 May 2016 04:01 PM
    Thank you for the offer!

    30 Mar 2018 12:19 AM


    this comment is especially for John M. I have a Gold Racer also. I have not had the head phone issue. I have definitely had the super sensitive 5X10" coil issue. I was detecting for two days on the San Domingo Wash

    claims NW of Phoenix in January 2018 and either had to turn the sensitivity down to below 50, switch to the 5" sniper coil or switch detectors. Running in All Metal or Disc 2 made no difference. I got breaks in the threshold or false targets sounds just scraping the ground along with loud falsing and jumping target ID numbers when hitting rocks, roots or uneven ground. I managed to find two .25 gram nuggets but lost my patience repeatedly. I contacted Makro, sent videos, etc. Just like you they claimed my coil was exhibiting perfectly normal characteristics.  I can't use the 5x10 coil unless it is fixed. The 5" round coil does not have any of these issues but it is just too small for general prospecting. Have you been able to repair your 5x10 or have any updates? thanks


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