Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
15 Jul 2016 01:36 PM |
Been watching sluicing and dredging videos on youtube.
The Rogue river videos are unbelievable... but my question is about Bazooka sluices. It seems they are more efficient time-wise than other sluices, altho' I've seen some excellent recovery in the Rogue River Videos using the Le Trap plastic sluice. I like the idea of not having to classify material using the bazookas. Everything is fast and simple with them and you get more gold recovery due to the fact you can run 10 times the material in the same amount of time it takes to classify and run most other sluices.
Does anyone here use them?
How well do they work for you?
What, in your opinion, are the pros and cons of these?
Thanks in advance! 
JARROD HNIZDIL Greenhorn Posts:4 
15 Jul 2016 04:46 PM |
Yes they work great Its not the only type of sluice I use due to conditions or deposit. You can run a lot of material with great recovery.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
15 Jul 2016 08:16 PM |
Where I am digging in CA the gold is lighter than most of the black sand .That pushes most of the gold out of it .I watched one working next to my regular sluice and I got more gold .It is like most equipment .It depends on what is going on and the gold .When you are trying to pan out the gold I am dealing with you have to watch real close as the gold will go out with the black sand and others.
Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
17 Jul 2016 02:46 PM |
Joseph, Are you mining all flour gold?
JARROD HNIZDIL Greenhorn Posts:4 
17 Jul 2016 04:16 PM |
density of gold and black sand and how they affect recovery doesn't change creek by creek. What your talking about is hydraulic equivalence the relation of hydraulic forces on material based on size shape and density. Gold is always "heavier" than black sand. The flood gold you loose easily in any equipment is lost because its flood gold. The easiest gold to move with water. Bazookas are known for their fine gold recovery especially the longer sniper and any of the prospector or miner models. There's a good chance the Bazooka you saw was set up not quite right. Also there is no real way to compare sluices in a creek being fed by two different people even from the same hole.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
18 Jul 2016 02:54 PM |
Posted By Mary McCarty on 17 Jul 2016 02:46 PM
Are you mining all flour gold?
This gold I am running is so flattened out buy water movement it is just about as thick as the tin foil on a cigarette pack .You can try and pick it up with your fingers and it will fold up .It varies from 1/8 to micro fine .
JON STEINER Greenhorn Posts: 
30 Jul 2016 03:28 PM |
I've started using my Bazooka Trap this summer. I have the largest one so it's only con is that it is a bit cumbersome sometimes. It is very effective. It has proven to be more efficient for me than a regular sluice and panning. On one claim I counted my buckets and noticed that I had close to twice the gold recovery using the Bazooka. It is very simple to use and a lot less work.
Steve Graner Greenhorn Posts:4 
28 Aug 2016 04:10 PM |
I've been using a bazooka sniper, 30" model. It does really well with fines, as long as I set it up right. Practice,practice,practice. I also classify to 1/2" before running the material through. I know the folks at Bazooka claim its not necessary, but the deck clogs up with bigger rocks if I don't no matter how nice the setup and flow is.
Scott Crum Greenhorn Posts: 
29 Nov 2016 07:52 PM |
Well, I decided to pull the trigger and buy the 36" sniper after reading so many good reviews online. I made the purchase on the 8th, it has been 3 weeks now and it still says "awaiting fulfillment" I called today and left a message on their machine. I don't like to make a fuss about things, but I was hoping it would be on its way by now as it's been well over the 5-10 business days they advertise. Has anyone else experienced this? -Scott
Ed Bragg New Member Posts:75 
06 Dec 2016 09:36 AM |
Your more patient than I am .. once I realize an order is delayed .. I get very ancy and start making e-mails, phone calls, tracking down any way to make contact .. Good luck .. hope they respond soon. Hope you post some trial runs and adventures and pics and videos with your new toy when you get it.
Scott Crum Greenhorn Posts: 
06 Dec 2016 12:42 PM |
I have called and emailed several times now. Still nothing> I'm getting very frustrated, but I can't get in contact anyone. The phone goes to voicemail every time, and emails have so far gone unanswered. It has been a full month in two days and I'm really disappointed. I was hoping to have it by now, or i certainly would have already have posted pictures already. I'm getting more frustrated by the day. I called three times in a row hoping someone would pick up, but it sure seems like no one is even there.
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
07 Dec 2016 03:55 AM |
I was considering getting one of the larger two models. Not now. Customer service is of paramount importance to me.
Scott Crum Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Dec 2016 07:26 AM |
It is officially one full month since my date of purchase and still no word. I'm very disappointed. I've called and left messages, and sent emails, beyond sending a letter snailmail There is no other way to contact them. Not happy with this decision.
Scott Crum Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Dec 2016 10:25 AM |
I have tried calling all of the dealers listed on their website and none of them had one in stock. many of them had stopped carrying them altogether because of this reason. the man i talked to from Carolina Prospectors said they get calls from customers like me looking for some other number to contact the company with, but they dont have any information beyond whats on the website. I'm about ready to start researching the person who filed the patent they have listed on their website.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
08 Dec 2016 03:22 PM |
Scott, If you used a credit card to purchase, give them a call and get a refund for nondelivery. Bill
Scott Crum Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Dec 2016 05:29 PM |
I'll be doing that tomorrow, I was just really hoping things might turn around and I'd get a response from them. Any suggestions for a sluice that is similar? looking at maybe the aurora sluice? One of the reasons i liked the bazooka is that ive seen videos about conversions to recirculating designs so it could be used in dry locations.
BILL BREWER Greenhorn Posts: 
12 Dec 2016 02:46 AM |
Scott, if you can give me a call. I received something in you may be interested. I have been receiving good reviews on the Aurora Mining sluices and it looks like that it is going to have a strong impact on the use of a sluice for the prospector. I worked with Kevin Bell at the Dayton GPAA show and saw the capabilities that the boxes have.
Scott Crum Greenhorn Posts: 
12 Dec 2016 06:28 AM |
Bill, I looked into the aurora fluid bed sluice, one of the reasons I wanted to go for bazooka is I've seen conversions to use them as recirculating sluices. Using pvc to run water through the fluid bed and then water on top of the box to get the material to flow. Do you know if it's possible to put a pump on the aurora? It looks more difficult to get something set up in that regard.
BILL BREWER Greenhorn Posts: 
12 Dec 2016 06:43 AM |
Scott it would be a little more difficult to do it with the pump with the side feeds on it. But what I was going to tell you is that I received a used 30" Sniper in the shop.
Scott Crum Greenhorn Posts: 
12 Dec 2016 11:49 AM |
Bill, I may have talked to you on the phone a couple of days ago? Either way, when I called Carolina prospectors I was told they had one on eBay. At that point I was ready cancel my order from bazooka as I was fed up with the whole situation so I ordered the one I saw on eBay with the intent of cancelling my order to bazooka. The morning after I ordered the box off of eBay I got new information regarding bazooka and decided I would in fact wait for them. So the 24" sniper I ordered should be here on Saturday, and I have no idea what I'm going to do when the 36" sniper arrives from bazooka. I'll probably just sell whichever one I like less, but who's to say when that will happen. The price of my impatience has certainly caused me some annoyance, but we'll see how everything turns out in the end.