Last Post 26 Feb 2018 03:38 PM by  William Hall
Basic to intermediate advice appreciated
 6 Replies
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Seth Kline

22 Mar 2016 08:44 PM

    Hello, Im relatively new to prospecting and currently a resident of Pennsylvania. Soon I will be striking it out to the southwest to find some color. Any advice concerning gear, terrain, technique would be awesome. I will primarily be prospecting/panning in Arizona. Maybe Idaho, Utah and Colorado too. I'll be doing all of my panning in the field and also interested in metal detecting. I have a general metal detector and a fair amount of experience. I've studied my mining guide to some extent but value human advice, info and opinion. I will also be camping A LOT. I have a fair amount of camping experience as well. Interested in making my own sluice and sluicing for gold. Also, any stories or first hand accounts of y'all getting started in your own prospecting journeys will be sure to inspire. Thank you!!

    1.Any info/advice on camping for multiple days/a couple weeks while prospecting near a claim? 2. I have a low to medium clearance car, what are my limitations reaching claims due to the terrain out west? 3. Will my low-end detector get the job done? 4. How important/how much would you recommend sluicing for finding larger quantities? Again, thank you very much for helping me be successful in finding some gold.

    Jeff Britton

    23 Mar 2016 06:17 AM

    Camping is normally allowed on most claims. Check the claim info for the ownership of the land. You are allowed to camp on any BLM land for 14 days. I used to live out at Stanton LDMA camp.

    Good luck!

    Seth Kline

    23 Mar 2016 01:18 PM
    That's awesome, thanks Jeff!
    Jeff Martin
    New Member
    New Member

    09 Apr 2016 12:57 PM
    Arizona weather is adverse in summer as winter. The desert can fool you. Can be hot in dec or feezing cold the same day. Make sure to let someone know where you are at all times, at least the area. Be aware of rains storms close and far away. Never, ever camp in washes. Stay above them. We can get insect out in the winter months that can cause pinful stings. When moving rocks and brush be aware of possible hibernating, creatures. Arizona i. My opinion is Gods country. Lived here most all of my life. Prospecting is great, lots of places to go. Weather is good most of the year. If you get down this way, give me a shout will be glad to offer any needed directions or advice. One more thing, we have a lot of old abandoned mine shafts and drifts. If your not expierienced, stay out, best way to live a longer life.

    03 Sep 2016 05:32 PM
    Planning is key to any adventure. Clothing, food, water, fire starting material, what equipment to bring for the area, medical and communications. Get maps of the area you are interested in , GPS if possible, do invest in a great pair of hiking boots that offer protection from snakes. Last but most important leave information on where you are going a possible phone number and duplicate map of where your going to someone before leaving home.
    Perry Hidalgo

    26 Feb 2018 10:38 AM
    Did you have any luck?  I will be in the Delaware county area in a few weeks...  Can anyone meet up to go prospecting?  Perry
    William Hall

    26 Feb 2018 03:38 PM
    Welcome Perry,

    The original post was more than two years ago.
    Start a new thread, ask your question there for more exposure and maybe some info.

    Good Luck n get out there.
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