Roy Greenhalgh Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Apr 2016 09:11 PM |
Hey Guys and Gals,
I've been a member for a few years now and I have had the time to take ONE trip to the FARM in Ga. The Wife and I had a great time in meeting other members but felt a tad ill equipped with our little bazooka and a few pans.
Every once in awhile I get a 3 day weekend so the Wife has been trying to get me out of the house. I was hoping to find other places I can get to in a day where I can at least see a little color. I know there is the Alabama Camp and the Farm I can get to within 8 hours. Has there been any new additions in Georgia that is closer to Florida? I've even tried looking for public lands and other claims I could use but to be honest I have no clue what the hell I'm doing. Looking for any advice here. I wanted to go for a weekend with a few friends to the Alabama camp this summer but if there is a place that is not Pay to Pan...that would be much better. If I don't find something this year I'm most likely going to drop membership until I move to a state where I can at least use a claim or two. I'd hate that.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
08 Apr 2016 09:28 PM |
Roy, I live near Pensacola. I go up to the Farm Claim also. I. The mining guide there is a lease that is about 20 miles from AGC. Called Curvins Cow Pasture. It is a good creek yo put a sluice in. I hear mixed reviews on it and the long periods of silence so many get be pretty good. Also if tine and budget allow, you might think about one of the LDMA outings this fall in GA or NC. They are close and a lot of fun. The properties have good gold and you meet goid people.
Roy Greenhalgh Greenhorn Posts: 
09 Apr 2016 08:32 AM |
Thanks Tim! You always have good suggestions. I'll be checking out the youtube vids of the Cow Pasture and see how long of a drive it will take from Gulfport Fl.
I friend of mine is from Dahlonega and he's trying to find some old prospector with a private claim we can get permission to play on. It's not like we are going to do any damage with a small bazooka and hand panning. I have been dying to get one of Doc's Multi highbankers but I can't justify the cost to the wife if I'm only going once in 4 years. 
Roy Greenhalgh Greenhorn Posts: 
09 Apr 2016 09:00 AM |
Just did a web search on the place. It's just in range...just a little over 8 hours to drive so a 3 day weekend would give me a single solid day of playing in the dirt. There are a few contradicting bits of info though. First it's a GPAA Claim then it's a Pay to Mine where you need a party and a reservation? The one vid I watched was from Feb 2015 and the guy said there was no sign in sheet or anyone there to talk to but he knew just one person couldn't just camp- it needed to be a "party" of some sort. Anyone got any current info? I mean I can just call during the week but I like to get the skinny from the "family" before I make myself look like a rube. 
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
10 Apr 2016 03:32 PM |
If I was in your shoes I would stick to the pay to dig sites in North Carolina and bring a dredge if allowed. Some of the purest gold I have seen in my life comes out of North Carolina and though everything is privately owned I have seen some nice material come out of that state, much better then Georgia. Our Chapter has our own claims, some are for club use and some are for private use, but none are GPAA claims (As of now the BLM has closed the majority of claims in the 2014 Book for our area). As President of our chapter I am going to try to make a few changes this year. The first being to set up a claims class, I want to invite the public to come and learn how to get their own claim, in the process they will also be taught the rules and that cuts down on claim jumpers on our claims, plus how to dig on BLM lands and Forest Lands. The second thing I wish to do is have a outing this year for the GPAA right here in Colorado, and if not this year the next, and maybe on my own claim, or maybe my wife's so she has to manage it :-). Care to take a trip to Colorado? I know a stretch that only allows a sluice and pan on BLM land that will probably provide you more gold in one day then in North Carolina in one week, you just have to follow the BLM rules that allows you to stay there for two weeks with no camp ground fees, no fees to dig, and no fees for anything? Since the BLM has taken over so many of the claims in land management you can't take a dredge there, but if you are willing to take a pick and shovel there is plenty of gold to be found and you wont have to pay a penny.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
10 Apr 2016 05:41 PM |
Ben, made a good suggestion. Places like Thermal City and Lucky Strike let you dredge or high bank. You also can rent high bankers from both places. The town closest is Marion, NC.
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
11 Apr 2016 07:04 AM |
Hi Roy
All the claims in the CL pages for Colorado are valid claims with BLM to date. We have not been notified by BLM of any closures and we paid the fees for 2016 mining year. The only one in question would be the Little Georgia on CL-110 not sure of status due to EPA spill. We do not have any Pay to Dig areas in the CL or LE sections of the Mining Guide. It is always a good idea to call a local chapter before heading out if you are not familiar with a claim to find out recent road conditions and such. If they are having a outing it is a good time to meet a great bunch of people. If in doubt check on fire restrictions when on BLM or Forest service land. Both are also on the agencies web pages also. If you wish to check for updates to the Mining Guide for the real first hand information if a claim is open or not and for new claims that may be opened in the area you are planning to go to. Go to top bar on GPAA web site. Go to the "Learn" drop down menu and go to publications. This page has two options magazines and Pick and Shovel updates. The listed Pick and Shovels are all the updates for the 2014 Mining Guide. There may be some overnight camping restrictions in place on the Arkansas River mainly at the RR bridge area.
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.
Roy Greenhalgh Greenhorn Posts: 
14 Apr 2016 07:04 PM |
That sounds great Ben! Would love to be able to take a trip like that. I would have to tone up a tad- been soft around the middle for too long to "rough it". One of the things I was starting to regret is that there seems to be little mentorship in showing how to do all this. To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, there is one Gent on Youtube I just get a kick out of. He's in BC but seems to love to teach and explain all aspects. I think if there were more vids made by members like this it might bring more interest in finding new claims for the group wouldn't it?
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I guess I was hoping to find a member that was in Ga that had some connections to a pvt claim that would shoot an invite or something. LOL. I just want to get my feet wet and see a little something without hitting my charge card if ya know what I mean.
Paul Louly New Member Posts:81 
15 Apr 2016 01:36 PM |
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I guess I was hoping to find a member that was in Ga that had some connections to a pvt claim that would shoot an invite or something. LOL. I just want to get my feet wet and see a little something without hitting my charge card if ya know what I mean.
There are two great GPAA Chapters in GA that might be able to help you out. As Walt and everyone else can attest to, Chapters are your best bet to learning about local areas and conditions to prospect in. Here is the link to the Georgia Chapters - http://www.goldprospector...r-Directory?state=GA
Good luck and happy prospecting!
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
15 Apr 2016 03:04 PM |
Walter, As per my meeting with the Colorado BLM Geologist out of Grand Junction the claims listed in the South Delores River Group that are South of the Montrose County line are closed, that includes CSC#1 and CSC#2, but it also includes the only claim in the area that is worth digging on and it is privately owned, it is the one at mile marker 89 which is of course not in the manual. The Little Georgia still remains closed but I have no idea if it is being enforced. I will next week seek documentation from the BLM to verify what I have been told by the BLM and forward it to GPAA.
Roy Greenhalgh Greenhorn Posts: 
16 Apr 2016 04:11 PM |
On second thought, not to drag politics into it, but can anyone suggest anywhere ELSE than NC? They are currently on my short list of places not to spend money in.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
16 Apr 2016 04:16 PM |
In Dahlonega, Ga you have the Crissom and Consoladted mines that are pay to dig, over in Cleveland about 20 miles east there is Gold and Gem Grubbin. This is right next to Loud Mine LDMA CAMP. you can't go there unless you are participating in an outing or as a guest of an LDMA membe, burnt as you get out and about you will meet and make friends with members.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 