JULIA MOTES Greenhorn Posts: 
29 Apr 2014 12:10 PM |
What's the best mini-sleuce for a beginner for use in small creeks and streams in a state with not a lot of gold (Ohio)? I looked at the Keene mini and the Bazooka mini. I want one that's packable without a lot of weight and/or size. Thanks!
ROBERT HOWREY Greenhorn Posts:1 
29 Apr 2014 12:51 PM |
Try the GoldHog Mini. Great recovery, classifies excellent and very portable. It easily catches from large down to -200 .
WILLIAM SOUTHERN Greenhorn Posts: 
30 Apr 2014 06:52 AM |
The Cascade sluice built by Kicking Donkey Prospecting is one you should have a look at as well.... This one is being featured at the Burnt River outing coming up
BRIAN HERBSTREIT Greenhorn Posts: 
30 Apr 2014 08:31 PM |
Did you know if you are using a sluice with steel riffles or sheet metal or metal expanded metal to capture your gold, there's a good chance you're attracting magnetic black sands? If your sluice does have steel, that a very good chance that it has become magnetized actually attracting black sands and increasing the possibilities of knocking out fine (flour) gold!
Buckabilly sluices are made differently. They are made of heavy duty aluminum and stainless steel hardware! This allows you to run a magnet such as the "Heavy Hitter" without fear of magnetizing your riffles or the sluice itself!
Lightweight Aluminum Buckabilly sluices are constructed of sheet aluminum, expanded aluminum, aluminum riffles, and stainless steel bolts not steel so you can run a magnet down them without magnetizing your sluice, riffles, or expanded metal.
I vote for the Buckabilly SB2400 24"L X 7"W. Weighs 5 Lbs. Great for fine(flour) Gold!
Why mess with mini plastic sluices? IMO
Gabriel Rivera Greenhorn Posts: 
30 Apr 2014 11:59 PM |
I'm building one, but the EZ sluice is easiest on the pocket book. Reviews are pretty good for it, but I don't have experience with it. Maybe someone else here does tho.
DONALD COLLINS Greenhorn Posts: 
17 May 2014 03:43 PM |
I like the EZ sluice,you can put it in a bucket or a backpack.
MAURICE AUSTIN Greenhorn Posts: 
02 Jun 2014 11:58 AM |
I also like the EZ-Sluice. Very easy to use. I removed the miners moss and put in vortex matting. Great little light weight pack-in sluice. If you dont have far to walk I agree with Brian. Buck a Billy is hard to beat. Just a better quality sluice and they pay attention to the small details that makes them a step above others.
Justin Mills Greenhorn Posts: 
04 Jul 2014 07:36 AM |
Hi, I am new to prospecting as well. I find the Angus MacKirk backpack sluice packable and effective. I'm no expert, for sure, but I am getting pieces as small as grains of salt with mine.
JAMES AU Greenhorn Posts: 
06 Jul 2014 04:35 PM |
Royal Folding sluice fits in a 5 gallon bucket and folds out to good length.

Ryan Stefani Greenhorn Posts: 
24 Feb 2015 12:01 PM |
I just got an Angus MacKirk Adventure sluice. It only weighs about 3 pounds and is great for backpacking.
James DeTour Greenhorn Posts: 
24 Feb 2015 12:09 PM |
Great info. Any idea what that sluice is in the store here calling the Mini Sluice? Wondering what the size is. Keychain size or what.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
24 Feb 2015 06:04 PM |
I've got a Royal backpack, 24 inches without the flare and 30 with. The flare will bolt up to the inside of it for more compact carry. Does OK for sampling and small day trip production for me. I like her.
Craig Campbell Greenhorn Posts: 
25 Feb 2015 07:30 AM |
If you're working with little gold, then chances are you'll be running more material to find it. A mini sluice isn't the best idea unless you intend to clean it out much, much more. As some above are mentioning, the EZ-sluice on ebay for less than $50 would be a nice starter. Fits right in your bucket, and the new design allows for VERY easy clean ups. If you want to step up your game, most aluminum bodied folding sluices fit right into a bucket, and often hold quite a bit of material! Either way, just be sure its setup right! Enjoy the hunt!
GERALD DUPUY Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Jun 2015 03:48 PM |
I have an Angus Mackirk and a Bazooka sniper. I by far like the Bazooka best. Very easy to set up and use, catches fine gold great, cleans up super fast and easy. I've owned an A52, the easy sluice, An angus mackirk, and I like the Bazooka best of all. It is a very forgiving sluice and a joy to work with since you don't have to classify. Just my two cents, Gerald
Don McElyea Basic Member Posts:131 
18 Jun 2015 04:17 PM |
I just purchased the RDH Prospecting Mini Highbanker. Very reasonable. Works in a tub or in the creek. 42 inches of classifying area. Going to the Jicarilla's NM over the 4th weekend and see how it does. They make very good equipment. Around $250 including shipping.
MIKE GIBSON Greenhorn Posts:5 
20 Jun 2015 05:26 AM |
From experience I would recommend the Bazooka Mini as you do not have to classify material. Keene sluice boxes I would stay away from. The last Keene sluice I purchased was unacceptable in my opinion, it had sharp edges all over the place and 3 of the riffles were welded uneven. I looked at a Royal 54"x 10" ultra wide one piece sluice that my friend was using, very impressive in recovery and craftsmanship. Royal also makes a 24" and a 30" sluice as your message is pertaining to a smaller sluice. Good Luck!
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
20 Jun 2015 08:15 AM |
I have the Royal 24" and the 30 "inch recirc sluice. this can be used as a regular sluice and since the flare is detachable makes it easy to back pack around. I have changed the carpeting in both. I have Martin's vortex matting in the 24 inch and Gold Hog matting in the 30 inch model. Both have helped with my recovery percentages.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
20 Jun 2015 09:04 AM |
Make sure you stay away from the Brawn 24" mini sluice, you might as well be pouring your gold right back into the river.
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
20 Jun 2015 12:10 PM |
I also have a Royal 30" sluice. Works well for me and good quality. I use it at home as well to run my classified material.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
20 Jun 2015 02:05 PM |
I was looking at some sluices today , 24" and 50", and as much as they were asking for them even though well built I think I would prefer to go to a machine shop and have one custom built for less. I am thinking that 2 feet of Gold Hog matting followed by 2 feet of traditional expanded metal with rifles and a miners moss floor will give any miner the best of both worlds. I have seen a similar homemade setup and all you would have to do is give the parameters to a machine shop and have them bend your metals and weld and then you just add your miners moss and matting yourself. I would make it myself if I still had access to the tools I used to have. The Stansport Compact Sluice box appeared to be of a nice design and only $69, but I think it needs to have another foot of riffles and moss, it is also more narrow than what I am looking for. Their folding model fits that description but they are asking $179 and for that I can get a far better Sluice.