Last Post 15 Jul 2016 08:20 PM by  Joseph Loyd
DIY Roll up sluice
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Mary McCarty
Basic Member
Basic Member

14 Jul 2016 08:43 AM

    A bit ago, I'd considered having some simple sluices created out of silicone so they could be rolled up and packed in to an area easily. Well, as always, someone else came up with a similar idea first but that's ok. This one is easier and even tho' this guy is selling them, it looks to me like a slit open corrugated plastic culvert so easy to DIY:  http://www.mygoldpanning....rtablesluicebox.html

    Not a bad idea at all and some riffled matting could be added to a section of it without compromising it's portability.

    Just thought I'd share!


    Mary (ever a capitalist but also a realist...)

    William Hall

    14 Jul 2016 04:49 PM
    Really to small for any production, to much classification needed
    I use something very similar to the one on the website to do my final cleanups at home
    Not something to use in the field, even backpacking

    Think bigger

    In my opinion

    Mary McCarty
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    14 Jul 2016 04:55 PM

    I understand. been perusing culvert on line and it comes in much larger sizes. 15" and 18" diameter plastic culvert would split into a much larger sluice and the smallest is 10 ft. in length. Would one if those work for production?

    After watching numerous sluicing videos on youtube tho', I'm heavily leaning towards the bazooka trap sluices due to not needing to classify so being able to run about 10 times the amount of material in a day than you can with any other sluice. With a good shoulder strap set up for it, the middle sized one should not be too much trouble to pack in.

    Anyone here use the Bazooka? What is your opinion on those?

    Joseph Loyd

    15 Jul 2016 08:20 PM
    That roll up pipe has been around for about ten years .It was even on here at one time .The 12 in. pipe works best .
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