Rain Storms & Sluice Box excellent for collecting concentrates while you sleep !! 5/12/2016
if you have personal; access to a stream and can secure your sluice box in the stream,.. why not leave it there instead of in the storage shed ding nothing ,..? let the rain storms sweep and move tons of materials right through your sluice box,.. weeks , months of collecting during storms or just running every day stream water makes a difference ,.. how much difference ,..? YOU will know when you go to lift out your sluice box the difference because of a major weight difference . excessive black sand accumulation is a good sign that major rain water has pushed streambed turbulent materials right through your sluice box.. Go prospecting in the rain without even getting wet,.. Clean out your sluice box mats after weeks or months of rain storms and see and feel the difference ,.. You will notice more float gold mixed in with the black sand build -up. The picture below is float gold as seen in the bottom of a purple coffee cup