Last Post 01 Jun 2016 03:23 PM by  William Hall
how do you find your spot to dig?
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Travis Nix

25 Apr 2016 04:19 PM
    <p>hello every one,</p>
    <p>I was wondering how every finds their spot to dig that's not claimed. I know it involves lots of home work. I use to find out where active claims are in the areas I want to work, they down load all their info from the BLM LR2000 site, however it only shows you the section, township, range and all the claim info and tell you how many claims are in that section. then I have to go to the recorders office with all that info and locate where the claims are in that section.. is there any easier way?  maybe something online that could get me current detailed info. I don't mind the homework bet with 3 kids running around it makes it tough to watch them and focus in claim maps.. some thing I could use at home or in the field would help.   thanks
    John Meredith

    25 Apr 2016 05:37 PM

    Another resource I have used to find active and past claims is One note is to pay more attention to the lists for sections than the maps which show claims, because it seems that some that are on the list do not always show on map displays. The website allows you to move around very well especially if you know township - range areas that you are interested in viewing.

    William Hall

    26 Apr 2016 03:43 PM
    I joined GPAA

    No more worries, other than knowing the changes that the GPAA makes
    No more getting run off open public area's because of not pounding the ground doing the homework required to research an area
    Is there an 'easy' way to do the work ? No, not as of yet, if there is I'd like to hear/see it
    If you really want to be sure, you still have to go to the county recorder office your wanting to claim in, and do the research
    Other wise you can run into real problems and $$$
    Yes, a lot of research on LR2000, and other sites is available and helpful, but until you go to the county office, its a pig in a poke
    Put them youngins to work panning cons that will keep em busy LOL

    Travis Nix

    27 Apr 2016 10:26 AM
    Guess I'll keep going at it like I am doing.. I like going out to the gppa claims but I live in such a gold rich area, finding other places to dig can benefit as well..
    Jonathan Stansberry
    New Member
    New Member

    22 May 2016 08:06 AM
    i was just wondering what part of the country do you live in? you said gold rich area.
    Travis Nix

    01 Jun 2016 09:03 AM
    i live in northern Nevada.. we have huge gold mining companies all over the place. but a lot of area is claimed up or owned by large mining companies..
    William Hall

    01 Jun 2016 03:23 PM

    The gold those huge operations are getting is microscopic

    that's one reason they move thousands of tons of material, pulverize it and heap leach it, or use other means of extracting the gold

    You wont find that size with a detector

    Check the for sale section, there's a claim for sale in the Rye Patch in Nevada.



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