john McGrath Greenhorn Posts: 
23 Mar 2016 07:00 AM |
Right now there are VERY good deals on the Minelab xterra 705 Gold or standard edition I would jump on that. I have a 705, Mxt and the new Gold Racer. You can't beat the price on the 705 right now. Check amazon and others you can get for under 600.
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
23 Mar 2016 09:14 AM |
Thank you for posting this information. $600.00 pricing on the Xterra Gold is an excellent value and well off of the standard retail of the unit.
Right now there are VERY good deals on the Minelab xterra 705 Gold or standard edition I would jump on that. I have a 705, Mxt and the new Gold Racer. You can't beat the price on the 705 right now. Check amazon and others you can get for under 600.
Mike Harrison Greenhorn Posts:11 
23 Mar 2016 09:20 AM |
The only problem I see with the Minelab is it isn't waterproof. I'm looking for one I can use in creeks/rivers and dry land. Great prices on the minelab though.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
23 Mar 2016 12:23 PM |
I don't know about Minelab, but most coils and cables are waterproof. You just don't want to get the control/brain box any wetter than say a passing light shower. The waterproof ones are built to be totally submerged to whatever depth the maker states.
RORY ROMERO Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Apr 2016 04:39 PM |
I've had a Minelab Eureka for the last 5 or 6 years. I haven't taken it out as much as I would like; but when I have, all I have found are bullet casings, pieces of wire, and nails. No Gold! From what I've read, I should be digging faint signals and breaks in the threshhold. I've only used the detector in the Mojave desert, never near water. As I am going to be going to Italian Bar, I'm thinking of getting the Coiltek Goldseeker coil. Does anyone have any feedback on these subjects?
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
21 Apr 2016 09:47 AM |
Posted By Mike Harrison on 23 Mar 2016 09:20 AM
The only problem I see with the Minelab is it isn't waterproof. I'm looking for one I can use in creeks/rivers and dry land. Great prices on the minelab though.
The standard DD (gold) coil is not water proof BUT the 6in round 18.75kHz coil is a sealed and waterproof coil for the Minelab Xterra 705. It is a coil that I would suggest that anyone with a 705 have in the bag.
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
21 Apr 2016 09:52 AM |
Posted By RORY ROMERO on 19 Apr 2016 04:39 PM
I've had a Minelab Eureka for the last 5 or 6 years. I haven't taken it out as much as I would like; but when I have, all I have found are bullet casings, pieces of wire, and nails. No Gold! From what I've read, I should be digging faint signals and breaks in the threshhold. I've only used the detector in the Mojave desert, never near water. As I am going to be going to Italian Bar, I'm thinking of getting the Coiltek Goldseeker coil. Does anyone have any feedback on these subjects?
If you are hitting targets especially small pieces of lead (bullet fragments) then you are either not swinging it over gold or you are not hearing the small bumps in the Threshold. If you haven't seen the video on the Eureka Gold it might help a bit. http://www.minelabowners....d-eureka-gold/
Let me know if this helps.
RORY ROMERO Greenhorn Posts: 
21 Apr 2016 01:20 PM |
Thanks, Kevin. I had seen that video but it's certainly helpful to see it again. I think I just have to get into the habit of digging every target I get; I'll have to dig a lot of garbage to find a nugget. If it were easy, I guess everyone would do it.
Travis Nix Greenhorn Posts: 
01 May 2016 07:59 AM |
I really enjoy my Garrett AT gold. every time I go out I find it easier and easier to use, and the features it has makes it pleasant to use in the highly mineralized soils of northern Nevada
JIM SHANNON Highbanker Posts:105 
01 May 2016 10:37 AM |
Your correct about the Garrett AT Gold, very user friendly
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
01 May 2016 12:25 PM |
I love mine. I no longer even have to think about setting it. I balance it swing balance, swing and so on for hours without even thinking about it. Took long hours of using it but it has become muscle memory.
Terry Wolford Greenhorn Posts:4 
28 May 2016 05:07 PM |
I was replying to the post about the Eureka Gold detector and Coiltk and assumed my reply would post with his question but apparently it didn't on this forum?
I am new to this Forum but I also have a Eureka Gold. I have the stock coil and just bought a 8" Minelab GoldSearch coil and a 15" round Coiltek Coil. I think it's also sometimes referred to as the WOT coil. Coiltek also makes a 6" round coil. All of the coils for the Eureka are DD coils. I don't think the 6" coilteck would act a lot different than the stock coil but then again with it being DD it could be a tad more sensitive to fine gold. Minelab also makes a 12" round coil for the Eureka but it hard to find in the US. The 15" CoilteK Goldseeker (WOT) goes much deeper than the stock coil and some say is near as sensitive. Follow this thread for more info: http://www.detectorprospe...minelab-eureka-gold/
Terry Wolford Greenhorn Posts:4 
28 May 2016 07:18 PM |
Posted By Mike Harrison on 23 Mar 2016 09:20 AM
The only problem I see with the Minelab is it isn't waterproof. I'm looking for one I can use in creeks/rivers and dry land. Great prices on the minelab though.
The only waterproof Gold Detectors I know of are the AT Gold, The ATX and the Minelab SDC2300. The only one in the 700 dollar price range is the AT gold.
Plenty of other Gold detectors have waterproof coils though but you dunk the control box in the water it's likely a dead detector.