Last Post 22 May 2020 04:50 PM by  Leo Lorenz
Gold Bug Pro
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Leo Lorenz
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15 Mar 2016 08:31 AM
    Just wondering if anyone that owns one of these ever had a problem as I did this weekend with mine. I was out in the fields Northern Nevada this weekend, battery was full, no power lines around anywhere and the machine just started going erratic, making a stuttering, spitting sound. Even after I shut it off and turned back on it just resumed acting crazy. It was doing this even with the coil off the ground 2 feet. So I quit using it, and about hour later I tried it again and it was fine. I can see this being a real issue, especially if out in the field and far away from your vehicle. Luckily I was carrying a second detector with me at the time.

    15 Mar 2016 09:44 AM
    May want to have it checked out by a qualified tec
    john McGrath

    23 Mar 2016 07:09 AM
    Leo stupid question for you ... you didn't have a cell phone on in your pocket did you? That can cause big issues.
    Leo Lorenz
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    23 Mar 2016 09:43 AM
    You gotta be KIDDING me!!!?? Damn ...yes I did all day long. I was carrying with me my Whites TDI Pro and the Gold Bug pro all over those hills. When things weren't working right I would shut 1 down and use the other. I was getting the GB to ground balance ok for the most part but still had noisy background. What about the PI detector? Will the cell cause more issues with that MD also? This is really stupid of me for doing that because it is a basic knowledge////I read about that issue many times and totally forgot. Getting out in the field I get all excited to start swinging, and then I lose my practical mind. Thank you for being alert to that fact, and letting me know. I was seriously dreading the thought of sending it in to OEM. And funny the time it was doing this......I was thinking......"Hey this is crazy, I am not even near any power lines at all". And all the while, I am carrying one in my coat pocket.
    Jeff Martin
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    28 Apr 2016 06:14 PM

    One item that can cause noise and problems is aircraft with VLF units.  If in aircraft flight path as we are near Phoenix is is common.  Once they pass over all is okay.  And the smart cell, put in airplane mode then detect.   Some experience we have had.

    New Member
    New Member

    23 Mar 2020 10:47 AM
    I wanted to share a little info that I've noticed when detecting with the gold bug pro in all metal.
    Debra Whitfill

    12 May 2020 05:59 PM
    We are just getting started and that's really good to know. Don't have one yet but seriously thinking about buying one. I will make sure to keep my cell phone away from it.
    Scott Hurtt

    22 May 2020 01:30 PM

    You weren't out by Groom Lake by chance were you? 🛸

    Just sayin' ...
    Leo Lorenz
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    22 May 2020 04:50 PM
    Yes ...well I learned through the years that you should just shut the cell phone off. After all, are you out there to detect and find gold or worrying about your Facebook account and posting to Twitter??
    The cell phones mess with the PI machines as well. And the aircraft yes their VHF radios are always hot.
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