Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
10 Jun 2016 08:00 AM |
Ran across this ad in my web wanderings:
That Is a good price for that much land in that area even if it was not being touted as a placer gold claim. I wonder how old the ad is? Takes me a year or three to save up that much cash if I really sit on my salary. Something to consider?
David Bruton Greenhorn Posts: 
10 Jun 2016 08:55 AM |
I wonder if there would be any interest in a few people partnering on a deal like this. I know I would be if the claim is as advertised. We would need to send someone local to check it out.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
10 Jun 2016 11:36 AM |
Is this a patented (bought from the government and now private property) claim? For that price and acreage I doubt it. If it just a regular mining claim the only thing you have exclusive rights to is the minerals. Anybody can camp, hunt, fish, hike, etc on a standard claim. I believe you can still do a one person buy of an existing claim that is that size, but the next cycle of renewal needs to have enough people to cover 20 acres per person (the limit on acreage per person on a claim) So for that 130 acres you would need to have 7 people when refiled.
Need to be able to get in and do some sampling on it, on your own. Don't just settle for where the owner wants you to sample. If they won't let you sample-----run and run fast to the next state.
Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
10 Jun 2016 01:34 PM |
Posted By ARTHUR WAUGH on 10 Jun 2016 11:36 AM
Is this a patented (bought from the government and now private property) claim? For that price and acreage I doubt it. If it just a regular mining claim the only thing you have exclusive rights to is the minerals. Anybody can camp, hunt, fish, hike, etc on a standard claim. I believe you can still do a one person buy of an existing claim that is that size, but the next cycle of renewal needs to have enough people to cover 20 acres per person (the limit on acreage per person on a claim) So for that 130 acres you would need to have 7 people when refiled.
Need to be able to get in and do some sampling on it, on your own. Don't just settle for where the owner wants you to sample. If they won't let you sample-----run and run fast to the next state.
Wondering if perhaps GPAA might be interested in acquiring more claims? Northern Idaho is supposed to be good gold area? Still learning about all this.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
10 Jun 2016 04:03 PM |
Old saying in mining circles
A mine is nothing but a hole.....
Theres a fool at the bottom
A liar at the top
If its to good to be true
It is
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
10 Jun 2016 04:46 PM |
Virtually all of the GPAA claims are held by members of GPAA. For certain considerations, the member allows the claim to be listed in the guide for use by other members, but the owner of the claim still retains ownership, and can sell it or with notice pull it from GPAA status if not taken care of and the rules/regs are not being followed.
Brett Krone Greenhorn Posts:9 
10 Jun 2016 06:53 PM |
I contacted the owner on this about 3 weeks ago to see if I could take a look at the property while i'm out there next week. He requires a $500 non refundable fee for a 3 day visit while you decide to buy. He has just lowered the price from 13k to 11k. The property looks good but I have plenty of other options to look at that aren't costing $500.00 to see. Best of luck
Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
10 Jun 2016 07:05 PM |
Posted By <a href='' class='af-profile-link'>brett krone</a> on 10 Jun 2016 06:53 PM <p>I contacted the owner on this about 3 weeks ago to see if I could take a look at the property while i'm out there next week. He requires a $500 non refundable fee for a 3 day visit while you decide to buy. He has just lowered the price from 13k to 11k. The property looks good but I have plenty of other options to look at that aren't costing $500.00 to see. Best of luck</p> So it was, indeed, too good to be true. Oh well! Apologies for the post.b 
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
10 Jun 2016 11:01 PM |
My thinking on this is quite simple. Someone charging $500 to go out and sample a claim is a outright scam. I have a house for sale, sure come inside but you gotta pay me $100.00. I really have no intention to sell it because I am making money just having people coming in to take a look. Same thing with a claim, and more so, you dont even own the land.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
11 Jun 2016 10:12 AM |
Mary, In fact it may be legit but..... One most go in with eyes wide open, and not suffering from gold fever Do your homework (research) by verifying the owner does if fact legally own it It is a legit claim, any issues with land owners ie. BLM, Forest Circus, private land ect One must go and put boots on the ground, is it accessible to what degree ect And above all, SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE many areas many days worth And I agree with Leo, if they are charging $500.00 for you to go have a look, move on or deduct that off the purchase price Maybe if its in Alaska and your going to move thousands or millions of cubic feet of material with heavy equipment and wash plants and such, MAYBE Be aware and informed and don't let anyone rip you off Bill
Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
13 Jun 2016 12:51 PM |
Posted By WILLIAM HALL on 11 Jun 2016 10:12 AM
In fact it may be legit but.....
One most go in with eyes wide open, and not suffering from gold fever
Do your homework (research) by verifying the owner does if fact legally own it
It is a legit claim, any issues with land owners ie. BLM, Forest Circus, private land ect
One must go and put boots on the ground, is it accessible to what degree ect
And above all, SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE many areas many days worth
And I agree with Leo, if they are charging $500.00 for you to go have a look, move on or deduct that off the purchase price
Maybe if its in Alaska and your going to move thousands or millions of cubic feet of material with heavy equipment and wash plants and such, MAYBE
Be aware and informed and don't let anyone rip you off
I'm betting he is charging to keep people away that are not serious about buying and just want to "sample" his land. Free place to prospect. I can understand that but there is no excuse to charge $500.00. That does make it sound like a scam! I have not explored the rest of that site. It appears to be a place to buy and sell claims at first glance.
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
13 Jun 2016 04:30 PM |
Many of these persons have not located the claim yet and will not until they have your money, they will then locate in the buyers name and if something is wrong there name is not on the location papers as locator.