Hey all, Went to Ala Gold Camp again this weekend, 5/3-5/4. Here's some pics of the pile after we were working it (forgot to get a before pic,sorry), we moved about 1/2 the pile. Figured it to be about 3.5 yrds we moved. Ran about 7 hrs total, 4 on Sat, then 3 on sunday. Pics of the gold from AGC and my unit (set up at the Buchanan Claim) also follow.
This is quickly becoming a favorite place to go for me. I know it's not a GPAA/LDMA site, and it does cost, but the prices are super reasonable compared to other places. And if you are GPAA/LDMA you get a 10% discount for camping and mining (no discount on cabin rentals). It is listed in the GPAA claims book under Alabama.
NOTE: If you are a Gold Hog user and follow the forum, and were planning on going to HOG FEST at Gold and Gems in Cleveland, GA June 6-8, that has been cancelled, and moved to the Ala Gold Camp instead, June 6-8.