Last Post 06 Mar 2016 09:33 AM by  Roy Greenhalgh
Data Files and Offering Digital...
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Roy Greenhalgh

28 Feb 2016 08:36 AM

    I'm sorry if this is not in the correct area but I honestly did not know where it should go.  

    The GPAA has been around for many years and we have quite a few computer savvy members.  Each time I get the field guide I keep saying I wish we could digitize.   The BLM reports can be imported right into Google Earth...why can't we do the same thing?  Or have we and it's hidden away somewhere I didn't see?  

    Hitting Youtube I found one guy who does it all it is possible.  I just figure since we have the list before we send it to the printers ANYWAY...    

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    02 Mar 2016 08:51 AM
    Many of the GPAA claims are owned by members that share their claims in the share a claim program for members use. They prefer that the claims only be used by members and making them available online would open them to everyone en-mass. Years ago the Mining Guide was made available on a CD which appeared on an auction site within days of it being introduced. Many of the claims were overrun with non members many left with no reclamation at all.
    Roy Greenhalgh

    04 Mar 2016 06:15 PM

    That's understandable then.  You would think members would be a bit more honorable than that.  I guess I'm hoping there might be more around where I am.  Being stuck in Florida I can only reach one or two sites.  Just thought there would be more in Ga.  I'm guessing there isn't some Mentor I can connect with?  Or a hidden list of contacts...  Closest I got is the Alabama Pay n Pan and the Buchanan farm.  Tried the Farm- no love.  


    Tim Leibel

    05 Mar 2016 12:46 PM
    Roy, I live in Pensacola. I am a member of the NW Georgia Chapter which is based at the farm claim. Their first meeting is next Saturday at the claim. The farm is hard to get to know but there is gold there. Also next week the Coker Creek Chapter is hosting an open outing ( anyone is welcome) at the Loud Mine LDMA camp in Cleveland GA. This is an excellent camp and the people there are more than willing to help you learn about all the types of mining we do. I hope I run into you soon on a claim.
    Roy Greenhalgh

    06 Mar 2016 09:33 AM

    Thanks Tim!  Would love to but that is the thing.  My day job hours are so random I rarely can make any events so I was just looking for a place where I could drive to on a Friday night- Play Saturday and drive home Sunday.  Maybe bring my Wife or a friend.  

    When the Wife and I went to the Farm we met great people and had some fun- but not one flake of color.  Got more out of a bag of AP sand from Home Depot.  All we had was a bazooka sluice and a few pans.  Everyone else there was dredging.  I'm trying to validate getting a small Goldhog Highbanker but I need to see something and have "a place" to go.  

    That's the depressing part.  Being stuck in Florida I know our options are limited- I just thought the GPAA would have more locations in Ga.  The idea of paying for a membership for so many years and having only 1 lease to visit?  I was wondering if I missed a flyer or something. 

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