JOHN DORVAL Greenhorn Posts: 
04 Dec 2016 11:27 AM |
If I find any rock with heavy mineralization, metal of any kind, iron whatever I will bring home the rock and crush it. It could be quartz, conglomerate or what ever I will crush it. Check this video out as to how I do it. :
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
04 Dec 2016 04:59 PM |
I have recently worked the hardest stones I have ever seen in my life and with the gold rich veins going through them they were brought to somebody that had a old fashioned Jaw crusher. It was originally designed for a belt drive but the wheel was large enough he could crank it by hand and turned those rocks to powder, 50+ pounds. If you throw quartz in there its turned to powder, the harder rocks took a bit more working but the turnout at the end was incredible. And what really pisses me off at the end is that this guy isn't even a prospector, he just found some pretty rocks while out hiking. The nice thing is he told me where and I will be visiting the site next year.
Robert Dippold Greenhorn Posts: 
04 Dec 2016 05:22 PM |
Why be Pissed? you know where the rocks originated and as fare as you know no rivals hunting for Pretty rocks. I know of the rocks but Don't know of their origin there are more than 3 Quarries in the area but they still may not be the source,
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
04 Dec 2016 06:34 PM |
I am pissed at myself for not noticing the rocks, that's why I say I am pissed. He put those through a Jaw Cruncher and by hand turned them to powder, I am just angry with myself for overlooking the area and need to do a bit better. Colorado has every element and mineral on earth and a lot of times you are looking for one and bypass another. Just this weekend my wife was panning a pan and kept washing away these small heavy rocks. They acted in weight like gold, but they were black. So I took a few out and pulled out my loop to see it they were lead but I was wrong too, that pile of gravel was full of Platinum. It's funny how we miss the best things only because were are looking for something else, and that's when we all need to give ourselves a good swift kick in the ass for ignoring what is right in front of us.
tom glenn Greenhorn Posts: 
07 Dec 2016 02:41 PM |
I sieve everything down to 30 mesh minus and then go through the 1/2" through 20 mesh looking for any pickers and then run every thing 20 and above through the impact crusher and it makes powder out of all and I run over my rp4 table in the summer and through whatever I can fit into my wife's kitchen in the winter. I think it was Benjamin that spotted the platinum in my cleanup sluice. Now you might think I am crazy but then I take all the tailings and dry and rerun through the impact crusher and rerun over the table again and you would be surprised what you threw away the first time. Then it is time to smelt and reap your rewards. Thanks Tom Glenn
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
23 Mar 2017 06:41 PM |
Here is a crusher I've made that works well. Go to a rural hardware store and by a "fence post hammer". It is an iron tube that slips over iron fence posts. Also pick up one of those iron poles that have a wedge shaped on one end and what looks like a nail-head on the other. Take them to a welder. Have one of the handles cut off of the hammer. Put the nail-head into the hammer and have him cut it, leaving enough of the bar sticking out so he can weld on a "T" handle. Make sure the handle is high enough up from the hammer so you don't whack your hands on the hammer when using it! Last, have him weld on a bottom plate large enough to put at least one foot on it, both is better. Make sure the single handle still on the hammer is facing PERPENDICULAR to the plate so it does not interfere with your knees, which will be close when operating the crusher. You now have a rock crusher that can be passed onto the kids.... if it doesn't walk off! Added bonus... you also have a wedge bar left over for breaking into crevices. You can crush rocks now into powder. Do not use water as the flour you want will stick inside. TTC
Dustin Openshaw Greenhorn Posts: 
25 Mar 2017 07:55 PM |
Me and my brother hiked 2 miles up some steep mountains in central utah and found a bunch of rocks that we wanted to smash and check out, after awhile we sat and ate some food and my bro picked up a small quartz rock probably half a lemon size while we were sitting there and when we got home we smashed them all seperatly and no doubt there was a good size picker in that quartz rock..
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
26 Mar 2017 02:02 PM |
Posted By JOHN DORVAL on 04 Dec 2016 11:27 AM
If I find any rock with heavy mineralization, metal of any kind, iron whatever I will bring home the rock and crush it. It could be quartz, conglomerate or what ever I will crush it. Check this video out as to how I do it. :
John, I have been posting videos on for years. How can I do it here? TTC
JOHN DORVAL Greenhorn Posts: 
26 Mar 2017 05:52 PM |
Terrance, you just need to embed it to post a vid here.
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
27 Mar 2017 08:45 AM |
Trying again... TTC

Nope. Help walk me through it please! TTC
michael neely Greenhorn Posts: 
30 Mar 2017 06:21 PM |
Ask Jeff Williams on YouTube. He crushes quarts . there are a Couple of videos on the process. I am going to give it a go my self.
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
31 Mar 2017 02:32 PM |
Here is my crusher on Youtube. I cannot figure out how to get the video imbedded here. Can someone tell me how? Here is the URL. TTC
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
Dennis Blair Greenhorn Posts:2 
04 Sep 2021 03:07 PM |
I have just joined, but am have a geologis friend I have been gathering differant shades of quartz from several mines and am now qurious about which I might crush to seeif there is gold in any of them. I have a yard full. Any suggestions?
Douglas Mewis Greenhorn Posts:1 
04 Jan 2022 04:52 PM |
I have. But I do it recreationally not professionally. I have pulled gold out of old mining waste that got wrote off as too costly to process. Sometimes though, these samples are more valuable as specimens or use in custom jewelry than it is to separate the gold itself.