Last Post 30 Jul 2018 08:28 AM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
Good claim to visit from the mining guide
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Jonathan Sever

22 Feb 2016 09:30 AM

    Good afternoon Kevin, 


    I am looking to take a trip to one of the claims in the mining guide, ( my first one )! My choices are AZ,CA,or OR. I would prefer  a claim that will be semi warm that time of year. I just want to know if you had any info or know wich claims have really good gold to pan and sluice. A claim that has fairly easy access to and is in a relativly safe area. Im planning a 4 day trip and plan on renting a jeep too. 

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    22 Feb 2016 10:02 AM
    When are you planning your trip dates? There is very little water in most of the areas that are warm right now with many of the water claims are still snow bound. We can start there and work our way through the rest of it to find you a claim that you can spend some time on. When you are looking in the mining guide, claims that state seasonal water is important.
    Let's get you on a claim.
    Jonathan Sever

    22 Feb 2016 03:08 PM
    Thanks for the reply kevin , my dates of travel would be march 21- 24 2016. So lets find me a claim to do some prospecting.let me know what u think would be a good place to go.
    Jonathan Sever

    23 Feb 2016 09:21 AM

    just to add kevin, i will fly in and rent a vehicle and hotel ,so im just looking for a spot to prospect. I am sending emails to chapters in ca. to see if they have any info. 

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    23 Feb 2016 10:28 AM
    Water in March is going to be a bit of a problem in Arizona. Most of what we had is gone with the Monsoons being our next good hope. Water prospecting would be easier in the areas of central to northern California. Contact the chapter presidents from the
    Delta Gold Diggers - http://www.goldprospector...ome/ChapterId/STOCCA
    River City - http://www.goldprospector...ome/ChapterId/SACRCA
    NOR-CAL GOLD PROSPECTORS - http://www.goldprospector...ome/ChapterId/REDDCA (Might be snow on the ground in a few areas in Nor Cal)
    Between these three they should be able to better let you know what is going on the the direct area.
    Let me know what you find out.


    Michael Smith

    29 Jul 2018 05:58 PM
    I live in Prescott AZ and would like to know of a good claim to metal detect on, not excessively far from home.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    30 Jul 2018 08:28 AM
    Soldier Boy Double JJ were my go to claims for years and still ones that I visit whenever I come home to Preskitt to see friends. Do your time prospecting and read everything you can about the area. Schist belts that intersect bedrock formations have done quite well for me over the years detecting.
    I've tested a lot of dete4ctors on those claims over the years and found some nice nuggets. Brush is tough to work in but persistence will pay off.
    Good luck and maybe I'll see you there some time.
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