Kenneth Liedtke Greenhorn Posts: 
02 Aug 2016 08:17 AM |
While searching one of the gpaa claims in oregon I found cracks in bedrock with mystery substance and wonder what it is? It's a white clay chalk like substance that milks when put in water. Does quartz breakdown to clay? I dug out a little and panned, but no color. There is a lot more in the crack. The big question, should I follow the deposit???
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
02 Aug 2016 07:56 PM |
NO it dose not break down .I do not know how far you went down into the bead rock .The gold will be at the bottom.
Kenneth Liedtke Greenhorn Posts: 
06 Aug 2016 07:09 PM |
I only dug in a couple of inches. It is solid packed like white clay.I don't see how it could be washed in from the stream. It is not like any of the surrounding materials. It seems more like a mineral that formed in this 1/2" wide crack.
ROBERT HOBDY Greenhorn Posts:8 
12 Aug 2016 06:04 PM |
If the bedrock is igneous or metamorphic rock, try following the crack to where it widens or joins/crosses another crack with same clay like material. You may find some interesting crystals in the areas where it widens, such as quartz, aquamarines, beryl, etc. Rock-hounders often look for this feature in their search for crystals that could be gemmy. You will have to dig it out and wash it to find the crystals.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
12 Aug 2016 07:03 PM |
Kenneth, I am sorry to tell you that you found a large mound of goose droppings deposited in the dry season. LOL
Kenneth Liedtke Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Aug 2016 07:12 AM |
Sounds like I will be doing a little digging. Thanks for info